Ability to monitor filter beacon data in wireshark using MAC address - wireshark

What would be the filter command in wireshark to find the specific MAC address of the beacon ?
So for the MAC address of F4:8B:F9:B0:61 how would I filter out this specific beacon in wireshark?
Error after following tutorial by davidyoung :
"Error in column 'payload protocol' dissector not found"

If you want to use Wireshark with Ubertooth, you must either build or buy the Ubertooth board: http://ubertooth.sourceforge.net/
I have not done this, so I can not speak to the exact steps or the relative merits of this approach. The approach I have taken to sniffing Bluetooth LE traffic is to buy a TI CC2540 USB dongle, which you can get with sniffing software for Windows: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/BLE_sniffer_guide

An alternative to the Ubertooth that #davidgyoung mentioned is the Adafruit Bluefruit LE Sniffer. At $30 it is significantly cheaper than the Ubertooth.

Assuming you already have a hcidump or know how to create one.
try following as filter:
frame[7:6] == F4:8B:F9:B0:61
In Version 1.10.6 it seems to give me only the packages from that specific beacon.
It's possible to even create a dissector for the advertising data, if you know how to decode it.


How to capture and send packets via Macbook

I want to capture and send some packets to the access point for testing purposes. I have the packet captures made via wireshark but I do not know how to proceed to be able to send these packets from my macbook.
I tried things like scapy, colasoft etc, but they do not seem to work as they require an external wifi adapter to be able to relay these packets outwards.
Two main questions:
Is it possible to send custom packets from macbook to a required access point. (Without using external network adapter).
If yes, what are some tooling/Scripting options that I can look at ? Any recommendations?
I am networking novice so please pardon me if the question is trivial. Thank you!
Your builtin Wifi adapter likely does not support Wifi injection.
You can check this by googling the Wifi chip that is within your computer (there are various methods to get that info depending on your OS) whether it supports Wifi injection or not.
So yeah, you'll likely need an external card (check the specs before buying it)

Requirements for initiating a print on a 3D printer via USB

I thought it would be fun to implement a rudimentary version of Octoprint that can receive a gcode file and initiate a print on my Prusa i3.
What are the requirements for initiating a print on a 3D printer via USB?
You can use the pySerial library in Python to send raw G-Code to the /dev/ttyWhereverYourPrinterIs serial device. Most printers specify their baud rate in their UI, or user's manual. My printer says its USB baud rate is 115200.
Quoting Gina Häußge:
If you are only targeting a very specific printer with a very specific firmware variant: serial connection and then read up on https://reprap.org/wiki/G-code. It becomes a horrible nightmare to implement and maintain though when you take the thousands of firmware variants out there into account, so beware.

Lora Sensor (Elsys ERS) to Lora antenna (Multitech Antenna)

I am using Lora technology to send Data from a Lora sensor (Elsys ERS: link) to a Lora Base station (multitech MultiConnect Conduit IP67 Base Station: link). I have configured the sensor using an android application (using NFC) as in the manual. For the configuration, I followed the manual (link) of the base station and a youtube tuto (link), but I still do not know how it works.
Now I want to know how to receive a data from this sensor using the cited base station.
PS: the multitech bas station is equipped with a lora antenna.
Thank you for your help.
The solution is to update the software version, called Application Execution Platform (or AEP). Then, you have to "Save and Restart" the system. After that, you can add all the nodes you need by only using the AEP.
It is recommended to "Save and Restart" each time you do a modification on the system. Elsewhere, the modifications risk not to be considered by the system.
For more information, please visit the YouTube channel of Multitech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-Nw7I6yCuY&t=296s
Good luck.
Make sure your MultiTech gateway is running the latest firmware, 1.6.4 as of this writing.
You will have a bunch of LoRa settings, you will be able to see uplink packets and send downlink packets too.
Most important configuration parameters are:
* DevEUI (like a MAC address of the device).
* Frequency sub-band (your gateway can only do one sub-band, your sensor needs to use the same one; more expensive gateways can do 2 or more sub-bands).
* AppEUI (like a group of devices, the sensor will connect to it)
* AppKey (Encryption key)
If those 4 things are match then your device should be able to connect.

How to monitor packets using Snort features?

