File With Same Name From different folder in ios - ios

I am using "xcode 6.1.1" and "cocos2dx-3.2".
I need to access same file name from different folder.
In Resource i have 3 folder "A,B and C" and all this folder contain image with same name "1.png".
If i need to access 1.png of folder "A" ,How i can do this in cocos2dx please help?
following code is working fine in Android but not working in iOS

Didn't used cocos for some time now, but it is pretty easy to do.
Do this:
Prepare directory with your game data. Here lets call it "GameData". Pick name you like.
Drag and drop that directory to the xcode, probably best location is Supporting files. Dialog will show up. Select "Create folder references", deselect copy if needed.
And basically you are done. During build process all resources will be copied to bundle with paths as is in that directory "GameData". So you can have files with same name without problems.


How to open Xcode Projects on a Different Mac/Hard drive

I recently got a new hard drive and reinstalled Mac OS X on it. I copied my entire folder with all my Xcode projects over. However when I tried booting up one by clicking the project file, Xcode opens up with only the project file present. All of the files with actual code on them are not appearing.
I tried to add files but even that would leave most of the files with code on them greyed out in the finder.
Question, what is the proper way of transferring these projects specifically in Xcode 7? I have not been able to find anything concrete.
So, the only way I know of to do this efficiently is to load up the project file XML in your favorite editor and go manually fixup the paths. I don't recommend this.
Unfortunately, the way to do it through the UI is for each file, you need to open the Utilities Bar on the right, select the file, then update the path via the little folder icon in the Identity and Type section. Here's an illustration:
Then repeat for every file in your project. Sorry.
i had this same issue i mean you could always manually transfer code through word documents or notes, but for me i had copied the entire project folder and the document transferred just fine just make sure you transfer all of the files with it and not just the one file for the project itself
delete the xcode application and reinstall it from the Mac App Store.

Getting error after changing project folder name in XCode

When I created my project, I called it "Project1". Then, later I've changed it to "Project2" from the Xcode. I changed all "Project1" to "Project2", but now, when I compile my project, it looks for files in Project2/Project1/myFile.swift and I get the next error:
<unknown>:0: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/myusername/Copy/Projects/Project2/Project1/myFile.swift'
I need to make that it will look at
without Project1 in the path.
How can I solve this problem? Also, I changed from Xcode Identity and Type section Location of my project.
Today I had the same problem when I renamed the folder containing the Xcode project and some parent folders of it.
In my case there where a .swift file shown with it's name in red in the list of files of Xcode (Navigator area). I think that this means that Xcode was not capable to find that file.
I selected that file (actually it's not a real file but a representation of it).
Then, in the File Inspector (Utility area), I clicked on the Folder icon and chose the file on Finder.
This worked for me.
Renaming projects in xcode in one of the most annoying things in iOS development. I assume you want to rename your app. I faced this problem once and figured out a simple, clean way to do it.
Go back to the point where everything worked.
Open project in xcode and click on the project icon in the project structure( first file)
Go to the info tab
Search for Bundle Name. Most probably it will automatically be set to $(PRODUCT_NAME) which is a shell variable that will set your app name the same as the project name.
Set it to whatever you want your app name to be
Note : If you use custom URL Schemes this might produce an error when redirecting.
ALWAYS use git or some other SVN in your projects. This will come in handy in this kind of situations
Change you folder name in you finder "Project1" to "Project2"
Remove "myFile.swift" file from project (copy on Desktop)
Restart Xcode. Copy "myFile.swift" in project select "Copy file to folder" hope this will help.

Some files are located outside of "MyApp" directory in my iOS app - why?

