I'm writing a Redmine plugin that should check if some fields of an Issue are filled depending on values in other fields.
I've written a plugin that implements validate callback, but I don't know how to check field values which are going to be saved.
This is what I have so far:
module IssuePatch
def self.included(receiver)
receiver.class_eval do
validate :require_comment_when_risk
def require_comment_when_risk
risk_reduction = self.custom_value_for(3)
if risk_reduction.nil? || risk_reduction.value == 0
return true
comment2 = self.custom_value_for(4)
if comment2.nil? || comment2.value.empty?
errors.add(:comment2, "Comment2 is empty")
The problem here is that self.custom_value_for() returns the value already written to the DB, but not the one that is going to be written, so validation doesn't work. How do I check for the value that was passed from the web-form?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The nice thing about rails is that in your controller you don't have to validate anything. You are suppose to do all of this in your model. so in your model you should be doing something like
validates :value_that_you_care_about, :numericality => { :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0 }
validates :buyer_name, presence: true, :length => {:minimum => 4}
validates :delivery_location, presence: true
If any of these fail this will stop the object from being saved and if you are using rails scaffolding will actually highlight the field that is incorrect and give them and error message explaining what is wrong. You can also write your own validations such as
def enough_red_flowers inventory
if inventory.total_red_flowers-self.red_flower_quantity < 0
self.errors.add(:base, 'There are not enough Red Flowers Currently')
return false
inventory.total_red_flowers = inventory.total_red_flowers-self.red_flower_quantity
To write your own custom message just follow the example of self.errors.add(:base, 'your message')
You can find more validations here
Better way it's create custom validator
class FileValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
# some logic for validation
then in model:
validates :file, file: true
I am on Rails 4.2 I have written a custom Validator which will check if a value being entered exists in another table. I have been reviewing some other posts and it seems there is either a context specific or rails version preferred way to reuse the value being validated. In the rails docs i see examples such as:
validates :subdomain, exclusion: { in: %w(www us ca jp),
message: "%{value} is reserved." }
however, if I try to use %{value} in my custom message override it does not interpolate, but just prints "%{value}". I have seen various ways of calling "value". I also could not get %{value} to work in my Validator definition, but could get #{value} to work (New to ruby, if#{value} getting it from validate_each?).
I have also been struggling with various formats of the validation statement and putting in the custom message. Some things which look repeatable from the docs are not. If the way I am declaring my custom message is causing the error, please let me know how to correct?
class ExistingGroupValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
unless Group.where(:code => value).any?
record.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || "#{value} is not a valid
group code")
class Example < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :group_code, presence: true
validates :group_code, :existing_group => {:message => "The code you have enterd ( **what goes here?** ) is not a valid code, please check with your teacher or group
leader for the correct code." }
Rails automatically puts the value at the beginning of the phrase, so you can just do this:
class ExistingGroupValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
unless Group.where(code: value).any?
record.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || 'is not a valid group code')
class Example < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :group_code, presence: true
validates :group_code, existing_group: {message: 'is not a valid code, please check with your teacher or group leader for the correct code.' }
Separately, note that it is always "#{1+1}" to interpolate not %.
Rails is using Internationalization style string interpolation to add the value to the message. You can use the I18n.interpolate method to accomplish this. Something like this should do the trick:
class ExistingGroupValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
unless Group.where(:code => value).any?
record.errors[attribute] << (I18n.interpolate(options[:message], {value: value}) || "is not a valid group code")
class Example < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :group_code, presence: true
validates :group_code, :existing_group => {:message => "The code you have entered, "%{value}", is not a valid code, please check with your teacher or group leader for the correct code." }
I have this class:
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :hourly_rate, :numericality => { :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0 },
:allow_blank => true
def hourly_rate=(number)
self.hourly_rate_in_cents = number.present? ? number.to_d * 100 : nil
Essentially, any new hourly_rate that gets entered by the user will get saved to the database as an integer.
This works quite well for numbers.
But any string that is being entered, is automatically converted into 0.0 and gets saved without any validation message!
Isn't there a way to validate this using any of Rails' validation methods?
Thanks for any help.
You can create your own validate method and use that to check for the type of object.
For example (and forgive me if there's an error in this code, since it's just off the top of my head):
validate :hourly_rate_is_integer
def hourly_rate_is_integer
errors.add(:hourly_rate, "must be Integer") unless self.hourly_rate.is_a?(Integer)
If you have a reader method for this that converts the other way, it will work as you expect. You've only shown the assignment method here.
def hourly_rate
self.hourly_rate_in_cents and self.hourly_rate_in_cents.to_f / 100
All the validation routines do is call the given method and apply tests to the result.
