iOS - Search View Controller glitch - ios

I can only assume the effect above is happening because Search Display Controllers are normally designed to work with just a navigation bar above them. As you can see, in this design there is a toolbar containing a segmented control underneath the navigation bar.
This is creating quite a mess as can be seen in screenshot two. Is there any way to just disable the Search Display Controller position animating effect or offset it differently in any way?
The end goal was simply to have 3 different lists in 3 different views and have each one filterable. Any ideas how to get around this view glitch?


How do I create custom transition animations similar to Snapchat in Swift on iOS

We're creating an application with a design concept similar to Snapchat. On the base level, we have three Views that are supposed to be horizontally swipeable, with the camera view being in the middle.
The Views are also supposed to be selectable via a Tab Bar. While the views are being swiped, the transition should also manipulate the color of the Tab Bar aswell as the size of some elements on the Tab Bar, similar to how Snapchat does it:
Our UI Designer made a mockup for our specific application in Adobe XD:
The button has been made independent from the Tab Bar, as it is supposed to do some interaction with the controller beneath, even if the Tab Bar disappears.
I've been trying to figure out how to best implement a navigation like this for about 10 hours now. I've come as far as trying to create my own AnimationController for animating between Tabs coupled with a custom InteractionController, but those have been unsafe and buggy at best, and I still haven't figured out how to animate the button at the same time as the views.
Has anyone tried to implement a design similar to this and succeeded? Could you lead me in the right direction of which methodology to use to achieve a design like this?
Thanks in advance everyone.

Too Many Items for Nav Bar Layout in iOS

I need some help figuring out how to fix the layout of a navigation bar in an iOS app. When adding navigation to 'child' views of a given screen, my approach so far has been to add buttons to the 'leftBarButtonItems' collection of the UINavigation item. As long as the number of buttons doesn't exceed 3 or 4 everything works great.
Unfortunately, I now have a screen that requires additional buttons. Everything seemed to build fine, but when I actually run the application I end up with a jumbled mess like this:
Is there a better way to layout a UI with nav and toolbar buttons like this? If putting the buttons in the nav bar is actually the correct way, what do I need to do to make the layout handle cases where the content can't fit?
I wouldn't bother with adding any extra buttons. Users expect most apps to behave in similar ways, and (while this is technically possible) it's an unusual thing to do.
Apple's HIG states:
Avoid crowding a navigation bar with too many controls. In general, a navigation bar should contain no more than the view’s current title, a back button, and one control that manages the view’s contents.
And, even if you choose to ignore Apple's HIG, this will certainly won't be good for accessibility. Your users can (and will) change the text size with Dynamic Type - so your assertion that it's OK if the "number of buttons doesn't exceed 3 or 4" will be proven false by someone.
You'd be better to add a toolbar instead, or find some other way of providing those features.
The navigation bar often has the title of the previous view on the left side. The right side contains a control, like Edit or a done button, to manage content within the active view.
Navigation bar Example
Apple documentation recommends to avoid crowding a navigation bar with too many controls.
A navigation bar should contain no more than the view's current title, a back button, and one control that manages the view's contents.
For the back button you should use the standard one. As for the text-field it should have enough room. If items in the nav bar are crowded consider separation by inserting fixed space by using UIBarButtonSystemItemFixedSpace constant value in UIBarButtonItem.
For more information visit the following link.
The way to go when you need 3 or more items is by using either nav bar or toolbars. You can combine both nav bar and toolbars. For more information use apple documentation on toolbars.

How to Customize Toolbar inside a Navigation Controller

I have a noob question.
I am developing a simple app that uses a navigation controller (so, a nav bar on top, and a toolbar is shown on bottom via interface builder; I use storyboards). This nav controller shows a number of related tables (table views) on different screens.
My question is: I want to populate the toolbars for each screen. Ideally, I'd like to populate a label there that shows a little summary text about the contents of the table view currently displayed - but I understand that that may not be the purpose of those toolbars, and not be supported by the UIKit toolbar view.
But what should work (to my modest understanding) is to show buttons there - individualized for the current screen. But I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to do that (I tried in interface builder - but on each screen controlled by the navigation controller, the toolbar is shown, but can not be accessed; it is also not referenced in the outline for that screen - only the outline for the navigation controller shows a reference to a toolbar, and if I change anything in it, which is possible, it does not show up in any of the screens controlled by the navigation controller).
Hope this is clear enough. I think this is a very simple issue to do - but I am stuck; Google searches didn't help me. Maybe someone of You can point me to some keywords to look for?
Thanks a lot for considering!
Best regards,
What exactly are you trying to drag into the navigation controller bottom toolbar?
From my experience you are only allowed drag out Bar Button Item's along with Fixed and Flexible Spaces.

How do I display the same navigation bar throughout many views?

I can reproduce the following navigation bar for one view:
However, once I move to the next view after clicking a button, I lose the top two rightmost icons(Search, Profile). I understand that setting up navigation item from a storyboard is usually per view. I can replicate those items for each view but I was wondering if there was a better way to do it once.
Is there a tutorial that explains how to maintain a custom navigation bar across many views?
You need to set it up for every view. You should probably create a superclass and implement it there, so you only need to actually write the code once.

UIViews & View Controllers And why is it always...

Why are all the examples dealing with UIViews and there ViewControllers always incorporating a navigation bar, a tab bar, a split view, or a table view?
What is stoping me from creating say three plain UIViews, and three view controllers and using gestures to navigate between the views? Is there an architecture in place that would prevent me from doing this?
Techincally nothing prevents you from doing this, and you can always make yout own navigation systems with custom gestures and animations etc. Using the standard way of coding (i. e. with navigation bars, view controllers, etc.) is recommended though if you don't want to make a special UI and just create a standard "iOS-looking" application.
