Ember date belongTo with serialized id - ruby-on-rails

App.Locale = DS.Model.extend
language: DS.belongsTo("language")
App.LocaleSerializer = App.ApplicationSerializer.extend
language: { serialize: "id", deserialize: "records" }
Using ember with rails as the backend. I am trying to create a locale, which has a dropdown to select a language. My idea is to pass a language_id to the backend, however I get the following when I submit.
{"locale"=>{"language"=>"15" }
How do I convert this to look like
{"locale"=>{"language_id"=>"15" }

Assuming that you're using the ActiveModelSerializer, I think your answer is here. Just add the key attribute to the hash:
App.LocaleSerializer = App.ApplicationSerializer.extend
language: { key: "language_id", serialize: "id", deserialize: "records" }
If you only want to use language_id when serializing, but get language when deserializing, you can always override serializeBelongsTo:
App.LocaleSerializer = App.ApplicationSerializer.extend
serializeBelongsTo: (record, json, relationship) ->
if relationship.key is 'language'
json.language_id = Ember.get record, 'language.id'
#_super record, json, relationship


Nested query GraphQL : Syntax error - iOS

I am working with Apollo GraphQL and have to call nested query .But while call the Query in .graphql file it showing
Syntax error : Expected Name, found {
Let me know how to call Nested query of GraphQL.
I have to call getAllproduct{....} query with the specified parameters.Here the FilterInput having the parameter as location with another pattern of query , so I don't know how to call this nested query.Anyone please help me to find out the solution.Thanks...
If an argument is an Input Object Type (as opposed to a Scalar), you can include the fields of the Input Object Type by using curly brackets.
query MyProductsQuery {
pageNumber: "someString"
filter: {
title: "someOtherString"
yearFrom: 1900
location: {
city: "yetAnotherString"
state: "FL"
) {
# other product fields
Of course, hardcoding those values in a .graphql file is not very helpful. You probably want to be able to swap those values out programatically. So here's what that same query looks like with variables:
query MyProductsQuery($pageNumber: String, $filter: FilterInput) {
allProducts(pageNumber: $pageNumber, filter: $filter) {
# other product fields
Your variables are passed in separately from your query and unlike your query, are not a GraphQL document. They are just JSON:
"pageNumber": "someString",
"filter": {
"title": "someOtherString",
"yearFrom": 1900,
"location": {
"city": "yetAnotherString",
"state": "FL"

findAll order by "many to one" column raises exception

I have an entity, Student, defined in Student.groovy as:
#EqualsAndHashCode(includes = ['id'])
class Student {
Long id
String name
String type
University university
static mapping = {
university column : 'UNIVERSITY_ID'
and a University entity, defined in University.groovy as:
class University {
Long id
String name
static mapping = {
id column : 'id', generator : 'assigned'
I've been trying to switch from calling
Student.list(sort: ..., order: ...)
to calling:
Student.findAll("from Student s where type = :type ", [type : 'T'], [ sort : 'name' ])
This fails to order correctly by the name field. The previous version, using list worked fine.
I've also tried calling something like
Student.findAll(sort : 'name') { type == "T" }
which worked fine like this, but when trying to sort by the university.name
Student.findAll(sort : 'university.name') { type == 'T" }
it raised an error regarding the university.name field not being found.
Anybody have any idea on how to do this properly?
Thank you.
Use executeQuery instead of findAll - they should function the same, but I've found that executeQuery is for some reason a more direct caller of the HQL, and findAll fails or returns unexpected results in some cases.
So that first query would be
'select s from Student s where s.type = :type order by s.name',
[type : 'T'])
and ordering by university name would be
'select s from Student s where s.type = :type order by s.university.name',
[type : 'T'])
I like HQL and tend to use it a lot, but it couples you to Hibernate and relational databases - if you want to switch to a NoSQL database these queries will fail. Criteria queries, "where" queries and finders all use criteria queries internally, and those are converted to native query API calls by the GORM implementation.
The equivalent criteria queries would be
Student.withCriteria {
eq 'type', 'T'
order 'name', 'asc'
Student.withCriteria {
eq 'type', 'T'
university {
order 'name', 'desc'
Some unrelated notes:
You shouldn't use id in equals or hashCode calculations; if you have a persistent Student and a new non-persistent instance with the same name, type, and University, they should be considered equal, but since the non-persistent instance's id will be null they'll be considered different.
You don't need to specify the id property - Grails adds it and the version field to the bytecode via an AST transformation during compilation.
There's no need to map the column name of the university property to 'UNIVERSITY_ID' - that's what it would be anyway.
You can omit the redundant column setting in the id mapping.
Here's the Student class with cruft removed:
#EqualsAndHashCode(includes = ['name', 'type', 'university'])
class Student {
String name
String type
University university
and University:
class University {
String name
static mapping = {
id generator: 'assigned'

Ember.js Query Parameters - Update query results when creating a model

I am using the new query-params in Ember.js to filter entries by date. I have added a field to add new entries, with the date being automatically assigned as the query date. When a new entry is added it only shows up on the page when I refresh. Is there any way to retrigger the query without changing the query itself?
Controller: (simplified)
queryParams: 'date'
date: null
filteredEntries: ( ->
date = #get('date')
model = #get('model')
if (date)
return entries.filterProperty('date', date)
return entries
).property('date', 'model')
createEntry: ->
entry = #store.createRecord('entry', { date: #get('date') })
I also tried this, but it didn't work:
entry.save().then -> this.transitionTo({queryParams: { date: #get('date')}})
I think this is what you are looking for (in your route):
App.MyRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
queryParams: {
date: {
refreshModel: true
This will refresh your model everytime the value of date changes.

Exclude fields from document in mongoid?

I have a Record model with many dynamic attributes. I want to make a request to the model an send the response as JSON to the client. But i want to exclude fields like _id and all foreign_keys in this model.
I found an interessting answer how to exclude the values of some keys: How do I exclude fields from an embedded document in Mongoid?, but the keys in the response still exists.
I got:
"_id": 1,
"name": "tom"
And the without method makes:
"_id": nil,
"name": "tom"
But i want:
"name": "tom"
Is it possible to remove or exclude some keys and the values from the result?
You don't want to remove fields from the mongoid document, what you want to do is remove fields from the generated json.
In your controller, do
render :json => #model.to_json(:except => :_id)
Documentation for the to_json method http://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/Serialization/to_json
taken from the mongodb documentation at: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/
Exclude Certain Fields from the Result Set
The following example selects documents that match a selection criteria and excludes a set of fields from the resulting documents:
db.products.find( { qty: { $gt: 25 } }, { _id: 0, qty: 0 } )
The query returns all the documents from the collection products where qty is greater than 25. The documents in the result set will contain all fields except the _id and qty fields, as in the following:
{ "item" : "pencil", "type" : "no.2" }
{ "item" : "bottle", "type" : "blue" }
{ "item" : "paper" }
i suppose mongoid is setting the _id attribute to nil since mongoid models have a defined set of attributes (even if they are dynamic, _id, _type etc are defined). maybe you can try it with the mongodb driver.
but i think RedXVII answer is the more practical way to go

How to use a custom id column in GORM

I have a domain object that has a property that i want to be used as the id by GORM, the reason being is that ill be saving lists of this object and i want existing rows to be updated if the id already exists in the database
Lets assume that my property i want as the PK is called listId
Ive seen several approaches to this, which is best?
id generator: 'identity', column: 'listId'
static mapping = {
id generator:'assigned'
def getKey = {
return listId;
or something entirely different?
static mapping = {
id generator: 'assigned', name: "listId", type: 'string'
