save session in http request swift - ios

in my app I'm using JSON and I made a session recently so if I would like to make some http request to get data for a specific user, the user must log in before (also used by http request).
in the safari when I entering the url's of login and then the url of receive data, it does that as needed.
but in my app, I first call login and then the url for getting data, but it's probably starting a new session in every url request which leads me to get an error and not receive the data.
my url request function is:
static func urlRequest (adress: String, sessionEnded: (NSDictionary->Void)?){
var urli = NSURL(string: adress)
var request = NSURLRequest(URL: urli!)
var rVal = "";
self.task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(urli!) {(data, response, error) in
var parseError: NSError?
let parsedObject: AnyObject? = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data,
options: NSJSONReadingOptions.AllowFragments,
let po = parsedObject as NSDictionary
if let a = sessionEnded{
thanks in advance!!

You have shared only half of the puzzle with us, the client code. We can't comment on why the app isn't working with a clearer picture of what the server API. For example, once you "log in", how do subsequent queries confirm that the request is coming from valid session. Furthermore, you report that "every url request which leads me to get an error". Well, what error do you receive? You have to be far more specific regarding the precise errors/crashes you are receiving. BTW, are you logging on to some service with a well-defined API or are you writing that code yourself, too?
Having said that, I might suggest a few refinements to this method:
The sessionEnded (which I've renamed completionHandler to conform to informal standard naming conventions), probably should return an optional NSError object, too, so the caller can detect if there was an error.
Your unwrapping of the sessionEnded completion handler can be simplified to use ?.
When you parse the object, you should feel free to perform the optional cast, too.
You probably want to detect a network error (in which case data would be nil) and return the network NSError object.
Minor point, but I'd probably also rename the function to conform to Cocoa naming conventions, using a verb to start the name. Perhaps something like performURLRequest.
This is your call, but I'd be inclined to have the method return the NSURLSessionTask, so that the caller could use that task object if it wanted to (e.g. save the task object so that it could cancel it later if it wanted to).
Thus, that yields something like:
func performURLRequest (address: String, completionHandler: ((NSDictionary!, NSError!) -> Void)?) -> NSURLSessionTask {
let url = NSURL(string: address)
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(url!) {(data, response, error) in
if data == nil {
sessionEnded?(nil, error)
} else {
var parseError: NSError?
let parsedObject = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: nil, error:&parseError) as? NSDictionary
completionHandler?(parsedObject, parseError)
return task
And you'd invoke it like:
performURLRequest("") { responseDictionary, error in
if responseDictionary == nil {
// handle error, e.g.
// use `responseDictionary` here