I want to create a network intrusion detection system for iOS application. The main function is to allow the user to select a home network (maybe prompt them to simply enter the IP address only) and to be able to monitor the packets and if there is anything suspicious- we need to alert user via push notification or email. i wanted to use the features and functions of Snort, an open source network intrusion detection system.
Any Suggestions,Sample code ?! Where to start?
VM's do not have native hardware access, which is necessary for monitor mode. Maybe IOMMU PCI passthrough or bridged devices might work. It is probable that it is possible to compile the iOS kernel with a module that works for the wireless nic. I don't think it's a proprietary chip specific to apple, because a chip with multie technology capabilities in RF wouldn't be cost effective qt all. I'm just not sure if the filesystem blocks access in the OS framework or whatever. I have tried to compile linux/iOS ARM packages natively in the shell with the aircrack-ng source, but have not had any luck. Maybe someone would have better luck actually cross-compiling a package and sideloading it somehow.
I don't think this is possible for multiple reasons:
You wouldn't be able to compile snort for iOS.
In order to run snort you have to have the interface (NIC) in promiscuous mode, which I really don't think you can do on an iOS device (iPhone, iPad, etc) but I have never really looked into it, but Apple probably locks this down and restricts this for security purposes so if you could do it you'd likely have to jail-break the device first. It's not even possible to put the wifi card in an Apple laptop into monitor mode, which is similar.
There are a lot of dependencies for snort, most importantly the DAQ. You would probably only be able to monitor the wifi interface (even this might not be possible), not the interface used for the cellular network as this is probably a different daq than standard Ethernet nics.
This very likely is not possible on iOS, if it is it would be VERY difficult to pull off and even if you did the use case isn't really good. Even if you could get a daq for the cellular card, I don't know if promiscuous mode even exists and if it did all of the traffic on the cellular network is encrypted, so inspecting this with snort would be pointless. If you could do it for the wifi traffic it's probably not worth the effort honestly, especially since almost all traffic nowadays is encrypted, you'd have to decrypt it first, which certainly isn't possible to do.
In the view of Johnjg12's comments, I am wondering about your goal. If you want to make a NIDS, you can make it OS independent, anyway. If you want to consider only HIDS that monitors packet destined to it, we don't need it to be in promiscuous mode (a comment to Johgj12's response). so, now it is something to do with Snort on iOS. I am wondering if we can do it on a VM and then turning its promiscuous mode? Having said that I came across a link: https://www.securemac.com/macosxsnort.php

Need help using Arduino R3 as serial-to-usb converter (to program something)

I have researched (and learnt quite a bit), but I have little experience in programming and only really understand basic sketches so far. I would like to use the Arduino R3 (more specifically, the usb to serial converter chip) to program a full-size hobby radio.
I have connected my radio to the Arduino appropriately (5V, Rx, Tx, Gnd) and put the Arduino into Tristate mode (apparently you have to do this..), but I seem to be lacking appropriate drivers. I basically want my Arduino R3 to function exactly like this: CP2102 . Please note that I am not being super cheap. To get something like that where I live would take at the very least a month. Some people also say that I should remove the Atmega chip. The ultimate goal is that I have a device, with drivers, on a com port and not just an "unknown device".
So, my questions are: leave the Atmega on, or remove it? and which drivers do I need?
EDIT: I found almost exactly what I need just after I posted. For some reason I couldn't get it to work, but maybe you could help me understand? Here's the link LINK If anyone is keen to help me out!
Just to make it clear: it has been done before, but I get the feeling people leave out things which they think are obvious, but to the not-yet-professional tinkerer like me aren't :/
Thanks so much!
It seems like the links you reference are for older Arduinos with an FTDI chip. The Arduino Uno doesn't use that. Here's a link for using the Uno
So! All of the older Arduinos (NG, Diecimila and Duemilanove) have
used an FTDI chip (the FT232RL) to convert the TTL serial from the
Arduino chip (Atmel ATmega). This allows for printable debugging,
connecting to software like PureData/Max, Processing, Python, etc.
etc. It also allows updating the firmware via the serial bootloader.
The good news about the FT232RL has royalty-free drivers and pretty
much just works. The bad news is that it can -only- act as a
USB/Serial port. It can't act like a keyboard, mouse, disk drive, MIDI
device, etc.
The Arduino Uno has a number of facilities for communicating with a
computer, another Arduino, or other microcontrollers. The ATmega328
provides UART TTL (5V) serial communication, which is available on
digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An ATmega16U2 on the board channels
this serial communication over USB and appears as a virtual com port
to software on the computer. The '16U2 firmware uses the standard USB
COM drivers, and no external driver is needed. However, on Windows, a
.inf file is required. The Arduino software includes a serial monitor
which allows simple textual data to be sent to and from the Arduino
board. The RX and TX LEDs on the board will flash when data is being
transmitted via the USB-to-serial chip and USB connection to the
computer (but not for serial communication on pins 0 and 1).
Basically the LINK you provided, shows the user HACKING the Arduino. Using the USB/Serial(TTL) converter(what ever chip that is on your Arduino) to link to the Radio's Mini Din connector, in place of connecting to the Arduino's CPU.
As stated in other answer the Arduino uses a CHIP (of some flavor) to bridge the USB(Virtual Serial Port) to the Serial Port of the ATmega328 micro. These pins are available on the Shields connector 0(RX) and 1(TX). Hence you see the picture wiring those pins to the Radio's DIN connector.
Where I would expect in addition the RESET of the Arduino's CPU would be held to GND, this would force the pins into Hi. Simply with an extra wire jump the RESET pin to a GND.
It's working! Somewhere along the line the drivers for my arduino seem to have been deleted, so I reinstalled them, did what you said, and learnt something.
So to clarify for others: pretty much plug and play (as the link I posted suggests), but make sure to install the arduino drivers properly.
Thanks a lot for the help!
