iOS / XCode separate layers in targets - ios

I am fairly new to iOS and XCode and come from .Net background. So in Visual Studio I would usually separate the layers of my application (say WebApp layer, business logic layer, data access layer etc.) into separate project so I can have control over what each project depends on etc.
So my question is if there is something similar in XCode? I tried using the static library template for a target and it seems to be working but I am wondering if there are any drawbacks for this approach? All the examples I find on the Internet just show a folder structure in the app target for the layers is this the preferred way of doing it and why?
I am also using Swift if that makes any difference but I still do have dependencies on 3rd party libraries developed in Objective-C

New in Xcode 6 / iOS 8, you can make a framework, thus dividing your code into multiple targets. This is a nice easy way to separate reusable functionality. It also has the advantage of privacy; in Swift, each framework is a module, and one module that imports another module can see only those members of the imported module that are declared public.
In general, however, I would suggest that you not worry about this; just keep your classes organized conceptually using the MVC architecture that Cocoa encourages, and physically organize them within your project using "groups" (the fake folders that appear in Xcode's project navigator). The reason is that very little of your code is going to prove to be reusable anyway, so it's really just a matter of making editing / developing / maintaining this project as easy as possible.


Can't Use Swift-Generated Shared Framework in Objective-C

This is a variant of the old "dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib" problem. I'm pretty sure I know what the issue is, but I don't have any ideas on how to fix it.
I'll reference the project I'm working on, so I don't clutter the question with huge blocks of code.
The project generates a dylib that can be thrown into another project, and abstract a huge block of coding for developers (a communication layer of a client/server system).
I want the framework to be as simple as possible to to use; even if that means making it a big fat pig. I just want people to be able to toss it into their project (Swift or ObjC), and not have to worry about playing around with different variants for things like simulators and devices.
I use a variant of the old Wenderlich script to lipo the executables for x86 and ARM together.
Note the commented-out section. There be draggones.
Works great. In Swift.
Objective-C, not so great. That's because of the various Swift frameworks that need to be carried into the Objective-C program.
I switched on the embed frameworks setting, and the target dutifully gives me all my frameworks.
The problem is that each architecture has frameworks for ONLY that architecture. They aren't "fat" frameworks, so my hand-built "fat" framework really is kinda skinny, because it will only work on certain architectures.
My question is whether or not there's a way to ensure that the Swift frameworks I embed can be made "fat," or if I just have to give up, and package different variants of the framework for Objective-C programmers.
Any ideas?
I'm giving up on this sucker.
You cain't git thar f'm here.
This library will be Swift-only.

Create Framework / Library / Module of Swift Objects in Xcode

I am a (very) novice iOS/Swift programmer with a basic question about moving reusable software objects to their own ... something.
I am developing three iPhone apps that present information from three distinct data sets. Those data sets contain unique information but are structurally similar. As such, the apps share some Swift classes that are identical, specifically the classes that model the data. As I continually refactor the code, I find that when I tweak a class in one app's project, I have to remember to go to the other two projects and make the same tweaks to the same classes for those apps. It's getting to be a big headache.
What I would like to do is have one class definition in its own ... something that I can share, link, import, or attach to/from each app's project. From my online research, I suspect that the ... something is a library? or maybe it's a framework? or a module? I have found all three terms are used, but I am not sure how they relate to each other.
Given that all of the software I am writing is in Swift, does Xcode support what I am trying to do? Thank you!
It seems you have the issue of needing the same Swift class in multiple projects. You could build a Framework (aka Module) for this class then copy it in to each project. This is probably the formally correct approach but it is a bit of overkill for just a single class.
Instead, you could just make the file in the Navigator panel a reference in each project to the one actual file.
You could also make a Workspace and then put each project into the workspace and just have the file at the top level (but this may introduce some build complexity).

How to share and keep dynamic libaries up to date?