HTTP DELETE Works From Browser But Not From Postman or IOS App

When attempting an http request to my rest api, I continually get a 401 error when using the following code. I don not get this error making any other type of request. I have provided the function that makes the request below.
func deleteEvent(id: Int){
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: NSURL(string: eventUrl)! as URL)
request.httpMethod = "DELETE"
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = ["Authorization": "Token \(self.token)"]
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest) { data, response, error in
if error != nil {
print("error=\(String(describing: error))")
//put variable that triggers error try again view here
print("response = \(String(describing: response))")
When sending the delete request with postman, the rest api just returns the data I want to delete but does not delete it. For reference I have posted the view and permissions classes associated with this request Any help understanding why this may be resulting in an error is greatly appreciated!
class UserProfileFeedViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
"""Handles creating, reading and updating profile feed items"""
authentication_classes = (TokenAuthentication,)
serializer_class = serializers.ProfileFeedItemSerializer
queryset = models.ProfileFeedItem.objects.all()
permission_classes = (permissions.UpdateOwnStatus, IsAuthenticated)
def perform_create(self, serializer):
"""Sets the user profile to the logged in user"""
class UpdateOwnStatus(permissions.BasePermission):
"""Allow users to update their own status"""
def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
"""Check the user is trying to update their own status"""
if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:
return True
return ==
Preface: You leave out too much relevant information from the question for it to be properly answered. Your Swift code looks, and please don't be offended, a bit beginner-ish or as if it had been migrated from Objective-C without much experience.
I don't know why POSTMAN fails, but I see some red flags in the Swift code you might want to look into to figure out why your iOS app fails.
I first noticed that eventUrl seems to be a String property of the type that contains the deleteEvent function. You mutate it by appending the event id, construct a URL from it (weirdly, see below), then mutate it back again. While this in itself is not necessarily wrong, it might open the doors for racing conditions depending how your app works overall.
More importantly: Does your eventUrl end in a "/"? I assume your DELETE endpoint is of the form<id>, right? Now if eventUrl just contains your code constructs<id>. The last dash is missing, which definitely throws your backend off (how I cannot say, as that depends how the path is resolved in your server app).
It's hard to say what else is going from from the iOS app, but other than this potential pitfall I'd really recommend using proper Swift types where possible. Here's a cleaned up version of your method, hopefully that helps you a bit when debugging:
func deleteEvent(id: Int) {
guard let baseUrl = URL(string: eventUrl), let token = token else {
// add more error handling code here and/or put a breakpoint here to inspect
print("Could not create proper eventUrl or token is nil!")
let deletionUrl = baseUrl.appendingPathComponent("\(id)")
print("Deletion URL with appended id: \(deletionUrl.absoluteString)")
var request = URLRequest(url: deletionUrl)
request.httpMethod = "DELETE"
print(token) // ensure this is correct
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = ["Authorization": "Token \(token)"]
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
if let error = error {
print("Encountered network error: \(error)")
if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
// this is basically also debugging code
print("Endpoint responded with status: \(httpResponse.statusCode)")
print(" with headers:\n\(httpResponse.allHeaderFields)")
// Debug output of the data:
if let data = data {
let payloadAsSimpleString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? "(can't parse payload)"
print("Response contains payload\n\(payloadAsSimpleString)")
This is obviously still limited in terms of error handling, etc., but a little more swifty and contains more console output that will hopefully be helpful.
The last important thing is that you have to ensure iOS does not simply block your request due to Apple Transport Security: Make sure your plist has the expected entries if needed (see also here for a quick intro).

Swift: Web Service API call returns error on certain networks

I am creating an iOS app using Swift that uses some web services to get some information. Specifically I am using the food2fork API to get some recipes. The problem that I'm having is that, if I am connected to the internet at my University, the web calls will always return errors, even though I know that I am connected to the internet on the phone. I believe that the error has something to do with how the network only will handle secure websites, but I'm not sure.
Am I not using NSURL correctly? Is there a better way that I should do it to ensure that my web calls will always return the data that the app needs? Here is the function:
func getRecipeByID(recipeId: String, sendTo: RecipeInfoViewController)
let theURLAsString = "[MY KEY]&rId=" + recipeId
let theURL = NSURL(string: theURLAsString)
let theURLSession = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let theJSONQuery = theURLSession.dataTaskWithURL(theURL!, completionHandler: {data, response, error -> Void in
if(error != nil)
let theJSONResult = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers) as! NSDictionary
if theJSONResult.count > 0
let theRecipeDictionary = theJSONResult["recipe"] as? NSDictionary
} catch let error as NSError {
print(error) //The function always gets here on certain networks
The error that is output at the print(error) line is:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "JSON text did not start
with array or object and option to allow fragments not set."
UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=JSON text did not start with array or
object and option to allow fragments not set.}
If you're running iOS 9, you'll need to disable App Transport Security for that domain by adding keys to your Info.plist. Otherwise, you won't be able to make non-HTTPS connections.

How can I process multiple links of JSON data?

