I'm using ImageMagick to rotate animated gifs. Simply:
convert image.gif -rotate 32 -alpha set -background none output.gif
Does anyone have a clue why output image is distorted this way and how to avoid this?
Without seeing the original image, I would suggest extracting each image, apply rotation, and then re-build the animated gif.
Example using the following gif:
convert anim_none.gif -scene 1 +adjoin tmp_%02d.gif
mogrify -rotate 32 -alpha set -background none tmp_*.gif
convert tmp_*.gif -loop 0 final.gif
And note: quality is expected to degrade with rotation operations.
The solution from emcconville didn't quite work for me. Part of the issue may have been that my layers were transparent and so not all the same dimensions. However, using his solution as a base and then modifying it based on things I saw elsewhere, I was able to get my gif rotated:
convert my_gif.gif -background transparent \
-virtual-pixel background -coalesce tmp_%02d.gif
mogrify -rotate -45 -background transparent -virtual-pixel background tmp_*.gif
convert tmp_*.gif -loop 0 my_gif_rotated.gif
Hopefully this helps others.
I am trying to change the background layer of a batch of png images to include a moving gif. I'm running on MacOs and imagemagick version 7.1.0-19.
There are two types of images I want to merge:
Overlay static images A*.png
Background image Moving#40.gif
The background gif takes 120 frames.
So far I have managed to build the images and create GIFs. However the animated gifs are not moving. I have tried including delay and loop but this does nothing. The code is as follows:
magick mogrify -format gif -delay 10 -draw 'image Dst_Over 0,0 0,0 "Moving#40.gif"' A*.png -loop 0
I have been looking for days for similar use cases but have not found a solution,I just recently got into ImageMagick so advice is much appreciated.
any ideas on how this can be accomplished?
One way would be to process them one at a time in a script loop, since one is a gif animation. Then you would use a null: separator and -layers composite. For example for one PNG.
Transparent PNG:
magick logot.png null: \( glitter.gif -coalesce \) -gravity center -compose dstover -layers composite -layers optimize result1.gif
See https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/anim_mods/#composite
Alternately, you can use -draw, but in the reverse with the png inside -draw and the GIF after magick.
magick glitter.gif -gravity center -draw 'image Over 0,0 0,0 "logot.png"' -layers optimize result2.gif
I am converting many 3D textures with imagemagick for a video game. My source files are png, my target files are png, too. But I notice that whenever the alpha channel drops to 0.0 my color information are gone (and I need them). I just want to scale all channels as they are. I guess there is a small switch that fixes that problem, but the deadline is near and I cannot find anything about that.
Simple command to reproduce this:
convert source-with-alpha.png -scale 2014 target.png (I also tried -resize and it also didn't work).
Doing just convert source-with-alpha.png target.png works fine though (but has no scaledown).
Thank you for your help.
I guess ImageMagick is trying to optimise something but not sure what/why. Maybe the idea is that if something is transparent you can't see it, so we might as well make it black so it compresses well.
Anyway, try separating the channels so they are all just treated as independent channels, then resizing and recombining:
convert input.png -channel RGBA -separate -resize XxY -combine result.png
I am not sure I understand your problem. I have no issue resizing a transparent PNG image with ImageMagick Q16 Mac OSX with libpng 1.6.36. Perhaps you need to upgrade one or both.
Make white into transparent:
convert logo.png -transparent white logot.png
Resize it:
convert logot.png -resize 25% logot_small.png
I tried Mark Setchell answer with two different versions of Windows imagemagick but I still have this issue.
RGB becomes 0 if alpha is 0 when resizing.
A workaround was to add alpha a little bit so it becomes non-zero:
magic.exe input.tga -channel a -evaluate add 0.2% -channel RGBA -separate -filter Quadratic -resize -resize XxY! -combine result.tga
or also (same result)
magick.exe ( input.tga -alpha off -filter Quadratic -resize XxY! ) ( input.tga -filter Quadratic -resize XxY! -alpha extract -evaluate add 0.2% ) -compose Copy_Alpha -composite result.tga
("-filter Quadratic" is optional)
Post one of your tga files so we can test with it. What is your ImageMagick version? There should be no need for any switch. This works fine for me on IM Q16 Mac OSX.
