Instruments > Automation - Script and Editor Log open simultaneously - instruments

In the Instruments Automation tool, is it possible to have the Script and Editor Log panes open simultaneously (e.g. vertically split)?

No :)
I recommend to edit script in an external editor and then run via console. That's easy:
instruments -w "iPad Air" -t "Automation" ~/ -e UIASCRIPT my_script.js

To add on this, please make sure you export the script first if you created it within the trace document and then delete it form the trace document. If you do not do that, it will be overwritten when you reopen the trace document with instruments.


iOS - UI Automation multiple scripts with reset application

I am looking for solution where I can set my javascripts with order and when each script would start it would be independent on previous scripts. So I can run just one script or group of them and it would be working same.
I find that I can create one script file and use #import keyword, something like this:
#import "AddStaticContentMissingName.js"
#import "AddStaticContent.js"
It's working and both scripts are running but second one starts where first one ends and that is what bothers me. I can set first one to end when the second one needs but I don't like it. I just one to script do what should test and then end. So is it possible to before each test restart application or something like that? I want to have UI testing automate as possible so what or you using? Or are you using another tool then UI Automation?
Bonus question: I was looking for solution how to run this from command line and/or with Xcode Server. I guess Xcode Server is problem but for command line there is a solution. Problem with solution which I found is that I isn't portable right? I don't have any way how can I add some script to my repository and if someone try use it there would be problems with paths. Example of command I found:
instruments \
-w your_ios_udid \
-t "/Applications/" \
name_of_your_app \
-e UIASCRIPT absolute_path_to_the_test_file
If you want to reset the application between scripts, you need to do it yourself with a combination of app code and UIAutomation code. (Apple will be replacing Instruments with something that works better, but for now this is the only way.)
For example, if your application doesn't use the "shake" gesture for anything, you could use that to trigger a restart within your app (not closing it, just returning it to a known state). Then at the top of every UIAutomation script, you could just call the method for the shake gesture.
In the testing framework we wrote, we set up our own RPC channel to allow us to expose non-UI functionality (like resetting the app) to automation scripts. It really doesn't matter what system you use to make it happen, as long as you can reliably get the app to a known state.
I might be too late for this but it's totally possible to accomplish what you want. Basically, create a bash script (or any other script) and include the commands to run your two automation scripts:
instruments -w <UDID> -t <template> <app> -e UIASCRIPT <script1>
instruments -w <UDID> -t <template> <app> -e UIASCRIPT <script2>
Run that and your app will restart after the first script creating a trace file per run.

Error when attempting to run UI automation script from jenkins

I am using Xcode 6.1. And i need to run a UI automation script from jenkins as a post build action. The command that i use is shown below.
instruments -t $TRACETEMPLATE -w $DEVICE $APP_PATH -e UIASCRIPT $SCRIPT -e UIARESULTSPATH $RESULTS_PATH | grep "<" > test-reports/test-results.xml
When i run that the following error is thrown by jenkins.
Failed to authorize rights (0x1) with status: -60007.
2014-11-12 16:31:30.685 instruments[488:2607] -[XRSimulatorDevice prepareConnection:]: Unable to authorize simulated daemon (99637): 8
Instruments Trace Error : Target failed to run: Permission to debug was denied.
Any help is much appreciated.
The user that invokes Instruments must have developer permissions. The user must be in the _developer group.
Security permissions allowing the user to access Instruments must be set. See the man page for DevToolsSecurity
The user must be logged in to a window server to use the simulator. How to do this will depend somewhat on your Jenkins and OS configuration for that user. In older versions of MacOS creating an SSH connection back into the machine and running Instruments through that connection typically worked. YMMV.
Note that any of the above steps escalates the rights for the Jenkins user, which was security implications.
I got an almost identical error message to yours, and it seemed to be because when Jenkins is launched as a Launch Daemon, it doesn't have access to the screen, even if you log in as "jenkins".
I found the solution from reading this discussion:
You can either launch Jenkins from Terminal with java -jar jenkins.war, or you can create a Launch Agent, which runs as the logged-in user and has access to the user's screen.
I achieved the latter solution by moving /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist to /Library/LaunchAgents/org.jenkins-ci.plist and removing the UserName key and value from the plist. Now Jenkins doesn't start automatically when I boot the machine, but it does start when I log into the desktop, which is required for running UI Automation tests anyway.
It appears that Jenkins still can't actually launch the Simulator app, but if Simulator is already running, the UI Automation scripts proceed just fine.
I also got this error message. Moving service from LaunchDaemons to LaunchAgents didn't solve the problem. My solution was as following:
remove the service by deleting /Library/LaunchAgents/org.jenkins-ci.plist file
create an iOS application using Automator tool. (Which I think exists by default):
I chose "Library" -> "Utilities" -> "Shell Script".
Enter the content of /Library/Application Support/Jenkins/
Put export JENKINS_HOME=/path/to/jenkins at the top.
Save the app somewhere
Go to Preferences -> Users & Groups -> choose your user -> Add the saved app.
This way, jenkins is run as an application after login and it has all the privilages of any other application.

Running Automation script without running Xcode

I have written a UI automation script in Instruments and Its working perfectly. Now I want to know is there any way that I simply double click on script and Its start working or at least I don't need to run Xcode for running the script.
instruments -w 1.device_id -t /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Instruments/PlugIns/AutomationInstrument.bundle/Contents/Resources/Automation.tracetemplate 2.application -e UIASCRIPT 3.script -e UI-ARESULTSPATH 4.results path
The ones marked with 1. 2. 3. 4. are the variables that you type. Use this code, put in your device id, app, script and result path and run the whole line in Terminal

How to run instruments with new instances from the command line?

I want to have the ability to run scripts on multiple devices with instruments at the same time.
I found that if I open new instances of instrument (File -> New),
I could run many scripts on different devices at the same time, but I need to run this from the command line.
I have the command:
instruments -t mytemplate
and I can add to this:
-i # The index of the instrument to apply.
how can I find the index of instrument?
or how do I tell the command line to run a script on a specific instance of instruments?

Export instruments trace data via command-line for leaks

I am using the following script to run leaks instruments from the command-line.
instruments -t /Applications/ <app path>
after executing the command, i get instrumentscli0.trace file. How can i get readable data about leaks from that file.
Is there any way to export the results to a text file via any command. In automation template we can specify an output folder using the switch -e UIARESULTSPATH.
you can click "instrument > export data" in the menu to export the recent result to a .csv file. but i don't know how to do it with command line