You might want to ensure that presence is specifically tested:
validates :hourly_rate, :presence => true, ...
In Bryan Helmkamp's excellent blog post called "7 Patterns to Refactor Fat ActiveRecord Models", he mentions using Form Objects to abstract away multi-layer forms and stop using accepts_nested_attributes_for.
Edit: see below for a solution.
I've almost exactly duplicated his code sample, as I had the same problem to solve:
class Signup
include Virtus
extend ActiveModel::Naming
include ActiveModel::Conversion
include ActiveModel::Validations
attr_reader :user
attr_reader :account
attribute :name, String
attribute :account_name, String
attribute :email, String
validates :email, presence: true
validates :account_name,
uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false },
length: 3..40,
format: { with: /^([a-z0-9\-]+)$/i }
# Forms are never themselves persisted
def persisted?
def save
if valid?
def persist!
#account = Account.create!(name: account_name)
#user = #account.users.create!(name: name, email: email)
One of the things different in my piece of code, is that I need to validate the uniqueness of the account name (and user e-mail). However, ActiveModel::Validations doesn't have a uniqueness validator, as it's supposed to be a non-database backed variant of ActiveRecord.
I figured there are three ways to handle this:
Write my own method to check this (feels redundant)
Include ActiveRecord::Validations::UniquenessValidator (tried this, didn't get it to work)
Or add the constraint in the data storage layer
I would prefer to use the last one. But then I'm kept wondering how I would implement this.
I could do something like (metaprogramming, I would need to modify some other areas):
def persist!
#account = Account.create!(name: account_name)
#user = #account.users.create!(name: name, email: email)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
errors.add(:name, "not unique" )
But now I have two checks running in my class, first I use valid? and then I use a rescue statement for the data storage constraints.
Does anyone know of a good way to handle this issue? Would it be better to perhaps write my own validator for this (but then I'd have two queries to the database, where ideally one would be enough).
Creating a custom validator may be overkill if this just happens to be a one-off requirement.
A simplified approach...
class Signup
validates :email, presence: true
validates :account_name, length: {within: 3..40}, format: { with: /^([a-z0-9\-]+)$/i }
# Call a private method to verify uniqueness
validate :account_name_is_unique
def persisted?
def save
if valid?
# Refactor as needed
def account_name_is_unique
if Account.where(name: account_name).exists?
errors.add(:account_name, 'Account name is taken')
def persist!
#account = Account.create!(name: account_name)
#user = #account.users.create!(name: name, email: email)
Bryan was kind enough to comment on my question to his blog post. With his help, I've come up with the following custom validator:
class UniquenessValidator < ActiveRecord::Validations::UniquenessValidator
def setup(klass)
#klass = options[:model] if options[:model]
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
# UniquenessValidator can't be used outside of ActiveRecord instances, here
# we return the exact same error, unless the 'model' option is given.
if ! options[:model] && ! record.class.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base)
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown validator: 'UniquenessValidator'"
# If we're inside an ActiveRecord class, and `model` isn't set, use the
# default behaviour of the validator.
elsif ! options[:model]
# Custom validator options. The validator can be called in any class, as
# long as it includes `ActiveModel::Validations`. You can tell the validator
# which ActiveRecord based class to check against, using the `model`
# option. Also, if you are using a different attribute name, you can set the
# correct one for the ActiveRecord class using the `attribute` option.
record_org, attribute_org = record, attribute
attribute = options[:attribute].to_sym if options[:attribute]
record = options[:model].new(attribute => value)
if record.errors.any?
record_org.errors.add(attribute_org, :taken,
options.except(:case_sensitive, :scope).merge(value: value))
You can use it in your ActiveModel classes like so:
validates :account_name,
uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false, model: Account, attribute: 'name' }
The only problem you'll have with this, is if your custom model class has validations as well. Those validations aren't run when you call Signup.new.save, so you will have to check those some other way. You can always use save(validate: false) inside the above persist! method, but then you have to make sure all validations are in the Signup class, and keep that class up to date, when you change any validations in Account or User.
In an multilingual application, a user can input their Chinese and English names. The user can input either or both, but must input at least one name.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :zh_name, :presence => true
validates :en_name, :presence => true
validates :fr_name, :presence => true
Since the built-in :validates_presence_of method can only validate both attributes at once, is there a way to validate the presence of at least one of many attributes in rails?
Like a magical, validates_one_of :zh_name, :en_name, :fr_name
Thank you in advance,
validate :at_least_one_name
def at_least_one_name
if [self.zh_name, self.en_name, self.fr_name].reject(&:blank?).size == 0
errors[:base] << ("Please choose at least one name - any language will do.")