The code works perfectly. The problem is that, after trying for a while, I cannot figure out how to make my program process a second link of different JSON data.
Here is my viewDidLoad where everything goes on:
override func viewDidLoad() {
var err: NSError?
let urlPath: String = "" + searchFieldDataPassed + "?api_key=(removed my private api key for obvious reasons"
var url: NSURL = NSURL(string: urlPath)!
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(url) { data, response, error in
// cast response as NSHTTPURLResponse and switch on statusCode if you like
if let httpResponse = response as? NSHTTPURLResponse { switch httpResponse.statusCode { case 200..<300: println("OK") default: println("Not OK") } }
// parse JSON using NSJSONSerialization if you've got data
if let jsonResult = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: &err) as? NSDictionary,
let include = jsonResult.objectForKey(self.searchFieldDataPassed) as? NSDictionary {
if let summLevel = include[ "summonerLevel" ] as? NSNumber {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
self.summonerLevel.text = "\(summLevel.integerValue)"
println("summoner level: \(summLevel.integerValue)")
if let profIconId = include[ "profileIconId" ] as? NSNumber {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
self.profileIconId.text = "\(profIconId.integerValue)"
println("profile icon id: \(profIconId.integerValue)")
if let idNum = include [ "id" ] as? NSNumber {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
self.idNumber = idNum
println("id number: \(self.idNumber)")
// spawn off another network call here if you like
That is from my secondViewController where all the processing goes on for JSON and then is displayed.
Here is the JSON data that I'm processing (for the first JSON parsing):
All of that works fine, now, I want to process this JSON data which actually takes the id from the first parsed JSON data and uses it in the link to process more data, which I would like to output, part of it, to the screen.
Second JSON data:
Heres the link of the second JSON data I want to parse (just adding it, could be useful, but not sure):
The link doesn't work because I have to keep my api key private to myself, but the JSON data that it displays is right above the link, which is the what it would result if you were to use the link with the api key.
Just to restate, I would like to process the second part (above of this) of JSON data, but I do not understand how to process multiple links of JSON. I have the first JSON data parsed, but am unable to parse the second JSON data.
I believe Apple is deprecating NSURLConnection. Take a look at NSURLSession. Using it, you can pass in a completion block that takes three arguments: NSData?, NSURLResponse?, and NSError?. The data object contains the JSON you can pass into the JSON serializer. After that, if you need to make another network call, just call it from inside the completion block with another NSURLSession data task. Alamofire is a great framework, but sometimes you don't need everything it provides, and it adds complexity into your app that if something goes wrong or doesn't behave the way you intend/understand, you may not fully understand why. If you want to keep it simple and under your control, use NSURLSession.
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(url) { data, response, error in
// cast response as NSHTTPURLResponse and switch on statusCode if you like
// parse JSON using NSJSONSerialization if you've got data
// spawn off another network call here if you like
task.resume() // or in Swift 2, task?.resume()
First, i would totally prefer using some common frameworks for http requests - expecially if youre new in swift. For example here with alamofire.
There is also a version with integrated SwiftyJSON, so you are able to parse JSON Responses very easily.
So if you want to make a request, use this:
Alamofire.request(.GET, "")
.responseJSON { (_, _, json, _) in
var json = JSON(json)
// get the id out (depends on your structure of JSON):
let id = json["id"].int
Now you are able to perform a second Request (with the same Code) - Read the Documentation, how to make different Requests (like with POST) and add Parameters.
If you want to use Segues, so you want to load more data from the ID in another ViewController, you can use Segues to push the data to a second ViewController, and Load the new Content from JSON when the new ViewController is initialised.
Check out this how to send data through segues:
Sending data with Segue with Swift

Does Apple test iOS apps offline? How to handle error if no connection?

I have submitted an app to iTunes and Apple rejected it because of a crash.
I symbolicated and analyzed the crashreport and saw that it crash at a json call.
I try to reproduce it and I found that it just happens when I turn off my wlan.
Does Apple test apps offline?
How can I handle this error? And make my jsoncall better.
This is my method:
var session = NSURLSession.sharedSession();
var uri = "/GetNews";
let request : NSMutableURLRequest = CreateRequest(uri, HTTPmethod: "GET");
let task : NSURLSessionDataTask = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler: {(data, response, error) in
var error: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSError?> = nil;
let jsonResult = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: nil, error: error) as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject>;
let resp : NewsResponse = NewsResponse(jsonData: jsonResult!);
It crashs at let resp..., because jsonResult is nil and I use !
Of course Apple tests apps offline, and you should too. You should plan on every call that requires an internet connection failing, and you should handle every error appropriately.
The appropriately part is up to your app. For example, some apps (like Facebook) let you read posts you've already downloaded, and queue up posts you write to be sent when you get an internet connection. Some apps just don't work at all without an internet connection and it doesn't make sense for them to do anything but put up an error message (like, for example, a iTunes radio).
If your app is a news reader, perhaps the best thing to do is use a cache and let them read news they've downloaded in the past. A simple, unobtrusive message letting them know they're offline and new articles will be downloaded once they're back on would suffice; a crash, though, is very bad in terms of usability and utility.
As Eric stated, you should use "safe unwrapping", better known as optional binding. Try this:
var session = NSURLSession.sharedSession();
var uri = "/GetNews";
let request : NSMutableURLRequest = CreateRequest(uri, HTTPmethod: "GET");
let task : NSURLSessionDataTask = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler: {(data, response, error) in
var error: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSError?> = nil;
let jsonResult = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: nil, error: error) as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject>;
//if non-nil, assigns jsonResult to nonNilJsonResult
if let nonNilJsonResult = jsonResult {
let resp : NewsResponse = NewsResponse(jsonData: nonNilJsonResult!);


