Testing Apps on a Device - trigger.io

When using trigger.io toolkit, there's an option that says
"Build and immediately run your app, either locally, on a simulator or on a connected device."
How do you run the app on a Connected Device? I want to see the app on my iPhone and see how it behaves directly. Is this possible?

I'm going to assume you're working on windows with an iPhone that's iOS8 because that's where you currently can't run your app directly on a connected device.
What we did to "fix" this is creating a Development Provisioning Profile with the UDID's of our test devices and added this to config -> tools in the trigger.io toolkit. In the forge you now select package -> iOS giving you a .ipa file. This .ipa can now be installed using iTunes on your test devices.
It's a bit longer than just clicking run on device like you can for Android but at least you don't have to send it to testflight and wait for apple's approval.

This is possible but it depends on your os.
If your on a Mac you can deploy to both ios and android devices from forge, just connect them via usb and build, grated you need to make sure iTunes sees your devices etc.. there are guides on the trigger site
If you are on Windows, you are unfortunate out of luck right now, this used to work but ios8 broke this so if your building on ios7 you could still do it on Windows, otherwise you would need to use testpiolet from apple


Automated tests in iOS with RobotFramework

I'm working in a project of develop a responsive webapp and I'm in charge of creating automated tests in order to test everything in 3 different places, Desktop web, Android web and iOS web with RobotFramework and Appium Library
Desktop and Android it's not the first time I've done it so I quickly configured everything, on the other hand I never tested or even develop anything for iOS (not even used an iPhone irl) and I know from a past experience that XCode has required to send data to the phone, in a similar way to adb for Android.
The real question that my research was not able to respond is: Is a MacOS environment running XCode needed in order to run regression tests? Or is it possible in someway just use Windows, Robot and a physical phone/emulator to run regression tests?
In the case that a MacOS is required do I need Apple Developer ID? (I remember a few years back that it was required for any iOS related development).
In case you're using MacOS and running with Real Device iOS you will require to have Developer Account to provision profile WebDriverAgent or Otherwise you need to have certificate from your developer to install on your Mac. Create Your Apple Dev Account. And if you want try with Windows you can try with Appium Studio.
Yes, you need a MacOS to test with Appium/AppiumLibrary and Robot Framework.
You don't need an Apple Developer ID to test on iOS (only need it when publishing apps to Apple Store).

Why cant I build apps on my PC but I can on my mac? Xamarin

So I got my MacBook pro yesterday in hopes of developing some local apps to build on my phone.
And after setting everything up, Visual studio on my mac and XCode, and I already had Visual Studio on my PC things started messing up.
I tried debugging my app on my phone from my PC, with the phone connected to my PC ofcourse, didnt work, so I read around on the internet for a good 4 hours and it said that I should create a blank project in XCode, and for the Signing in preferences I had to choose Team, so I did and it debugged the application on my iphone when my iphone was connected to my Mac,
However I DONT want to code on Mac computers, I want to use my PC.
But everytime I try to debug the application from my PC it keeps saying
Could not find any available provisioning profiles for iOS.
I am running a iPhone 7 with the version 10.1.1 because I dont want to update due to various reasons.
I tried changing the Deployment target to something really low but that didnt fix it.
Why is this happening?
Visual representation of what the error looks like
Not sure if this picture helps, this is the project properties > iOS Bundle Signing
And my device log is empty aswell.. Why?
ANother error message saying it doesnt support
I plugged it into the mac and now its visible in the Device log and I can see stuff happening in the device log but I still cant boot the project on my iPhone
Apple doesn't allow developing for iphone on a non IOS device. This simply means that you can't build apps on a Linux or Windows computer/laptop the normal way. You are stuck on building your project on an IOS device.
There are 2 options to fully develop on a Windows laptop though.
One way of doing so is by using your mac as a gateway to send your app from Windows to IOS to your phone. More info about this can be found here:
The second option is a newer one called Xamarin Live Player. You don't need to use a mac at all for developing, but you still need a mac if you want to publish the app. This option also works differently from normal development as you need to download an extra program on your phone.
You could try to do manual provisioning. Create a development provisioning profile at the Apple Developer site, and have XCode download it for you. Then it should show on your PC for you to select.
See the Xamarin documentation on manual provisioning for some more details:

How do I install the salesforce1 app on my iPad simulator

I'm trying to automate some functionalities of the salesfocre1 app, using Appium.
I have the application on my iPad (real device), but don't know how to connect it with my appium code.
I have the iPad simulator on my Mac but I'm not able to find any installer package files of the Salesforce1 app, to install it on the simulator.
I am not the developer of the above application, so I do not have access to the source code and bundle id, to run it on my XCODE and get it on the simulator.
I've previously done automation on Android using real devices/emulators but it was an easy case where we downloaded the app from play store and were able to test it on the emulator/real device, just wondering how to do the same on iOS. Please help, Thanks in advance.
It simply does not work that easy for iOS.
Since you want to run your Appium tests on real device, you need to build application (.IPA file) from source code or resign the one you have with your Apple developer account.
Then you need to build WebDriverAgent with same provision profile - so that Appium can interact with your application. Only with steps I described it will work.
So in your case:
1. No way to get source code - ask smb to provide developer build, release one in any case may not work with Appium.
2. No need to search - you won't find any installer.
3. No way to get Apple developer account - you have to use 3rd party cloud like saucelabs or browserstack, they will resign IPA file with theirs profiles and you will be able to run tests in cloud

How can I run my own ios app on my iphone 6S with iOs 10.2?

I developed an app with XCode 8. However, I don't really find any help how to run my app on my own phone. There are just some tutorials for running it on my phone with XCode 7 but those don't really work for me.
Does somebody know how to do that ? Thank you !
Go to http://developer.apple.com and log in with your Apple developer account.
Create a developer certificate
Create an app id for your app
Create a provisioning profile
Download the provisioning profile and import it into Xcode.
Connect your iPhone to your computer. Select your iPhone in Xcode.
Build and run your app.
Or let Xcode do all that for you, since it happens automatically if Xcode is connected to your developer account.
This process is all documented on Apple's developer web site.
AFAIK you just need to:
Start Xcode
Unlock your iPhone
Connect your iPhone to your mac using the Lightning USB cable.
You should be asked (by Xcode) if you want to use the connected phone as a development device.
You can check, if the device is know to Xcode by clicking on Window / Devices. If you connect a device for the first time a little bit of 'magic' is going on that takes a while to complete.
Something like this maybe shown add 'Devices':

simulate xcode without development account

We have an app in Xcode from our old developers. We are in the registration process for an apple developer account, but on internet I read it can take a couple of weeks before it gets approved.
Is there a way I can simulate the app (like with TestFlight) without sending the actual code to potential new developers?
You can't distribute the app unless you have it signed/provisioned with needed UDIDs (which requires developer program). You can deploy it on your(s) device(s) using XCode though.
You should still be able to run the iOS simulator, which is generally the default behaviour for the build-and-run button - you can download more simulator environments in Xcode -> Preferences -> Components if you're missing one that you need.
Update: If you want third parties to run the app, there's no practical option apart from TestFlight. This is because iOS uses code signing to prevent trojan or pirated apps being installed on their devices. In that case you can consider other options which will achieve whatever your goals are, for example making a video of the app in use or setting up VNC access to a machine with the simulator (and code) on it.