So I watched the whole video ("Building modern frameworks") here and I still have some questions. The last 11 minutes is the actual demo if you want to watch it, but to sum up he creates a framework and then stops. He does not show how to share it or place it in other projects.
1.) In order to use the frameworks in other projects I have to import both the simulator framework and the device framework to work? Is that correct?
2.) Can I copy the actual framework out of the build folder to use in other projects?
3.) Is it possible to keep the framework up to date among different projects? Like change method A in the first project and the change is also visible in the second project?
4.) The guy from here has also an option for keeping pieces of code in sync with different projects. In short: He makes a project (framework) places all the code in it who should be the same in other projects. He then copies the framework in other projects and does not copy the framework in there, but just links it. Is this a good method? Will this be accepted by Apple?

Best way to integrate a complex Xcode project into another

I would like to integrate an existing Xcode project A into another project B so the second one could reuse some features.
Project A :
quite complex, manage authenfication + session, a lot of dependencies betweens classes (notably UIViewController)
relies on a dozen of Cocoapods dependencies
the project lives on its own : it's a sale channel/ticket shop that is already deployed on the store as it
constant evolution
Project B :
Project customer side that would love to integrate some parts of the sale channel
Complexity might be very variable (using Cocoapods or not, etc)
Basically we can either deliver and package the e-commerce shop for one of our customer if he does not already have an iOS application, or we have to integrate it in their existing one.
Expectation :
ideally we could pursue the evolution and iteration on the core Project A without having a lot of work to make it available for integration (it would be more cost efficient for us to work on a single project than on the core one and separate SDK/Library made from scratch)
we want to make it easy to integrate for the customer on its own
The approach we have been thinking to are :
build a .a library file. But it does not seem really practical considering the size of the project
dropping the .xcodeproj from A into B (à la ZXing), but it was a pain because of Cocoapods dependencies
Simply adding all the classes from A into B (with a proper packaging into folders first), manage Cocoapods for B (add dependencies from A if Cocopoads already used or set it up), and make all imports easier by editing .pch accordingly.
What would be your suggestion ?
Since you are already using cocoapods I would try to do a private pod(s) with the shared characteristics. That way you can easily track versions across projects and use the same tool to manage all the dependencies.
This approach also would make easier for the customer to integrate as he will see the shared code from the pod as long he has access to the repository but not the complete main project.

Xcode 4 iOS project structuring questions

I have my first iOS application under my belt (a relatively straightforward iPad app, to be released in a month or so), but now I'm moving on to something more ambitious, and could use some advice.
My next project will actually be two distinct but closely related iPad applications that will share quite a bit of core functionality and a common data format. So my instinct is to develop these two applications in conjunction with the development of a core framework shared by both, and I'd like this shared framework to use CoreData and also provide GUI elements (NIBs, view controllers) that can be used by the respective apps. My further instinct therefore is to create 3 Xcode projects: one iOS app project for app A, a second iOS app project for app B, and a third, CocoaTouch framework project for the shared framework.
1) Is this the right way to structure my development, or is there a better way to do concurrent development of two closely related apps and a shared framework?
2) Can a framework use CoreData? (I ask this because when creating a CocoaTouch framework project in Xcode one isn't offered the option of having it use CoreData -- nor the option of having units tests -- as one is when creating an iOS app project).
3) Is there a way to "convert" an iOS app project into a framework project, or, perhaps preferably, rather to build an app project into a framework target? That would let me create the framework project with all the Xcode setup freebies (NIBs, core data, etc.), instead of adding all that stuff manually.
To answer question one, I wouldn't work this way. I would create one project with three targets, two app targets and a framework target. Maybe in the future I would move the framework to its own project when it had stabilized and if I was going to use it for even more iOS apps. Having all the targets in the same project reduce synchronization problems when working on code shared among the targets.
To answer question two, Xcode just doesn't include the template support to add Core Data and unit tests to a starter framework project. I see no reason why you can't use Core Data in a framework.
To answer question three, just add a framework target to your iOS app project, and move the appropriate portions of your iOS app to the framework.