Make a transparent TGA:
convert logo: -transparent white logo.tga
transparent tga image
Resize by 50%
convert logo.tga -resize 50% logo2.tga
resized transparent tga image
I have several pictures of a landscape.
Using the ImageMagick CLI on OSX, I would like to distort and overlay them properly.
I have looked for distortion coordinates between several of the pictures and a reference picture. I fail to understand the diference between -distort and +distort and how it plays with +repage. When I use -distort, the output has the desired offset but it's incomplete (it needs to be bigger). When I use +distort, I get the full image but it's missing the offset.
Reading the documentation I understand that I could do without the offset if I did the overlay composition in the same command before the offset information is lost but what's happening is that the distort is being applied to both the reference and the distorted images.
This is the result of using -distort:
This is the result of using +distort:
The offset of the -distort result would work once I apply it as an overlay (here using the composite in a separate command, but it's missing a big chunk of the picture.
When I tried to consolidate it in a single command this is the result I get:
This is the command I'm currently using:
convert base.jpg overlay.jpg
-matte -virtual-pixel transparent -distort Perspective '961,1695 1856,2461 2279,1520 3185,2303 3564,2173 4441,2970 1547,2817 2441,3594'
-compose blend -define compose:args=50,100 -composite result.jpg
I understand I could use parenthesis there but I fail to see where should I put them.
Update: this is the result of the overlay when using +distort either in two steps or in a single step as recommended by Mark.
The solution was to use -flatten instead of -composite.
convert base.jpg \( b.jpg -matte -virtual-pixel transparent +distort Perspective '961,1695 1856,2461 2279,1520 3185,2303 3564,2173 4441,2970 1547,2817 2441,3594' \) -compose blend -define compose:args=100,50 -flatten result.jpg
Turns out that -composite ignores the image offsets whereas -flatten works with layers and uses the offset information.
The suggestion came from this thread: http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?t=20157
This is the documentation to flatten (link broken in the discussion above): http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/layers/#flatten
Not sure I understand the issues, but would suggest you try this (untested):
convert base.jpg \
\( overlay.jpg -matte -virtual-pixel transparent -distort Perspective '961,1695 1856,2461 2279,1520 3185,2303 3564,2173 4441,2970 1547,2817 2441,3594' \) \
-define compose:args=50,100 -compose blend -composite result.jpg
That would mean that the perspective distortion is only applied to the overlay, not the base. So, in the code above, the first line only processes the base image, the second line only processes the overlay, and the final line blends the two.
I'm wondering how to remove and replace transparency in an animated GIF with ImageMagick.
My goal is to take several pages with different aspect ratios and make an animated GIF that cycles through them.
I am using
convert -delay 50 -resize 212 -dispose Previous -page 212x275 -crop 212x275+0+0 +repage document1.png document2.png documents.gif 2>&1
to create the GIF.
This sizes my documents correctly, but leaves the empty space from the short images transparent, but I would like that to be white. How can I change the transparency to white?
I have tried
convert doc.gif -background black -alpha off doc2.gif
convert doc.gif -background black -flatten doc2.gif
-alpha doesn't seem to do anything, and -flatten removes the animation
I want to add watermark images to GIF animations with ImageMagick.
The following doesn't work: it just gives produces a weird single image with crazy colors, and the transparent-watermark.png doesn't seem to be there at all.
composite -compose Dst_Over background-gif.gif transparent-watermark.png final.gif
How can this be accomplished? It's similar to annotating but with an image instead of text.
convert background-animation.gif -coalesce -gravity NorthEast -draw 'image over 0,0 0,0 "transparent-watermark.png"' -layers Optimize final.gif
I've had same problem with
convert -delay 4 -loop 0 *.png animated.gif
And fix it adding -alpha remove
convert -delay 4 -loop 0 *.png -alpha remove animated.gif
Try -alpha remove or -background white(other cases) to fix it.