I'm playing f# and making a server program for fun.
I think I can solve this question by using f# to access c# data class but I want to try the f# syntax.
I got f# record with [<CLIMutable>] works but f# class got error
my test code :
open System
open System.IO
open ProtoBuf
[<ProtoContract; Serializable>]
type Point (m_x : int, m_y : int) =
member this.x = m_x
member this.y = m_y
let main argv =
let p : Point = new Point(10, 10)
let out = Console.OpenStandardOutput()
Serializer.Serialize<Point>(out, p)
printfn "finish"
and I got following output:
Unhandled Exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot apply changes to property Program+Point.x
at ProtoBuf.Serializers.PropertyDecorator.SanityCheck (ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel model, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property, IProtoSerializer tail, System.Boolean& writeValue, Boolean nonPublic, Boolean allowInternal) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ProtoBuf.Serializers.PropertyDecorator..ctor (ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel model, System.Type forType, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property, IProtoSerializer tail) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Although I don't know much about Protobuf I suspect that its serialization cannot assign a new value to class Point fields because in F# they are immutable by default. You could change your class definition to use mutable fields/properties:
open System
open System.IO
open ProtoBuf
[<ProtoContract; Serializable>]
type Point (m_x : int, m_y : int) =
let mutable vx = 0
let mutable vy = 0
vy <- m_y
vx <- m_x
member this.x with get() = vx and set v = vx <- v
member this.y with get() = vy and set v = vy <- v
Maybe it'll help.
Also if F# record with [] works then maybe it is easier to use records? Records in F# support members as well as classes.
In my previous question Kurt pointed me to this code of FsCheck about setting the Arbitrary type.
I have the following Arbitrary (disclaimer: I have no idea what I am doing..., still finding FsCheck notoriously hard to understand but I'm dead set on getting it to work), which in itself is a simplified version of something I created earlier:
type MyArb() =
inherit Arbitrary<DoNotSize<int64>>()
override x.Generator = Arb.Default.DoNotSizeInt64().Generator
And I use it as instructed:
[<Property(Verbose = true, Arbitrary= [| typeof<MyArb> |])>]
static member MultiplyIdentity (x: int64) = x * 1L = x
This gives me a (somewhat hopeful) error message that I'm missing something:
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
----> System.Exception : No instances found on type Tests.Arithmetic.MyArb. Check that the type is public and has public static members with the right signature.
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at FsCheck.Runner.checkMethod(Config config, MethodInfo m, FSharpOption`1 target) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Runner.fs:line 318
at FsCheck.NUnit.Addin.FsCheckTestMethod.runTestMethod(TestResult testResult) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck.NUnit.Addin\FsCheckTestMethod.fs:line 100
Looking back at that Github code I see two Atrbitrary classes but neither with any inheritance and they both have different static members.
How can I create a random-number generator and assign it as an Arbitrary statically to my NUnit tests?
The type you provide in the Property.Arbitrary parameter should have static members (possibly several) of type Arb. As in the code you linked:
type TestArbitrary2 =
static member NegativeDouble() =
|> Arb.mapFilter (abs >> ((-) 0.0)) (fun t -> t <= 0.0)
Applying this to your code, it should look like this:
type MyArb() =
static member m() = Arb.Default.DoNotSizeInt64()
The meaning of the Property.Arbitrary parameter is not "an implementation of Arbitrary", but rather "a bucket of typeclass implementations".
You see, the original Haskell implementation of QuickCheck relies on typeclasses to provide values of different types. In order for a particular type to be "quick-checkable", there needs to be an instance of the 'Arbitrary' class defined for that type (for example, here are instances for all basic types).
Since F# doesn't support type classes as such, FsCheck has to fake it, and this is the scheme used there: each type class instance is represented by a static member that returns the function table. For example, if we wanted to simulate the Eq typeclass, we'd define it something like this:
type Eq<'a> = { eq: 'a -> 'a -> bool; neq: 'a -> 'a -> bool }
type EqInstances() =
static member ForInt() : Eq<int> =
{ eq = (=); neq = (<>) }
static member ForMyCustomType() : Eq<MyCustomType> =
{ eq = fun a b -> a.CompareTo(b) = 0
neq = fun a b -> a.CompareTo(b) <> 0 }
But because you can't just scan all static member in all loaded assemblies (that would be prohibitively expensive), there is this little inconvenience of providing the type explicitly (as a bonus, it allows to control the visibility of "instances").
This question demonstrates clearly, IMO, why the Reflection-based API for FsCheck is less than ideal. I tend to avoid that API completely, so I'd instead write the OP property like this:
open FsCheck
open FsCheck.Xunit
let MultiplyIdentity () =
Arb.Default.DoNotSizeInt64 () |> Prop.forAll <| fun (DoNotSize x) -> x * 1L = x
As the open directives suggest, this uses FsCheck.Xunit instead of FsCheck.NUnit, but AFAIK, there's no difference in the way the API works.
