How do I undo Rails template generation in Haml? - ruby-on-rails

I installed a new gem to my Rails project - 'phrasing' - which has gem dependencies on multiple Haml gems. I need the gem (it is adding some phenomenal functionality to my project), and need the dependencies to be installed, but now when I run rails generate scaffold, all of the view templates are generated in Haml rather than ERB. I need views to continue to be generated in ERB.
I reviewed several previous StackOverflow articles, but most focus on converting TO Haml, and the answers around making sure that ERB is the default generator refer to removing lines from the config files, which are not there in my case (it appears that the gems are controlling the default layout format somehow).
(Note: While I appreciate that there may be several advantages to using Haml, and I might consider using it in a new project, I'd like to keep this one consistent, and it's already 80% finished in ERB.)

Turns out this was as simple as adding the following into class Application in the config/application.rb file:
config.generators do |g|
g.template_engine :erb
Still not sure why the manual override was necessary, but it is. This fixes it.


How can I have Ruby on Rails output Bootstrap v3 scaffolding?

I'd like to be able to use Bootstrap 3 and Sass in my RoR project and have the scaffolding generator output Bootstrap 3 HTML. I'm using Ruby 2 with Rails 4.
Nothing too fancy - mostly just having the forms buttons have the appropriate CSS classes.
I've used the Rails Tutorial Sample App (ver 4) as a base which includes the bootstrap-sass gem - but when I use the generator the HTML does not have the proper bootstrap classes - for instance the buttons don't have the btn btn-default class.
I realize that the scaffolding is behaving as it was designed to, it is a base and is meant to be customized (or replaced) - but it seems like it should not be hard to also have the generated HTML be "Bootstrap Ready"
A related question had an answer where someone mentioned that editing the files in the directory lib/erb/scaffold like edit.html.erb - would override the default templates that Rails uses for scaffolding. I'm not opposed to that but I was hoping that there might be a something like a gem that already did this.
I like using the bootstrap-sass gem and I hope that there is a solution that would be compatible with it - I'd rather use scss than less
Seems like there should be several gems to do this.
I've had the same trouble but finally found this:
It includes Bootstrap 3.1 and provides scaffolding and you can choose haml and scss as well as other options.
For example when I did rails g scaffold Link guid:string profile:string media_url:string
It automatically produced this:
I did have trouble pushing my app that is using bootstrap-generators (v3.1.1) to Heroku. Heroku was giving the error File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap.scss
The fix turned out to be to modify the automatically generated bootstrap-generators.scss file. Change #import "bootstrap.scss"; to #import "bootstrap"; (eg just remove the extension).
The new gem fixes the bug. You no longer need to change #import "bootstrap.scss"; to #import "bootstrap"; in the bootstrap-geneerators.scss file.
If you need to customize your generated views more you can actually override the default views with your own.
Just put them in lib/templates/{erb|haml}/scaffold. You can see some example files here.
This may be what you're looking for

Rails gem with CSS and javascript

I've got a simple rails gem (created using bundler) and I'd like to extend it by adding some CSS and javascript functionality. However, I'm unsure how to go about this and where to add the files. In particular, I need need more information on how it all fits together with the asset pipeline once it gets included in another project.
Can anyone give me the lowdown on how this works and either provide some simple examples or link to a tutorial? Literally 1 css and 1 js file is all I'm looking to include. Thanks.
You could write the gem as an engine. This allows you to have an app folder in the gem just as any Rails application would have. You can add models, views, controllers, assets etc.
Once you have it set up it's quite intuitive and it's a familiar way to create a gem if you're used to creating Rails apps.
This should get you started:

How to create a custom scaffold generator in Rails 3?

