Capybara webkit doesn't pass params from angular - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to port a selenium test suite to capybara-webkit. The Rails app has an angular app embedded in the rails views and is not behaving as expected with webkit.
A test like this:
require 'spec_helper'
feature 'Editing company profiles' do
before do
#user = create(:employee)
#company = Company.find(
sign_in_as! #user
scenario 'successfully', js: true do
click_link 'Dashboard'
click_button 'Edit'
fill_in 'company_name', with: 'new name'
click_button 'Save'
expect(page).to have_content "Your company profile has been updated!"
Will pass without issue in selenium, but with webkit I get the error
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
param is missing or the value is empty: company
# ./app/controllers/api/v1/companies_controller.rb:23:in `company_params'
# ./app/controllers/api/v1/companies_controller.rb:10:in `update'
The trace is missing, maybe because it's from angular land, but the error is reporting that no params are coming from the client. I've tried the capybara-angular gem, but it has not helped. I've also tried saving the page with capybara and nothing looks out of place there, are there any ways to access the PATCH request inside of webkit that's being generated in this test? I've also gotten similar errors with poltergeist.
Has anyone setup headless rspec testing with angular + rails? Any tips on how to debug why data isn't being sent over from the client?

Without seeing all of your code, this feels like it could be a problem associated with a known issue in the capybara-webkit gem is unable to pass entity bodies to the server.
I suspect that the update request is being sent as a PATCH request (which is appropriate), but the issue with the gem results in failure for your tests.
A workaround to your problem is to change the method of the request to PUT or POST, the issue linked above shows some options. You will be able to get your test to pass, but it's up to you to decide if changing the request type is worth getting your test to pass.
Note: In practice it may not matter if you don't actually use PATCH, as you could technically use (some of) the other http methods interchangeably -- but use caution as there are reasons to use a specific http method for a given situation. See this post from a few years ago for some details.


Rails - Minitest + Capybara + Selenium - Test destroy action

I am new to Minitest / Capybara / Selenium. But I want to test my destroy Controller action. I an trying the following and it is failing
test "destroy" do
companies_count = Company.count
visit company_path(#company)
click_on "Delete"
assert_equal (companies_count - 1), Company.count
test_destroy FAIL (2.17s)
Expected: 6
Actual: 7
Tried this way also.
test "destroy" do
assert_difference('Company.count', -1) do
delete company_url(#company)
Minitest::UnexpectedError: NoMethodError: undefined method `delete' for #<CompaniesControllerTest:0x000056171e550038>
Can someone help me in testing my destroy action?
Assuming you're using a modern version of Rails (5.2/6) and a standard system test configuration (not running parallel tests in threads) then the concerns in the answer of Gregório Kusowski are irrelevant because the DB connection is shared between your tests and your application, preventing the issue of the tests not being able to see your apps changes.
Also assuming you're using Selenium in these system tests, the main problem you're dealing with is that actions in the browser occur asynchronously from your tests, so just because you've told your test to accept the dialog box doesn't mean the action to delete the company has completed when it returns. The way to verify that is to just sleep for a little bit before checking for the change in count. While that will work it's not a good final solution because it ends up wasting time. Instead, you should be checking for a visual change that indicates the action has completed before verifying the new count
test "destroy" do
companies_count = Company.count
visit company_path(#company)
accept_confirm do
click_on "Delete"
assert_text "Company Deleted!" # Check for whatever text is shown to indicate the action has successfully completed
assert_equal (companies_count - 1), Company.count
This works because Capybara provided assertions have a waiting/retrying behavior that allows the application up to a specific amount of time to catch up with what the test is expecting.
Note: I've replaced the page.driver... with the correct usage of Capybaras system modal API - If you're using page.driver... it generally indicates you're doing something wrong.
This is very likely to happen because what you execute directly in your test happens in a transaction, and your web-driver is triggering actions that happen on another one. You can read more about how it happens here:
Here is a similar issue: Rails integration test with selenium as webdriver - can't sign_in
And as it is stated in the Rails Guides and the similar question, you will probably have to use a solution like
If you don't want to do this, the other option you have is to validate that your action was successful via the web-driver, like for example asserting that there are 6 rows in the table you list all companies.