I'm now developing my first iOS app, and I found that two of my classes (hence, four files) are located outside of my MyApp/.
So in my filesystem, here's the current situation:
My App
- ClassA.h
- ClassA.m
- ClassB.h
- ClassB.m
Other than the two classes, all of my class files are located in MyApp subdirectory. The other resources, such as Core Data model file or images are saved in the same directory.
However, why are the two classes, and only the two classes, located in the outside of MyApp subdirectory? When I move those files to the supposedly correct location, those files are no more "valid" in Xcode with the color of the file name is converted to red.
So here's my question:
Why are those two files located there?
Do they have any issues if they remain to be located there?
Should I fix this issue and save it correctly? I think I haven't had any issues so far with the Simulator and the actual iPhone...
I use iOS 7 and Xcode 5.
•Why are those two files located there?
A: When you have created these files or imported from external directory, you may have not taken care of the group/folder these files are getting created/imported into. Hence they are inside the main app folder in the file system.
•Do they have any issues if they remain to be located there?
A: No, this is certainly not an issue in the correct functioning of your app, but it is always good to manage your files under groups/folders for better file structure and it is easier to find files when they become large in number.
•Should I fix this issue and save it correctly? I think I haven't had any issues so far with the Simulator and the actual iPhone...
A : This depends on you. If you like to keep your files in folders and like everythin arranged in some pattern, then yes you can divide the app into different folders. When you move the files in a folder, the reference of those in XCODE should change as well, and thats why you see those files in red in XCode. No worries. Just delete the files and add them again. Make sure you uncheck the option "Copy files under detsination group's folder".
Now, you may seem the option of creating New Groups inside XCode. But it is good to be aware that these groups do not create separate folders inside file system. These are just for Xcode refernce. So, a neat way is to create folders outside of XCode, and then import these folders(can be empty) in Xcode. Now when you add any file in these imported folders, even from XCode, it will go inside the correct folder in file system.
I am sorry I am not on my MAC right now, so cannot paste actual images, showing how to do it. Feel free to comment, if I have instead of solving the issue, have rather confused you more:D
You can put your source files wherever you want, as long as Xcode knows where to find them. You can leave them here, or organize it in another way, as you seem to be willing to do.
So, if you want to move these files in your Myapp/ subfolder, just move them there, and when Xcode complains it can't find them, highlight all those files in red in the navigator, and in the "File inspector" pane (right hand side of the window), click on the little Folder icon to browse to the new location. If you selected all files you don't need to do that 4 times, Xcode will find it out by itself.

Xamarin studio folder structure issue in iOS project

I am having trouble with xamarin folders. Currently I'm writing xamarin iOS project. In Xcode I used directories for grouping images, there could be several levels of nested folders, but when I was building project for device or iOS simulator, these resources where simply being copied to main bundle, without any folder structure. I can't reach the same behaviour in xamarin studio. Whenever I create folders in my project and put pictures or other resources in them, this folder structure is recreated on the actual device, and thus, I struggle against different paths, when loading images. How can I make xamarin studio simply copy the files in the folders to main bundle, instead of recreating folder structure?
Thanks for help.
My first suggestion is to change the BuildAction property of your images to BundleResource.
Once you do that, there are multiple ways of achieving your goal:
The first option is to specify a LogicalName to be whatever you want the name to be inside of the compiled app bundle. Currently there's no way to set the Resource ID (UI name for the LogicalName property) for anything other than EmbeddedResource files (I'll work on fixing that momentarily), but you can edit the *.csproj like so:
<BundleResource Include="Icons\icon.png">
Normally, that Icons\icon.png file would be copied into the iOS app bundle as Icons/icon.png, however, the LogicalName property overrides the relative path name. In this case it would be copied over as simply icon.png.
As another example, you can also do this:
<BundleResource Include="Icons\iOS\icon.png">
This will copy the Icons\iOS\icon.png file into the root of the iOS app bundle and also rename it to AppIcon.png.
A second option is to simply move your image file(s) into the Resources folder. The Resources folder is special directory that get stripped out of the default path names when copied over to the iOS app bundle. In other words, Resources\icon.png would be copied over into the root of the iOS app bundle as icon.png rather than Resources\icon.png as is the case with normal project directories.
A third option is to simply register other "Resource" directories of your own (and they can exist within other directories, including the default Resources directory).
For example, you could have the structure in your project:
And in your *.csproj file, edit the following tag:
and replace it with:
This will ensure that the icon.png and icon#2x.png files are installed in the root of the iOS app bundle.
Xamarin has two ways to setup files you want present in the iOS bundle:
Put them in any folder, and mark the "Build Action" as "Content". Whatever directory structure you have in your project will be present in the main bundle.
Put them in the "Resources" folder, with a "Build Action" as "BundleResource", this does the same as #1, but removes the "Resources" folder from the path present in the bundle. This is a nice place to put all images you want in the root of your bundle but would clutter up your project.

ios - What is the correct way to add outside files to my new project?

I have about 20 image files which I would like to a new project. I tried to make my code base clean so I made a group src/img where I intended to place the images.
Then I tried to copy the images via the file system, and obviously the groups that I made did not also create folders. So before I do anything that would dirty-up the code base, I wanted to ask here.
What is the correct way to add the files I want to add so they would render in my group under proj_name/src/img ?
You can first create a folder src/img inside your project in filesystem and copy all of your images in that folder. Then drag the whole img folder to your project in Xcode, but make sure you don't check copy files option when you drag. But, do select the option to create group so that image folder dragged is also a group in Xcode
The filesystem location is not represented by Xcode project groups.
The groups you are creating are supposed to be organized by you, but Xcode also provides useful options like automatically creating groups for the folders checkbox when you are adding new files to the project.
After the files are added to the project, you are free to "move" them to other groups or rename groups, that changes will be stored at the project bundle. Of course if you make the filesystem changes you'll have to remove the broken references from the project and recreate them.