Hi i try to find a way to parse JSON in SWIFT, this works great for me but i run into a problem.
I let the user enter a username that is used for the JSON URL -> if the user type in a valid username all works fine.
But if he enter a wrong username my parsing fails, this is correct too, but for now my app only crashes and i looking for a way to make a work around.
This is my Code where it crashes,
let url0 = NSURL(string: newUrlPath!)
let session0 = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let task0 = session0.dataTaskWithURL(url0!, completionHandler: {data, response, error -> Void in
if (error != nil) {
} else {
let summonorID_JSON = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) as NSDictionary
The Xcode Error
Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1002 "The operation couldn’t be
completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1002.)" UserInfo=0x7c12d610
{NSErrorFailingURLKey=XX, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=XX,
NSUnderlyingError=0x7c12c8d0 "The operation couldn’t be completed.
(kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error -1002.)"} fatal error: unexpectedly
found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
All is fine cause this is the return page i get from my Request
And yes he can't parse this into a NSDirectory as its no JSON that returns (as its normally is) is there a way to take care that if this page comes up (so the user entered a wrong username) that i can exit my loop/take a other way ;)?
You are using many operations which could all fail, and Swift is quite unforgiving about failure. Your code will crash if newURLPath is nil, if url0 is nil because newURLPath wasn't a valid URL.
So your URL request might return an error (the request itself failed), but you have the case that the URL request succeeded but gives unexpected results (not a JSON dictionary). Your code ending in "as NSDictionary" tells Swift: "I know I might not get a dictionary, but convert what you get to a dictionary and crash if this doesn't work". Just change this to
if let parsedJSON = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil)
// Will still crash if the server sends a valid JSON array
let summonorID_JSON = parsedJSON as NSDictionary
// data wasn't valid JSON, handle it.
The difference is that the optional value returned by the JSON parser will be accepted without crashing, and you check whether you received valid JSON or not.
Since you are getting 404 on this request, I assume that this will happen every time something is bad with username, you should handle server response to fit that. First thing will be to check what server returned:
let httpResp: NSHTTPURLResponse = response as NSHTTPURLRespons
At this point you can access statusCode property, that will tell you if request was good or not (404). Having that information you can decide what to do, and for example, you can modify your code something like this:
let url0 = NSURL(string: newUrlPath!)
let session0 = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let task0 = session0.dataTaskWithURL(url0!, completionHandler: {data, response, error -> Void in
if (error != nil) {
} else {
let httpResp: NSHTTPURLResponse = response as NSHTTPURLRespons
httpResp.statusCode != 404 {
let summonorID_JSON = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) as NSDictionary
} else {
// Handle error at this point, tell user to retype username etc.
NSURL is a failable initializer and exactly this happens when you give an invalid url: It fails to initialize.
So wrap your code in an conditional unwrap:
if let url0 = NSURL(string: newUrlPath!) {
The url0 becomes nil if user enter wrong data. If you use the nil value as url0! app will crash.
When you add a ! after a variable you tell the compiler the value will not be nil.
so to avoid the crash, you have to check for nil condition before calling
let task0 = session0.dataTaskWithURL(url0!, completionHandler: {data, response, error -> Void in