Capybara click_link works wrong

I have such bug. Here is my code:
it "shows places sorted by date of creation" do
click_button( I18n.t("models.places.actions.index.sort_by"))
sorted_places_names =
link_names = all("").map(&:text)
expect(link_names).to eq(sorted_places_names)
And my problem is that click link here must to send params:
"?by_created_at: true" and controller response with sorted places by date of creation, in descendant order.
My problem is when capybara clicks on this link, GET request have only path, without params needed.I`m using poltergeist here.
Also I have such test:
it "shows orders today" do
today_order.customer.reputations << create(:reputation, place: place)
visit place_statistics_loyalty_path(place)
expect(page).to have_selector("#order_#{}")
It tests out similar behaviour. And it works properly, but here I am not using js.
Is it javascript driver problem ?
Thanks. Sorry for bad text, it`s my first question.
What you're looking to do is use Poltergeist's "send_key" method as shown here in the documentation:
Setting the keys using that method and then proceeding with clicking the link should work.
Are you sure you're actually using poltergeist for that test since there is no js: true or driver: :poltergeist metadata on it? If it was not using poltergeist and actually just using the rack_test driver then no JS would get excuted and you would likely see the behavior you're seeing.
If you are actually using the poltergeist driver then it's possible you have a race condition, due to click_button being asynchronous, which could cause the by_created_at parameter not to be set before the link click actually happens. You can test if that is the issue by putting a sleep 2 between the click_button and click_link calls

Faking instance variable in RSpec and Capybara feature spec

I'm trying to set up some feature specs before I get into refactoring some of my company's old code. It's kind of an unconventional setup, but I was able to figure out enough about test doubles to bypass the authentication enough to get started. One problem I'm still having is that some of the instance variables set in these methods I'm bypassing are expected by the view, so I get undefined method for nil:NilClass errors. I would like to get the specs running before I make any changes to the program code. In this case, I could easily just move the particular instance variable to another method. But I'm sure more situations like this will come up. Here's the example I'm currently working on:
def security_level
#right_now =
# other code that wont work without
# connecting to a remote authentication
# server
Then in my spec:
feature 'Navigation' do
before(:each) do
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationController).to receive(:security_level).and_return(nil)
scenario 'is possible' do
visit root_path
expect(page.has_content?('Quick Stats'))
Here's the error, coming from #right_now.year in the view
Failure/Error: visit root_path
undefined method `year' for nil:NilClass
# ./common/views/layouts/bootstrap/layout.haml:63
EDIT: Is there a way to set instance variables on the controller from within a feature spec?
There's no easy way to accomplish what you want.
The feature spec is handled mostly by Capybara, not RSpec. Capybara runs the majority of the browser / rails server behavior in an external process. This make it inaccessible from RSpec's point-of-view. Thus you cannot use stubs / doubles in this manner.
Feature specs are largely meant to be end-to-end acceptance tests. The idea is to exercise your system as those who would use your system do. Generally, in these types of specs you perform various "workflows". This means, having the spec, log a user in, navigate to particular pages, filling forms, clicking buttons and links. You then generally make your expectations on what you see in the view.
This means your spec would look more like:
feature 'Navigation' do
let(:regular_user) { User.create!(name: 'A Regular User') }
def sign_in(a_user)
visit sign_in_url
# fill out form
click_button 'Sign In'
before(:each) do
scenario 'is possible' do
visit root_path
expect(page.has_content?('Quick Stats'))
end may provide enough ldap functionality for your feature tests.

capybara: post, get methods not working when changing name of requests directory to features

After upgrading to the latest version of Capybara, all of my visit methods stopped working so I followed a solution presented by some people which was to rename the requests spec directory to "features". Now my visit methods are working again but any get or post method in a request spec causes this error:
undefined method `get' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_1::Nested_1::Nested_1::Nested_1::Nested_1:0x007f9cce9adc20>
Here's the code that triggers the error:
describe "getting posts" do
before { get(forum_posts_path) }
it "should respond with a 200" do
response.response_code.should == 200
Any workaround for this?
You don't rename the spec/requests directory to spec/features: you have both:
Tests that use the Capybara DSL (visit etc) and usually assert against page go in spec/features.
Tests that use the rack-test DSL (get etc) and usually assert against response go in spec/requests
See this StackOverflow answer for details, specifically the external links there.

Capybara click_button works, but how do I evaluate the JSON response?

Soo, if Capybara can interface with the DOM and my app makes a form submit via AJAX and returns some JSON, can Capybara see that at all? I'm not finding any way to get to the AJAX response in the Capybara API.
Here's an example of kinda what I'm doing:
# Cucumber step_definition
Then(/^I should be able to create a household$/) do
click_link 'Next'
page.should have_selector 'form#household-form'
fill_in 'Name', with: name = Faker::Name.last_name
click_button 'Create'
page.wait_until do
page.evaluate_script('$.active') == 0 # really awesome hack to wait for ajax
end eq name
I'd rather not hit the database again to test the result, but instead do something like:
xhr.response_data.should be_json
Verifying that my json response is what I thought it should be.
I'm just experimenting here, trying to get used to Cucumber and Capybara.
You should mark your scenario / feature to run as a JavaScript feature by tagging it with #javascript:
Scenario: Title goes here
What this will do is to tell Cucumber to run the selenium-webdriver gem which will launch a real browser (Firefox) and run the test inside that browser. The browser will of course evaluate the JavaScript and then Capybara will be able to see what it outputs.

