Access apps inside an app - ios

I'm new to iOS development, suppose I'm making an app for parental control over their kids which would have the apps that would be added by the parent so that the child is restricted to only certain apps. How will i access the apps on the device inside this app?

Sorry, but that won't be possible on an standard (un-jailbroken) iOS device. Apple sandboxes Apps so they can't access anything outside of their "sandbox". That includes the file system, the OS, settings and other apps on the device.
It might be possible to do it on a jailbroken iOS device, but even then you'll have to hack into Apple's OS and honestly it's probably not worth the effort, especially given that you could never submit such an app to the app store..


xCode: How to monitor CPU usage for any running third party app

Is that even possible. I just wanna know how much CPU the current running app is using up. I know, for my own apps i can do that with xCode easily. But how about third party apps. I only want to know CPU usage while the app (or game) is running.
Open the Instruments app and use the Activity Monitor instrument.
On the top left drop-down menu, select your iPhone and choose "All Processes". Do not select a specific app that isn't yours, it will not work.
You will never be able to connect the Instruments app (or the Xcode debugger for that matter) to an app that isn't signed with your development certificate. Even with your own app, it will not work if the app comes from the App Store (because apps on the App Store are not signed with your development certificate). This is a security feature to make sure you don't mess around with apps you don't own. It may be possible to bypass this restriction on a jailbroken device (although I have never tried).

Application developed for Apple Watch should or should not need to synch with iPhone/iPad

I would like to know that Application developed for Apple Watch should need to synch with iPhone/iPad or we can develop the app only for Apple Watch without looking for iPhone/iPad?
Warmly welcome your answers.
If you are making a WatchKit app, you must implement iPhone app, too.
However, they don't need to be synchronized, as you can see in Battery Adviser (by Applestan) and iCalc (by Seyyed Parsa Neshaei) apps on the App Store. The iPhone and iPad versions of this apps are mandatory to install and available, but it doesn't sync with the Apple Watch. They both do the same, but without connecting to each other and sharing data.

Restrict future Apple Watch apps to capable devices only

I'd like to restrict the sales of my next app to devices that are able to control an Apple Watch (iPhone 5 at least).
I can't find (in the doc or on Internet) which value for UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities I should put in the info.plist file.
There is currently API for knowing whether a device is paired with Apple Watch.
Even simply from an iOS app review perspective, if a user downloads an app onto their iPhone that app is expected to provide value regardless of any external products.
See Apple's App Review Guidelines for more detail
There is no such API.
As you are also no doubt aware, requiring iOS 9 will also not assist you as it runs on iPhone 4S. While it is speculation, it is possible that this will de facto change if iOS 10 is released in September/October 2016, as expected, as that may remove support for older iPhones that cannot be paired with an Apple Watch (for mostly reasons of performance, unrelated to Apple Watch capability).
However, if you are wanting to do this because you want the app to only be used with the watch, be aware that App Store review requires that apps with WatchKit extensions need to also provide useful functionality in their own right, and cannot be solely the code backend for a watch app. Therefore, you would be expected to provide functionality to users who do not (and even cannot) attach an Apple Watch to their phones.

Controlling iOS device

Is it possible from my app to run in background, turn on/off other apps, control the iOS device without jailbreaking it? I understand that this app will not pass Apple's review/approval, but I am not planning it, instead, I just need to distribute it to clearly defined list of devices. I just prefer not to require to jailbreak device.. Is it possible?
I believe its possible without actually jailbreaking the physical device. Check out the second answer to this question for some more information. iOS app without developer program or jailbreak

What is Sandbox in iOS? Can I transfer data between one app to another app?

Is there anything like sandboxing an iPhone Application, what are the benefits on using sandboxes and do they allow me sharing data between one app and another?
I found this link while searching but not able to understand as I'm new to iOS development.
From The iOS Environment
For security reasons, iOS places each app (including its preferences
and data) in a sandbox at install time. A sandbox is a set of
fine-grained controls that limit the app’s access to files,
preferences, network resources, hardware, and so on. As part of the
sandboxing process, the system installs each app in its own sandbox
directory, which acts as the home for the app and its data.
one solution to transmit data from one to another app is via URL Schemes
Mobile device application developers use the sandboxing capability of iOS to ensure the security of the user data and to ensure that the application don't share data with other applications installed on the same device.
The sandbox forms and maintains a private environment of data and information for each app.
The sandbox can minimize the damage that can be done from a potential hacker but it can't prevent the attack from happening.
Although Apple has built robust sandboxing features into iOS , it is upto the developer's to ensure that their apps are written securely.
When an app is installed on a mobile device, the system creates a unique directory for it.
Sandboxing only prevents the hijacked app from affecting the other apps and also other parts of the system.
iPhone apps are all sandboxed, meaning there is no sharing of files between applications.
There are some ways of transferring data between applications but they're very limited. Look at URL schemes.
The apps are in sandbox by default. You do not need to worry about putting it in a sandbox manually.