The advantage of this approach is that it's type-safe and more lightweight, because you don't have to implement static classes every time you need to tweak FsCheck.
If you prefer the approach described by Mark Seemann, then you may also consider using plain-FsCheck and get rid of FsCheck.Xunit entirely:
module Tests
open FsCheck
let [<Xunit.Fact>] ``Multiply Identity (passing)`` () =
Arb.Default.DoNotSizeInt64 ()
|> Prop.forAll
<| fun (DoNotSize x) ->
x * 1L = x
|> Check.QuickThrowOnFailure
let [<Xunit.Fact>] ``Multiply Identity (failing)`` () =
Arb.Default.DoNotSizeInt64 ()
|> Prop.forAll
<| fun (DoNotSize x) ->
x * 1L = -1L |# sprintf "(%A should equal %A)" (x * 1L) x
|> Check.QuickThrowOnFailure
xUnit.net testrunner output:
------ Test started: Assembly: Library1.dll ------
Test 'Tests.Multiply Identity (failing)' failed: System.Exception:
Falsifiable, after 1 test (2 shrinks) (StdGen (2100552947,296238694)):
Label of failing property: (0L should equal 0L)
DoNotSize -23143L
DoNotSize 0L
at <StartupCode$FsCheck>.$Runner.get_throwingRunner#365-1.Invoke(String me..
at <StartupCode$FsCheck>.$Runner.get_throwingRunner#355.FsCheck-IRunner-On..
at FsCheck.Runner.check[a](Config config, a p)
at FsCheck.Check.QuickThrowOnFailure[Testable](Testable property)
C:\Users\Nikos\Desktop\Library1\Library1\Library1.fs(15,0): at Tests.Multi..
1 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, took 0.82 seconds (xUnit.net 2.1.0 build 3179).
I'm trying to build a log4net style interface in an F# assembly. The key attribute is exposing a static method that returns an instance of an object. log4net makes use of C# delegates to accomplish the task, e.g. with LogManager.GetLogger("log123"). Delegates, from my understanding, are less favored than functions-as-first-class for inward-facing F# libraries.
The simplified code below accomplishes the objective, but I am uncomfortable with the use of an F# reference cell to hold a map of instantiated objects. I am interested in feedback on whether my discomfort is warranted.
namespace Test
type IMyIface =
abstract member Addi : int -> int
type TheMainObject internal (x:int) =
let mutable sum = x
interface IMyIface with
member this.Addi(y:int) = sum <- sum + y; sum
module internal Wrapr =
let mymap = ref Map.empty
let mgr s =
let m = !mymap
if Map.containsKey s m then m.[s]
let x = new TheMainObject(0)
mymap := m.Add(s, x)
type Mgr() =
static member Get(n:string) =
Wrapr.mgr n :> IMyIface
Program.fs calls the library above as follows:
open Test
let a = Mgr.Get("hello")
printfn "%d" (a.Addi(1))
let c = Mgr.Get("hello")
printfn "%d, %A" (c.Addi(3)) (a = c) //prints 4, true
Thanks in advance for comments.
It's OK to use a reference cell internally to hold a mutable value. You could also use a .Net Dictionary instead of a map. This is the approach I took while building a Mini IoC Container. If you expect the function accessing the reference cell to be called from multiple threads then you should probably use a lock or other thread synchronization.
There are a number of ways of exposing the Get method. The static member approach you have taken is useful if you expect to overload the method. In which case you may consider using static let for static locals over a separate module:
type [<Sealed>] Mgr() =
static let sync = obj()
static let lookup = Dictionary()
static let obtain name =
match lookup.TryGetValue(name) with
| true, x -> x
| false,_ ->
let x = TheMainObject(0)
static member Get(name:string) =
lock sync (fun () -> obtain name :> IMyIface)
If you do not expect to overload the Get function then you could just use a module:
module Mgr =
let private lookup = ref Map.empty
let private obtain name =
match (!lookup).TryFind name with
| Some(x) -> x
| None ->
let x = TheMainObject(0)
lookup := (!lookup).Add(name,x)
let Get name = obtain name :> IMyIface
I would like to have a mutable state in an F# object expression.
The first approach is to use ref cells as follows:
type PP =
abstract member A : int
let foo =
let a = ref 0
{ new PP with
member x.A =
let ret = !a
a := !a + 1
printfn "%A" foo.A
printfn "%A" foo.A
printfn "%A" foo.A
printfn "%A" foo.A
A different approach would be as follows:
type State(s : int) =
let mutable intState = s
member x.state
with get () = intState
and set v = intState <- v
type PPP(state : State) =
abstract member A : int
member x.state
with get () = state.state
and set v = state.state <- v
let bar n =
{ new PPP(State(n)) with
member x.A =
let ret = x.state
x.state <- ret + 1
let barA1 = bar 0
printfn "%A" barA1.A
printfn "%A" barA1.A
printfn "%A" barA1.A
printfn "%A" barA1.A
Which version would be likely more performing (I need the state updating x.state <- ret + 1
in performance critical sections)? My guess is that the State object is also allocated on the heap so there is no reason why the second version should be faster. However it is slightly more appealing to use.
