Swift 1.2 crashes with .lowercaseString - ios

I have this relatively simple method for filtering a tableView's datasource objects.
func filterCategoriesWithQuery(query: String) {
= placeCategoriesTableViewDataSource.placeCategories.filter({ (category: JSON) -> Bool in
let categoryName = (category["name"].stringValue).lowercaseString
if categoryName.hasPrefix(query.lowercaseString) {
return true
} else {
return false
This worked perfectly well prior to updating to Swift-1.2/Xcode-6.3b but now it always crashes when lowercaseString is utilised. It seems there's a bug with the lowercaseString method?
With NSZombieEnabled or breaking at malloc_free_break I can see that it crashes with [CFString release]: message sent to deallocated instance
Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug? Any workarounds?

This is a bug in the first beta of Swift 1.2.
On the Apple Developer Forums, Chris Lattner mentioned a similar bug with uppercaseString that should be fixed in the next beta.
Until then, as a workaround, you can try to change the Swift compiler optimization to none in the build settings of your project. This helped me to get around a similar issue I had with an Array.


Realm crash on iOS 10 with 'String'

I have recently released a new version of our app and during beta testing, it's crashing on all iOS 10 devices but not other versions. Since we have Crashlytics, we found a strange crash message in the backend that we can confirm is the reason all iOS 10 crashing since it's 100% iOS 10 and there's like 40 of them.
It reads as follows:
Fatal Exception: RLMException
Property Article.id is declared as String, which is not a supported managed Object property type. If it is not supposed to be a managed property, either add it to ignoredProperties() or do not declare it as #objc dynamic. See https://realm.io/docs/swift/latest/api/Classes/Object.html for more information.
And here's the object:
class Article: Object {
#objc dynamic var id: String = UUID().uuidString
// others...
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
As you can see, this is perfectly nomral and runs fine on other iOS. In Realm's doc, it LITERALLY SAYS to use String with #objc dynamic and there's no way it's unsupported. I suspect there's nothing special about Article.id, and since Article starts with A, it happens to be the first String property of all realm Objects. Maybe somehow all Strings stopped working on iOS 10?
Can anyone offer some advice or insights?(Please don't say things like drop iOS 10 support. For now, we need it.)
We ran into the same issue a couple of times, trying to drag Realm fully into Swift. This is not really the answer but more of a workaround we've had success with when needing backward compatibility.
It's an ObjC object, not Swift.
There's something going on with the bridging, perhaps conforming to NSCopy'ing or something along those line, so just change it to read
#objc dynamic var id = NSUUID().uuidString
See the Getting Started Guide in the Models section which calls for using NSUUID
NSUUID: An object representing a universally unique value that bridges
to UUID; use NSUUID when you need reference semantics or other
Foundation-specific behavior.
Turns out it was a Realm's bug. We happen to have another app that runs just fine on iOS 10, and after some inspection we realized that it was using Realm 4.3.2, instead of 4.4.1. After we downgraded Realm to 4.3.2, this problem disappeared.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when trying to encode a subclass of a Codable-conformant class

I must be a moron or something but I'm scratching my head for a third day in a row and can't figure out what's going wrong with my intention to encode some JSON data in my Swift program...
Here's the situation:
I've got two classes as follows:
class Node: Codable {
// Nothing in here
class Shape: Node {
// No code here too
Then, I have an attempt to encode the subclass as follows:
do {
let encodedData = try JSONEncoder().encode(Shape())
} catch {
This is all I have added to an empty Single View App project. When I run it, I get "Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x350)" crash.
Of course, initially my classes used to have a lot of properties which were Codable too. I thought it was any of them, so I stripped them off but it appears it's not the properties that are causing the crash...
I'm running Xcode 9.3 on a High Sierra MacBook Pro. Is there anyone willing to reproduce this or anyone already bumped his head into such an odd behavior?
This is a known bug and you can work around it by turning on Whole Module Compilation mode for the Debug configuration, or by upgrading to Xcode 10 beta.

suddenly UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey is unavailable

I don't understand this. Suddenly, I couldn't use the in iOS 9.0 introduced UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey identifier for accessing text input messages in notifications. Xcode 7.1 says: "UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey is unavailable".
But I can see this value in UIUserNotificationeSettings.h.
In Watchos2.0 I have this value.
Any Ideas?
I'm seeing the same exact thing in the release version of Xcode 7.2. Instead of using the key UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey, I've gotten it working using the string version "UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey".
So for me this is doing the trick:
if let response = responseInfo["UIUserNotificationActionResponseTypedTextKey"] as? String {
// Your code here

Attempting to store to property '' within its own willSet

Im getting a weird warning in the editor which I need help understanding what it wants
Attempting to store to property 'someProperty' within its own willSet, which is about to be overwritten by the new value
var someProperty:SomeClass! {
willSet { someProperty?.someFunction() } // Get warning: Attempting to store to property 'someProperty' within its own willSet, which is about to be overwritten by the new value
didSet { ... }
When I run it it is doing what I want it to do with no crashes or warnings in console, so I see this as just a false positive. So can I suppress it in any way because its annoying? :(
This is a known bug, reported in the Apple Developer Forum: https://devforums.apple.com/message/1065306#1065306, with the workaround
of adding an explicit self:
willSet {
Update: I could not reproduce the issue with Xcode 7.3.1 or Xcode 8
anymore, so that seems to be fixed now.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when updating Swift dictionary after using it for evaluate NSExpression

I'm using a dictionary to evaluate an expression, when the expression has variables and the dictionary is actually used by NSExpression, something happens and I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS when trying to update the dictionary, this only happens when debugging in an iPhone6, not in the simulator and not in an iPhone 4S.
let strExpression = "a+b+20"
let exp = NSExpression(format:strExpression)
self.dictionary = ["a":10.0, "b":15.0, "c":25.0]
let value:AnyObject = exp.expressionValueWithObject(self.dictionary, context: nil)
let doubleValue = value as Double
self.dictionary.updateValue(doubleValue, forKey: "c")
Something really weird is that if i add this line just after creating the dictionary, then it woks fine:
let newDic = self.dictionary
I,m using iOS 8.1. Thanks in advance!
With #bensarz comment, I thought it might be helpful for others searching for answers if I put the response into an actual answer instead of a comment.
Per #LeeWhitney's response on a similar post:
Looks like a compiler bug.
Have you tried switching between Release and Debug then rebuilding? If debug works but not release it can be an indication of a compiler/optimizer bug.
Does it happen in the simulator also?
Your code works for me on iOS 8.1 with XCode 6.1.
The issue seems to be solved by changing the 'Optimization Level' under the 'Swift Compiler - Code Generation' to 'None'. The issue seems to be with the 'Fastest' Compiler optimization level.
Also, a work around that I've found original before the compiler change:
If you use a let statement prior to assigning values in the dictionary, it seems to alleviate the issue. More information found at link below:
EXC_BAD_ACCESS on iOS 8.1 with Dictionary