Taking #micapam's answer a step futher, may I suggest:
validate :has_a_name
def has_a_name
unless [zh_name?, en_name?, fr_name?].include?(true)
errors.add :base, 'You need at least one name in some language!'
just a quick shot out, you can pass a "if" or "unless" to the validator, maybe you can get it working this way. i have something like this in mind
validates :zh_name, :presence => { :if => (fr_name.blank? && en_name.blank?) }
validate :has_a_name
def has_a_name
unless [zh_name, en_name, fr_name].any?{|val| val.present? }
errors.add :base, 'You need at least one name in some language!'
Max Williams' answer is fine, but I didn't see the need to count hits when any? returns a boolean.
I currently have a model Attend that will have a status column, and this status column will only have a few values for it. STATUS_OPTIONS = {:yes, :no, :maybe}
1) I am not sure how i can validate this before a user inserts an Attend? Basically an enum in java but how could i do this in rails?
Now that Rails 4.1 includes enums you can do the following:
class Attend < ActiveRecord::Base
enum size: [:yes, :no, :maybe]
validates :size, inclusion: { in: sizes.keys }
Which then provides you with a scope (ie: Attend.yes, Attend.no, Attend.maybe), a checker method to see if certain status is set (ie: #yes?, #no?, #maybe?), along with attribute setter methods (ie: #yes!, #no!, #maybe!).
Rails Docs on enums
Create a globally accessible array of the options you want, then validate the value of your status column:
class Attend < ActiveRecord::Base
STATUS_OPTIONS = %w(yes no maybe)
validates :status, :inclusion => {:in => STATUS_OPTIONS}
You could then access the possible statuses via Attend::STATUS_OPTIONS
This is how I implement in my Rails 4 project.
class Attend < ActiveRecord::Base
enum size: [:yes, :no, :maybe]
validates :size, inclusion: { in: Attend.sizes.keys }
Attend.sizes gives you the mapping.
Attend.sizes # {"yes" => 0, "no" => 1, "maybe" => 2}
See more in Rails doc
You could use a string column for the status and then the :inclusion option for validates to make sure you only get what you're expecting:
class Attend < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :size, :inclusion => { :in => %w{yes no maybe} }
What we have started doing is defining our enum items within an array and then using that array for specifying the enum, validations, and using the values within the application.
STATUS_OPTIONS = [:yes, :no, :maybe]
enum status_option: STATUS_OPTIONS
validates :status_option, inclusion: { in: STATUS_OPTIONS.map(&:to_s) }
This way you can also use STATUS_OPTIONS later, like for creating a drop down lists. If you want to expose your values to the user you can always map like this:
STATUS_OPTIONS.map {|s| s.to_s.titleize }
For enums in ActiveModels you can use this gem Enumerize
After some looking, I could not find a one-liner in model to help it happen. By now, Rails provides Enums, but not a comprehensive way to validate invalid values.
So, I opted for a composite solution: To add a validation in the controller, before setting the strong_params, and then by checking against the model.
So, in the model, I will create an attribute and a custom validation:
enum :status => { your set of values }
attr_accessor :invalid_status
validate :valid_status
def valid_status
if self.invalid_status == true
errors.add(:status, "is not valid")
Also, I will do a check against the parameters for invalid input and send the result (if necessary) to the model, so an error will be added to the object, thus making it invalid
def attend_params
#modify strong_params to include the additional check
if params[:attend][:status].in?(Attend.statuses.keys << nil) # to also allow nil input
# Leave this as it was before the check
params[:attend][:invalid_status] = true
# remove the 'status' attribute to avoid the exception and
# inject the attribute to the params to force invalid instance
params.require(:attend).permit(...., :invalid_status)
To define dynamic behavior you can use in: :method_name notation:
class Attend < ActiveRecord::Base
enum status: [:yes, :no, :maybe]
validates :status, inclusion: {in: :allowed_statuses}
# restricts status to be changed from :no to :yes
def allowed_statuses
min_status = Attend.statuses[status_was]
Attend.statuses.select { |_, v| v >= min_status }.keys
You can use rescue_from ::ArgumentError.
rescue_from ::ArgumentError do |_exception|
render json: { message: _exception.message }, status: :bad_request
Want to place another solution.
module LibEnums
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
validate do
self.class::ENUMS.each do |e|
if instance_variable_get("#not_valid_#{e}")
errors.add(e.to_sym, "must be #{self.class.send("#{e}s").keys.join(' or ')}")
self::ENUMS.each do |e|
self.define_method("#{e}=") do |value|
if !self.class.send("#{e}s").keys.include?(value)
instance_variable_set("#not_valid_#{e}", true)
super value
require 'lib_enums'
class Account < ApplicationRecord
ENUMS = %w(state kind meta_mode meta_margin_mode)
include LibEnums