Thanks for any feedback and suggestions
As Daniel said, the last approach is essentially equivalent to using built-in ref.
When using ref, you're allocating two objects - the one that you're returning and the reference cell itself. You can reduce this to just a single allocated object by using a concrete implementation (but I don't think this will matter in practice):
type Stateful(initial:int) =
let mutable state = initial
interface PP with
member x.A =
let ret = state
state <- state + 1
let foo =
Statefull(0) :> PP // Creates a single object that keeps the state as mutable field
Aside, you are using read-only property that modifies internal state of the object and returns a new state each time. This is a dangerous pattern that could be quite confusing - properties with getter shouldn't modify the state, so you should probably use a method (unit -> int) instead.
Your State class is identical to ref. They're both reference types (you can't capture a mutable value type from an object expression). I would prefer a built-in type when possible. ref is the idiomatic way to represent a heap-allocated mutable value.
If ever in doubt about performance, benchmark it.
For a project I am working on I need a global variable(technically I don't, I could build it and then pass it to every single function call, and let every single function call know about it, but that seems just as hacky, less readable and more work.)
The global variables are look up tables(endgame, opening book and transpositions/cache) for a game.
The fact that some of the code may lose some of it's indempotent behavior is actually the point(speedups) in short, yes I know global mutable state is bad, it's really worth it in this case(10x+ performance improvement)
So here's the question, "build a singleton or use a static value in a static class with combinators"
They are effectively identical but I am curious what people have done before on this sort of problem
Or alternatively, should I be passing the thing around to everyone(or at least a reference to it anyways),is that really the best answer?
Here is a solution similar to the one posted by #Yin Zhu's, but using abstract types to specify a usage interface for the mutable value, a local definition to encapsulate it and object literals to provide an implementation (this is taken from Expert F#--which is co-authored by Don Syme):
type IPeekPoke =
abstract member Peek: unit -> int
abstract member Poke: int -> unit
let makeCounter initialState =
let state = ref initialState
{ new IPeekPoke with
member x.Poke(n) = state := !state + n
member x.Peek() = !state }
You can also do it with static fields, like this:
type Common() =
static let mutable queue : CloudQueue = null
static let mutable storageAccount : CloudStorageAccount = null
static member Queue
with get() = queue
and set v = queue <- v
static member StorageAccount
with get() = storageAccount
and set v = storageAccount <- v
In another module, just:
open Common
Common.Queue <- xxxx
here is the convention used in F# PowerPack Matrix library (\src\FSharp.PowerPackmath\associations.fs):
// put global variable in a special module
module GlobalAssociations =
// global variable ht
let ht =
let ht = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Type,obj>()
let optab =
[ typeof<float>, (Some(FloatNumerics :> INumeric<float>) :> obj);
typeof<int32>, (Some(Int32Numerics :> INumeric<int32>) :> obj);
typeof<bignum>, (Some(BigRationalNumerics :> INumeric<bignum>) :> obj); ]
List.iter (fun (ty,ops) -> ht.Add(ty,ops)) optab;
// method to update ht
let Put (ty: System.Type, d : obj) =
// lock it before changing
lock ht (fun () ->
if ht.ContainsKey(ty) then invalidArg "ty" ("the type "+ty.Name+" already has a registered numeric association");
ht.Add(ty, d))
Is there a way to define your own operators in F#?
If so can someone give me an example for this? I searched briefly, but couldn't find anything.
let (+.) x s = [for y in s -> x + y]
let s = 1 +. [2;3;4]
The characters that can be used in an F# operator are listed in the docs. They are !%&*+-./<=>#^|~ and for any character after the first, ?. Precedence and fixity are determined by the first character of the operator (see the spec).
You can create your own let-bound operators as I've done above, in which case they work just like let-bound functions. You can also define them as members on a type:
type 'a Wrapper = Wrapper of 'a with
static member (+!)(Wrapper(x), Wrapper(y)) = Wrapper(x+y)
let w = (Wrapper 1) +! (Wrapper 2)
In this case, you don't need to have pre-defined a let-bound function to use the operator; F# will find it on the type. You can take particularly good advantage of this using inline definitions:
let inline addSpecial a b = a +! b
let w2 = addSpecial w (Wrapper 3)
Taking this even further, you can make the operators on your types inline as well, so that you can use them on an even wider variety of instances of your class:
type 'a Wrapper = Wrapper of 'a with
static member inline (+!)(Wrapper(x), Wrapper(y)) = Wrapper(x+y)
let wi = (Wrapper 1) +! (Wrapper 2)
let wf = (Wrapper 1.0) +! (Wrapper 2.0)
let wi2 = addSpecial wi wi
let wf2 = addSpecial wf wf