Getting <comand line> error - info.plist file not found - ios

I was using Xcode and tried running the project and suddenly got this error. The info.plist file in build settings is linked to the proper directory. I've tried quitting Xcode and re-starting my computer - no luck. I have no idea what to do. Can't find anything online. Any ideas? Thanks

Go to your project file in Xcode, ensure that your path is the path of the info.plist file... Also, make sure the name of the files are the same ../thepathtoyouinfoplist/info.plist and info.plist


xcode 13 executable file not found

I've an error with xcode 13. When i try to run my app on a real device (arm64 architecture) i got the following error:
Executable Not Found
Domain: DVTMachOErrorDomain
Code: 5
Recovery Suggestion: /path/to/file/ is not a valid path to an executable file. Please rebuild the project to ensure that all required executables are created. Check your project setting to ensure that a valida executable will be built.
has anyone ever had this problem? The build process finish without errors. Right now i've excluded x86_64 architecture from "Excluded Architectures" option and set the parameter "Architectures" to "Standard Architectures (arm64, armv7)".
TARGET -> Build Settings, search 'VALID'.
Set VALID_ARCHS, add if run with a simulator, else set arm64.
I faced the same problem and resolved it by deleting files and folders below,
Pods ,
Podfile.lock and
And running pod install
This Error occur because there was a missing file.
Click on the Error icon on the top header and you redirect to errors there you notice there are some files that are not there or missing.
Added the file and run your project again working correctly.
I got the same error and it was just because I didn't change the build settings correctly after I renamed the folder where Info.plist belongs to.
So I needed to change this setting so that it was the same with the actual path of Info.plist:
Did you make sure that the executable file MyApp located in your folder /path/to/file/ matches the value of the Executable file attribute in your Info project file?
On my machine, the executable path is : /Users/.../DerivedData/Debug-iphonesimulator/ I noticed that the executable name (Runner in my case) was wrong in the Info file. Correcting it fixed the issue for me.
See the the screenshot below :
Check if there are any deleted files(which happens when you pull the code from Git) and add those files back, Close Xcode, Restart the system, Clean the Project and Run the Project this Worked for me.
I had this error as well.
This is not a blanked solution fix.
For me Xcode had some broken references to files, so I had to connect them and set the file location to be "relative to group" vs "relative to project"
The error was being incorrectly reported as "Executable not found" when building the error was more clear.
Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/MY_USER_NAME/Programs/ios/PROJECT_DIR/SRC/file.xib' is not found.
Some file is missing, you just have to add from project folder. Just restart your Mac and open XCode with your project, you will see the missing file.
I have previously tried every possible solution like cleaning derived data, running pod install but nothing worked. Try above solution
Perhaps the executable file entry is wrong in your Info.plist?
The entry Executable file should be set to $(EXECUTABLE_NAME).
Targets -> Build Settings, search plist
Set Generate Info.plist File to No, set Info.plist File with your info.plist file path.
That's works for me.
I encountered this issue just now after setting up a new prefix header to my product target with a wrong file path:
Correct it to
resolved my issue. What a stupid Xcode!
pod install or pod install --repo-update should work !
For me, I removed the files in Recovered Reference folder. Then this error gone.
Fast forward to 2022, I got this error after having installed a TestFlight version and was trying to run from Xcode. I deleted the app off my phone, ran again, and was able to install successfully. I hope this helps someone!

Info.plist not copied to DerivedData causes compilation error in Xcode

I have a problem that cropped up quite recently with a project that has otherwise compiled and built just fine for over a year.
The error I receive is this:
Showing All Issues
Unable to load contents of file list: '/Users/julian/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxxxxxxxx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'
There are a couple of peculiar things here.
First, my Info.plist is not named Info.plist. It is named RxInfo.plist and is indicated as such in the Build Settings Info plist File section.
Second, if I go to this directory path, there are no files there whatsoever. Empty directory. So, whatever build phase was attempting to copy the file there, did not do so. But, there is no error or warning of such a step failing.
Third, if I copy my named plist file to that directory, change the name to Info.plist, everything works fine.
Bonkers, eh?
I've tried a variety of things. I've rebuilt after cleaning, I've deintegrated and then re-installed and re-built the Pods. I've gone to Legacy Build System and attempted that. I had a colleague attempt to build from scratch on their system and they had the precise same error. This all happens on Xcode 11.6. On a whim, I tried building with Xcode 12 beta and had the precise same results.
I'm not sure what to attempt next, to be honest. And dragging-and-dropping and renaming the plist file to that Derived Data directory goes against against everything I believe. 🤣
Suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Xcode file permission issue

I updated my MacOS to Catalina, after that I am getting error reading issue in one project only. Check below image
When I try to open the file in my xcode, I got below error.
If I opened the same file from finder, then it opens the same file in xcode successfully. And issue is shifted to other file. I tried 7-8 times and it continuously coming from one file to another.
Already tried
Open backup project and still getting same issue.
Tried with changing the folder directory, like copied project to desktop, but still getting issue
Cleaned and build the project,
Restart my mac.
Note: I am getting issue in one project and rest of my projects are working file.
Is there any one time solution for this issue?
This error message can occur (somewhat misleadingly) if Xcode does not have permissions to access your Documents folder, and your project references a file that is not located within the same folder path as the project file.
The error message is misleading because the issue is not "you" (a user) lacking permission to view the file. The issue is that Xcode doesn't have permission to access the location of the file.
To resolve, go to System Preferences, Security & Privacy, Files and Folders, and enable Xcode to access the Documents folder. (Current as of MacOS 10.15.4 and Xcode 11.4.1)
You can change the permission from the Finder, right click on that file, goto info and then on bottom under sharing and permission change the privilege to read and write against your username. This might solve your issue.
Try changing the permission if not already done.
Enter the following in your terminal:
sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/macmini1/Desktop/Classes
It will ask for your password and then you will good to go.

Xamarin.iOS- ProjectDir:No such file or directory (appName.iOS)

Getting compilation error in xamarin.iOS project-
Error: ${ProjectDir}: No such file or directory (projectName.iOS)
I have Cleaned, Rebuild & Restarted machine but this didn't solved my problem. When I am going to the given location finding the same file that looks like deleted or corrupted(See screenshot). I have recently updated Xamarin & xCode to latest version.
Error screenshot below:
File/Directory screenshot below:
I am answering my question. After searching a lot I found that In iOS Bundle Signing, I have declared Additional Argument as ${ProjectDir}. When I removed It, I have compiled my project successfully.

ERROR ITMS-90207 Invalid bundle

I’m having issue when uploading to app store an app with this framework.
ERROR ITMS-90207 "Invalid bundle. The bundle at .../TesseractOCR.framework' does not contain a bundle executable.
In my Xcodeproj i have another project inside, i'm including the framework on dependencies, linked libraries and Copy Files.
Do you know something about this issue?.
Many Thanks, Nahuel.
I was having the same problem. I fixed the issue by following this process:
In your info.plist file, under the key Executable file, add the value $(EXECUTABLE_NAME).
I solved this by changing Mach-O Type to Dynamic Library in Build Settings.
Xcode wasn't generating an executable.
I solved it by setting Bitcode off. (below two are related settings)
Build Settings > Build Options > Enable Bitcode : NO
Uncheck "Include Bitcode" when uploading app to Itunes Connect (after archiving)
