custom uitableview section design - ios

I would like to have a custom section design for my app.
The particular case would be to have a text displayed on the left of the section elements.
Could someone help? i've attached a image to better explain what i mean.
Let me elaborate: I would like to have a uitableview with N number of sections, each with variable number of elements per section. For each section, i would like to have a description on the left of the rows. The scroll show act as in any other uitableview.

You must have a table view, in each cell in the left side add a label and on the right side add a new tableview.


Display few cells inside table view and scroll the rest

Inside my UITableView I have 2 types of cells lets say A and B.
Initially, my table shows only cells of type A and when the user taps on any cell, I display a list of type B cells to give sort of a drop-down effect. Now the issue is when I tap on a cell of type A it's drop-down may have a large number of type B cells, so what I want to do is limit the number of cells in the dropdown to 3 and then scroll the rest of them in the same position and then have the list of type A cells after that. I have no idea how to do this, any help is greatly appreciated.
Try to set bellow constraint in your internal tableview that is collapse and expand.

How to make an effect of expandable UICollectionView cell in iOS

I have a collection view 3x3.
Item (collection cell) contains some icon and label.
I want some additional text to be shown inplace when user touches the cell. The view with this text must be fullscreen width.
In other words I want to insert a view with text between collection rows. It's desirable that the view appears with animation.
How should I do that? The first ideas I've got are:
Divide CollectionView rows into sections and use section footer for this purpose. Make this footer of zero size and show it when needed.
Dynamically create full-width cell and insert it at the end of the row where selected item is located.
Both methods seems tricky to me. Maybe there is more straight forward way?
Any ideas? Thanks!

UITableView with Horizontally wrapping cells

I am looking for how to, in Swift and Interface Builder, create a UITableView in Xcode where the table has a set width (example: padding to left and right edges of superview might be 8). In the table, I want cells to go across the first row. When a new cell can no longer fit in the first row I want it to go to the second row. When a new cell can no longer fit on the second row, I want it to go to the third row, etc. I only want the table to scroll vertically.
If anyone can point me to examples or documentation on this I would greatly appreciate it.
You are looking for UICollectionView.

UITableView sections to always stay within view

I have a UITableView with 3 sections:
section 1:
the header title of this section is "Players" and the cotent is exactly 1 cell containing a horizontal list of 1-4 players names.
section 2:
the header title of this section is "Rounds" and the content is X cells each containing a horizontal list of each respective players score for round X.
section 3:
the header title of this section is "Totals" and the content is exactly 1 cell containing the sum of each player's round scores.
Right now, all these sections scroll as section 2 expands with new rounds, but I want to always keep section 1 at the top of the screen, and have section 3 right below section 2, until it expands down to the bottom of the screen and then stop and stay there.
I guess I could do this with 3 separate table views inside a UIView but that seems kind of convoluted and I section 3 wouldn't stay right below section 2 until it expanded to the bottom of the screen; it would just always be at the bottom...
Is there a way to keep a table section/row always visible, and have the others still scrollable?
Use 3 UITableViews as you discussed, and just animate the position of the Third tableview to move it down each time you add a cell to tableView 2, until it reaches the bottom of the screen then just leave it there. (Also you will need to expand the height of tableView 2 as you add elements to it.)
Otherwise, like Cyrille said, there is no way to implement that with one tableview only.
Not with the standard UITableView implementation, no.

Create a splitview-style view using two tableview

I want to create a view, such as the attached picture, which looks like a splitview.
In the left view, this is a catalog list, like a content. Once a row is selected, its subitems are displayed in the right view.
[The desired view, the left column lists the catalogļ¼Œ the right column displays items which contain in the left catalog]
I used two tableview, one narrow tableview on the left, one wide tableview on the right. Both was controlled by one UITableViewController, by tag.
However, I cannot deal with the data source. The right tableview datasource should depend the left tableview selected row, but it didn't. And I have no idea how to do.
I want some suggestion with sample code, Thanks very much !
