Truncate UILabel before it runs into another UILabel dynamically - ios

Basically, I have this situation:
Two UILabels in a UITableViewCell. They're both constrained to the top of the cell. One is constrained to the left of the cell, and one is constrained to the right of the cell.
There exists a change that the UILabel on the left can run into the UILabel on the right. Is there anyway to truncate the text x points before it gets to the UILabel on the right?
Right now, I handle this by giving the UILabel on the left an explicit width that ensures it will truncate before reaching the UILabel, but the explicit width is not dynamic based on screen size. If there is a larger screen size, it might not need to be truncated. I'm new to iOS development and am not sure how to do this.

The best way to achieve this is in auto-layout. Make sure the label on the right is a fixed size, you can even change it programatically if you need to accommodate to screen size. But the thing is this one needs a width constraint. The label on the left does not have a width constraint, instead do a horizontal spacing in front of it to the cell border and from it's trailing end to the start of the label view on the right. It will widen and shrink to fit the size that's left for it.


How to horizontally align two UILabel (with fixed and variable width)

I have been facing issues horizontally aligning two UILabel and one UIImageView like this:
First label has variable width, can be truncated if long. Second label has fixed width, it should always be aligned to right of UIImageView. It should never go off screen. UIImageView is aligned to right of first label.
I have tried embedding them in horizontal UIStackView but the image + second label always aligns to end of cell. Got the same issue when trying without UIStackView.
Please help.
You can embed both label and horizontal StackView into another horizontal stack view. Then, you'd need to set the dynamic width Label's Content Compression Resistance Priority (you can find this property at the bottom of the Size Inspector), to be smaller in order for it to shrink.
Then on the container StackView (the one that contains all views), you'd need to set constrains to top, bottom, leading to 0 to the superview and the trailing to be greater than or equal to 0, for it to not take all space of the superview, but at the same time not get offset if the content is too wide.
I hope that is clear enough!

Why UITableViewCell's overlap each other?

I have a simple UITableViewCell that contains UIImageView and 3 UILabel's. Here, I provide a normal look of the cell to understand the problem deeply:
As you noticed, the description label can be long, so I set numberOfLines to 0. But the problem occurs when that description is empty or small. Cells start to overlap each other. Here is how it looks when the description is empty or small:
If you noticed, pictures overlap each other. The constraints I gave to views are the following:
UIImageView: Leading to superview, width and height, center vertically
BookName(bold label on top): top and trailing to superview, leading to UIImageView
AuthorName(orange label): top to BookName,trailing to superview, leading to UIImageView
Description(gray label): trailing and bottom to superview, top to AuthorName and leading to UIImageView(book image)
I also provided Content Hugging and Compression Resistance Priorities. I provided them only for UILabel's. I set the smallest for description label in order to it grow and shrink.
What I've done to solve the problem?
I realized that if a description is empty, the cell becomes smaller. In other words, labels decide the size of the cell. Also, considering the fact that UIImageView only gets centered vertically, I thought that my constraints are incorrect. So, I decided to get rid of centering vertically the UIImageView. I set top, leading, width and height constraints only for UIImageView. Other constraints were the same as above. But it didn't help, here is the result:
As you see, UIImageView gets out of cell boundary. I thought that it happens because I don't provide bottom constraint for UIImageView. But I provide it for description. So, the next try was actually providing that bottom constraint. So, I provided top, left, bottom and width constraints for UIImageView. I left other constraints the same. Initially, the result was surprising to me. Here is how cells look when there is no description:
Seems like, everything is good(anyway, the image is too small, it tries to fit cell size, that is controlled by labels), but after scrolling UITableView, cells are changing their sizes and somehow updates their constraints. Here is what happened:
I also tried to set estimatedRowHeight and automatic dimension, but it didn't help and I don't think that the problem is solved in this way. So, any help is appreciated.
Keep constraints on the Image view as leading to superview, width, height, vertically centered. Keeps constraints on book name and author label as is. Now On the detail label put constraint as top to author label, trailing to superview, leading or left to image view, bottom to superview. For bottom to superview constraint on detail label change relation to greater than or equal to in Attributes inspector. Change constant to a value you need.I suggest increasing the constant and testing till you get the desired result. Start with something around 20 or 30 and test and then increment value to something else till you get the effect you want. At some value of this constant you will get the effect.
Hope this helps.
NOTE: This is assuming that your Book name label and the author label at least have some text. It can fail on other devices, so also use size classes to set different constraints

UILabel max height with AutoLayout

I have a multiline UILabel inside a custom keyboard extension. I want this label to grow to fill the content up to a certain height, at which point I want it to just cut off the rest of the text.
Because the keyboard has different heights depending on the device and orientation, I can't just set a simple less than or equal height constraint.
What I tried was to constrain the bottom of the label to the top of the buttons below, with a greater than or equal constraint. This works to a certain extent, but causes the keyboard to grow in size as opposed to the label being forced to cut off its text.
How would I force the label to a max height, without directly using a height constraint on the label?
Put the label in a UIView and constrain the view's height to less than or equal.

UITableViewCell dynamic constraints

I am making filling a UITableView with custom cells of dynamic heights. I am using the methodology as described here.
For the purposes of simplicity, say my cell contains 2 UILabels as shown below.
The purple UILabel will remain the same height for all cells in the UITableView. In this case, the purple UILabel is taller than the green UILabel. I would like the constraint between the bottom of the purple UILabel and the bottom of the contentView to be 8.
However, there is a second scenario that is possible as shown below.
In this case, the purple UILabel is still the same size as the first case (even though it looks smaller, but since the overall cell height is larger, relatively, it looks smaller), however the green UILabel is much larger. In this case, I would like the constraint between the bottom of the green UILabel and the bottom of the contentView to be 8.
Now my dilemma is that I can set either one or the other (I am using storyboard). But I cannot think of a way to make both possible at the same time. My guess is that you would need to adjust constraints programmatically during runtime depending on the size of the green UILabel.
Any thoughts?
I am using XCode 6.1.1 in Swift.
Thank you.
If the purple label is always the same height, then you should just set the height constraint of the element, rather than setting its bottom constraint to superview as 8.
For the green element, perhaps you could select both that element and the contentview and set them as having equal heights from the "add new constraint" pane at the bottom of the storyboard window. Then, select that constraint and edit its multiplier value in the attributes inspector to some value less than 1. That would make the element's height always be some percentage of the parent view's height. You could tweak that around until it gets you close to the desired 8px from the view below it.

Align UILabel Text to bottom left corner

I have a UILabel that is positioned on top of a UIImageView. The text can be various lengths, so it is necessary that I make the label as large as possible (The same size frame as the imageView). The problem is, I don't want the text from the label to cover the image by being directly in the center of the image. It's easy to set left alignment in a UILabel. Any clue how to set vertical alignment as well? Basically I want the text to hug the bottom left corner no matter what length it is without being cut off.
You can accomplish this with Autolayout. If you set up your constraints so that the label is fixed to the bottom left, but don't set a height constraint, Autolayout will use the label's Intrinsic Content Size. This just means that as the label gets more text / changes font / etc, the label will grow in height and will only ever be tall enough to contain all the text in the label.