There are these railscasts. With this one you find out how
to create a stylesheets and scaffold generator. With this one you find out how to add some files to modify the scaffolding views.
I want to do a mix of the two. I would like to create a generator that also creates scaffolding views. Kinda like Ryan Bates nifty generators or web_app_theme gem ( I have been searching for a tutorial or some information to point me in the right direction but I can't find exactly what I'm looking for.
I know I'm close. I already know how to create a generator with Railcast 218 but now, how can I make it create view files too?
I would like to run a command like this...
rails g my_scaffold_generator Post title:string body:text
This may well be too late to help, but as I found this while Googling for the same info...
It seems to me that the best approach, at least for learning the ropes, is to duplicate and then alter the existing scaffold generator.
So the first thing that tripped me up is finding the default templates, which do not live in your rails-3.2.0 directory (or whatever version you are on), but in railties-3.2.0. So for my RVM-based installation they were at:
[Note: your gems directory could be somewhere else entirely, use $> gem environment to find your gem paths]
In here is erb/scaffold/templates/ which has the files you'd expect (new.html.erb, _form.html.erb etc).
You can copy these files to your app's root, into lib/templates/erb/scaffold/ and they will be used instead of the default ones.
If you want to use these in a custom generator, there are two approaches:
1) Use hook_for to call the regular ERB scaffold generator from your generator.
2) Move/process the templates inside your own custom generator, using copy_file and similar methods in Thor to move them into place.
There is a decent Rails Guide on this, although I found I didn't really get it until I started digging around in .../railties-3.2.0/lib/rails/generators/... and looking at how the defaults are structured.

Rails 3: What CSS styles are expected by Rails?

I am creating a custom CSS stylesheet for a Rails 3 application.
Is there a list anywhere of the CSS styles that Rails relies upon? So far I have found:
Many thanks.
The css for the flash-messages you can choose yourself, as they are normally defined in application.html.erb (there is no default definition for flash-messages in rails 3).
For form-styling i would recommend using a gem like formtastic, which not only greatly simplifies making forms, but also provides a standard css file. So all needed tags are then known (and can be overwritten if needed).
If on the other hand you are looking at ways to get your complete layout started quickly, you might want to checkout web-app-theme or activo (which is even more complete).
A fresh Rails 3 app will not require any specific CSS class/id styles beyond the three you just mentioned, which is why no default stylesheet is generated until you start scaffolding.
If you run script/rails generate scaffold MyModel it will create a stylesheet called scaffold.css which the generated views will rely upon.

Create plugins or gems for Rails 3?

I have features I would like to be portable between my own Rails applications.
I wonder if I should create a gem or a plugin for each feature I want to be portable (sharable).
They are just for Rails (for now) because they include css, html, js and image files.
But I have been wondering, the things provided with plugins could be provided with gems too but not the opposite? So maybe it's better to learn how to create gems, because then you I don't have to learn how to create both gems and plugins? And gems seem to be more popular these days.
But then, from what I can understand one gem is shared between all rails app in the OS. So that means I can not customize it for each Rails app right? In that case, maybe creating a plugin is better cause it should be allowed to customize (editing css, js etc) each feature and to have it stored inside the Rails app itself and not in the OS level.
Some advices would be appreciated!
So gem works great with css, html, js and image files? In a plugin I think you can have a MVC, your own models, views and controllers. Quoted from Rails guides "Storing models, views, controllers, helpers and even other plugins in your plugins". Is this possible too in a gem? Eg. I want to add a extension that gives me a nice Shopping cart (with own migrations, mvc, asset files) that will be hooked into the current Rails app. Is this possible as gem or only as plugin?
You're right that gems offer a little more than plugins. Versioning and dependencies on other gems being the main ones for me.
One gem needn't be shared across everything using ruby. You can install multiple versions of a single gem and specify in your environment.rb that a gem requires a specific version. E.g.
config.gem 'my-gem', :version => '1.2.3'
Also you can freeze gems into your rails application so that you know you are working with a specific version.
You might want to look at the jeweler gem which makes creating your own gems easier.
To include CSS, javascript etc I think you'll need to make an Rails engine which can then be bundled as a plugin or a gem. I've not done this but there's some coverage here and here.
The push with Rails 3 seems to be towards gems and away from plugins as a lot of support has been added to make gems work as well or better than plugins ever did. A well constructed gem is a great thing to have and share between different applications, and also reduces the amount of testing you will have to do since you can test the gem thoroughly before integration.
For extensions to Rails that use CSS, HTML and other assets, it might be that you need to build an engine to bundle this all up and allow it to fit neatly into an application.
As of Rails 4, plugins will no longer be supported.
Gems are the way forward.
