Where to find worklight.plist? - ios

I'm using this URL to implement the App authenticity for iOS.
However, I need to know where to find the worklight.plist to make sure that the applicationId is matching what i'm putting in the application-descriptor.xml.

The worklight.plist file is available only after building the MobileFirst application using the MobileFirst Studio Eclipse plug-in (or CLI commandline tool).
For Hybrid applications,
You can then find the worklight.plist file in the your-project\apps\your-app\iphone\native folder.
For Native applications,
You need to only generate the NativeAPI for iOS and it'll be located in the generated folder, in your-project\apps\your-nativeapi\WorklightAPI folder. You then need to follow the native apps tutorial to copy over this (and more) files to the Xcode project.

Thank you,
I have found it after building the project inside the native folder.


Static library integration in Swift Application: RSA SecurID SDK for iOS

I'm trying to integrate RSA SecurID in my existing iOS Application.
It doesn't seem to be a straightforward way of achieving this task.
Here is what i've tried so far:
The files included in the zip downloaded are the following:
Add the files inside inc folder to my project as well as the libSecurIDLib.a .
Check in build phases if the library is linked in binary .
Check in build settings if the library path is correct .
Clean and Build APP and keep getting these ugly and counterintuitive errors.
Anyone have any thoughts on why i'm having this problem.
It has anything to do with the headers?
You haven't added the other dependencies that are listed on page 38 of the Developer's Guide.
Specifically these errors are caused because you haven't added libxml2, but you also need libsqlite3 and the System configuration framework.

Google Sign In SDK different configuration files for each target

I'm working on an app that has two targets for a lite and a pro version.
We are using Google's Sign In SDK for the authentication which requires a configuration file called "GoogleService-Info.plist".
Is there a way to have two different files with the same name and different targets, so each version uses the configuration file required?
Or there is a way to change the configuration file that the SDK uses? I haven't found a way to do this on Google's documentation.
The easiest approach to achieve this, is to create a separate directory in your project folder for each file. After that, you will be able to add both references and assign them to each target with no issues.
Source: BraveS - Copy file to root of XCode project when building

VS-MDA: Custom iOS-Framework in Plugin

we want to create a MobFox-Plugin for our hybrid apps. It is already running well in CLI-Cordova Apps, but it does not work in our hybrid apps, because it seems that the directory structure of the framework (the symbolic links between headers and version directory) is destroyed by Windows, where the framework is inside the plugin in the mda project. If I start a build, the header directory of is not recognized as a symbolic link, but as an ordinary executable textfile on the Mac.
This is how I include the framework in the plugin xml:
<framework src="libs/ios/MobFox.framework" custom="true"/>
I also tried to copy the MobFox.framework to the SDK Frameworks Folder and reference it like the standard system libraries (which work well):
<framework src="MobFox.framework" />
But this also fails, though the Framework is now included correctly in Xcode. But the compiler now says that it cannot find the MobFox.h-class, this is how it's included:
#import <MobFox/MobFox.h>
So I really think that the problem is that Windows cannot handle the symbolic links inside the .framework File. Does anybody has a workaround or solution for this problem? Or an idea why my Workaround with placing the file in the Standard-Frameworks Folder does not work?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Same problem here - it appears that when the plugin is published to the cordova registry it loses the symbolic links inside the .Framework package that tell XCode where everything is.
They are maintained on git, so it is something in the plugman export/publish that is going wrong.
So for example
cordova plugin add https://github.com/uxcam/cordova-uxcam
will work for the plugin I am writing, but not
cordova plugin add com.uxcam.cordova.plugin
which is the published version.
If you delve down into the 'plugins' folder of the project you added it too and 'show package contents' on the com.uxcam.cordova.plugin file you can then get into 'src/ios'UXCam.framework' and see how it has messed up the symbolic links in the framework folder that should point at the Headers folder and a link the the library binary as well.
Reference: Cordova bug report here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-6092
Update: I've worked around the problem by manually putting files in the framework into the places they need to be. So now on the github project I reference above you can see that the framework library is directly in the UXCam.framework folder, and there is an explicit Headers folder that has the UXCam.h file in it. This works for a published plugin now.
Not an ideal solution and every time I update the framework I'll have to fix the layout again, but works for now until I can find the proper place to report the problem.

Worklight - Building iPhone environment

I am working on Worklight version 6.1.I have created a native ios environment.I added controller classes in the Xcode project and added native functionalities. I have added .js files in the eclipse project.Now I need build my iPhone environment.But I am afraid that native content (Xcode project) will get lost,after building the environment.What is the solution for this.
I should build at the same time native content shouldn't be lost.
How to do this...
Your explanation is VERY raw... it doesn't make much sense to me.
have created a native ios environment
What is that exactly? do you mean that you:
Created a Worklight project and added a Native API for iPhone, or
Created a Worklight project, added a Hybrid app and then added the iPhone environment to that application
Created a fully native project in Xcode?
The distinction between the 3 is important, and you need to mention this in your question in clear wording.
If what you mean is that you went with option 2 above, then your JS, CSS and HTML can be either in the common folder or in the environment folder.
If you then want to add native code, you need to first build your project and then open the generated Xcode project in Xcode, write native code and make sure to copy it back to your Worklight project in Eclipse.
I added controller classes in the Xcode project and added native
Where did you add this? In which file? in the classes provided by Worklight in option 2 above, or in a new Class.
Either way, you need to bring these files back into Eclipse.
In Eclipse, you can create a iphone\nativeResources\Classes folder. During build-time in Eclipse, the files in this folder will be copied into the iphone\native\Classes folder, and when opened again in Xcode - your native code will be there...
Note: if you created your own class file, you will need to reference it in Xcode (right-click > add files...). Worklight cannot do this for you.
I believe your customizations should not be lost. Have you tried making the build already and your resources were overwritten?

How can I get Xcode to find the <Everyplay/Everyplay.h> header?

When using the Everyplay SDK, Xcode properly recognizes the .framework and .bundle from the beginning, without me having to point to the directory manually, but the "Headers" file in the .framework doesn't seem to parse into anything.
It's plaintext-readable as Versions/Current/Headers, but that doesn't seem to actually let Xcode know how to get to the header files found in that directory. As a result, EveryplayUnity.h fails at #import , since it can't find that header.
How can I get Xcode to find this header?
This is usually the result from unzipping the SDK on Windows environment, which doesn't support typical symbolic links used by Mac OS X/Unix environments.
On multi-platform development environments, it's usually best to extract the SDK on a Mac and use the tools there (git, svn, ..) to add it to your version control system of choice.
