WatchKit Simulator Won't Load App - ios

Originally, I thought this was an issue of the code I was writing, but I've just downloaded four or five WatchKit projects even one from Apple. All of them, fail to load.
I've uninstalled Xcode, reinstalled it and still nothing. Any one else experiencing the same issue? Workarounds? Solutions?
You can see in the screenshot above what the loading screen looks like.

I am already bloody sick of official Xcode 6.2 & WatchKit Simulator. It is so super flaky. Here's another fun fact, if there is some constraint in your storyboard that the watchKit doesn't like then it will also keep looping in an infinite loop without letting anyone know why its doing that. What you need to do is
Drag and drop & add another WKInterfaceController to your storyboard
Make that one your main by dragging the arrow on it
Delete the old watchKit app controller
Now start adding elements one by one and keep testing till it doesn't work any more on the simulator (infinite spin of death)
Try clean and build and even after that it keep the spin ball of death then the last change you made to the storyboard is what it didn't like.
I had to spend hours debugging this crap.
If the above steps don't work for you then try this
launch Xcode
compile and build & launch iPhone simulator
Now don't shutdown the simulator instead do Xcode --> Product --> Stop
This will keep the simulator running but swill top the iphone app running on it
Do Build --> Clean
Do build again
Now launch watchkit simulator
If you need to stop and start always do Xcode --> Product --> Stop
These steps have always worked for me while making watchkit apps

I experienced this a lot with Xcode 6.2 beta 1. I only got this a few times with beta 2 and 3. Here is what I would do to get it to work.
Reset the simulator via menu->IOS Simulator->Reset Content and Settingsā€¦
Quit the simulator
Clean the Xcode project
Restart Xcode
Build and run the iOS App (not the Watch App)
Stop the iOS App
Build and run the Watch App
This would generally fix the app just spinning for me. With beta 1 sometimes I would have to do this two or three times to get it up and running. Once I had it running, it would usually not do it again for a while. With beta 2 and 3 I only saw this a few times.

I always get this issue with Xcode 6.3. I've spent a lot of time on resetting caches in simulator, cleaning/rebuilding projects and so on.
But only one thing always helps me. I just add new blank interface controller on my storyboard and create sequence to it from my main controller.
And when I get this infinite loading of my app, I just swipe to my blank controller and than back to my main controller. After that everything works fine.

In my case nothing here proposed helped. I had to select the module name in addition to the Custom Class name:
This was as a result after renaming the watch kit app. Maybe this is helpful for someone else, since the "spinning wheel of death" itself doesn't give much insight :-/ .


White screen on iOS simulator with Xcode 7.0.1 (Swift)

After upgrading to Xcode 7.0.1, I can run my old apps without problems (after updating Swift syntax), but any new apps I try to build will invariably freeze the launch screen on any attempts to build and run on any simulator or device.
I can make any changes to the storyboard I want, but as soon as I create any code linkages to a button, textfield, etc, I get the nothing but the launch screen when I build & run.
There are no compiler errors, no warnings, nothing to even give me a hint of what the heck is going on. I've cleared derived data, clean & build, reset content & settings, & removed/reinstalled Xcode without any luck.
Does anyone have any idea what's going on here, or can someone tell me where I can start digging to find the issue? I'd post a screen shot if there were something to post, but I've got nothing.
I'm running Yosemite 10.10.5 with Xcode 7.0.1 with Swift

How can I make sure that the iPhone simulator in Xcode will move past the the startup screen every time I use it?

When I run the iPhone simulator, sometimes it doesn't move past the opening screen, and sometimes it does.
What I am calling the opening screen is the screen which has the app tittle on it.
I have tried closing and re-opening it. But it doesn't seem to solve the problem, as it still comes back.
I am using the new Xcode beta but this problem also happens to me often in Xcode 6.
The simulator in my opinion is a little buggy to me. This seems to happen to me a lot the first time I run the simulator. After that it seems a little more stable.
This happens to me too sometimes. Simply stop and directly press the "Run" button again.
You can also try to change the Device or uninstall your app on the selected device.
Also try to close the Simulator and open it again and try to run your app after that
My answer is you cannot make sure about that, since it is just a simulator.
This happen to me to when i use xcode6 sometimes, but when i use xcode 5.1.1 it is working perfectly.
I think xcode6 do not stop the current running app before running the other instead it just override the current "same" running app. here is my theory as i observe it.
Assuming simulator is running.
in XCode 5.1.1:
Stops the currently running app > Compile > Run
but in XCode 6:
Compile > Override the same running app
But you dont want to worry about that so much, as long as it doesn't appear in actual device it is all good.

Xcode 6 app won't stop launching in zoom mode

I have an app that was created in a previous version of Xcode. It used to not be universal so it launched in 1x/2x mode on an iPad.
Now we want it to run with universal storyboards and size classes. We have converted the storyboards to size classes and changed the project setting to "Universal". We have set up the constraints and it runs fine on iPhone 6 and 5 flavors. But when we launch on an iPad is launches in 2x Mode automatically.
I can not figure out what is going on.
Can not find anything here or on the googles that speaks to this issue. Everyone seems to have success with the steps I enumerated. One post I found here talks about using a launch file, but I changed our launch file to our main storyboard and it still launches in 2x mode.
Appreciate the help. Let me know if there is any screen shots or more info that would help make things clearer.
Adding screen shots for the first comment below.
Edit #2
I wonder if it has something to do with the xibs in the storyboard not updating in the newer Xcode. This project was started long ago and the days before storyboards. All I know is that with the latest update of the beta Xcode it just magically works. So strange.
Problems solved when the latest Xcode Beta came out. Possibly something weird with the xibs since this is an old/converted project that stated before storyboards.

Why does simply looking at my Storyboard in XCode 5 ruin my app?

I have an app built in XCode 4 against iOS6. If I open that workspace in XCode 5, clean and build my project, and run it in the simulator, it works (looks a bit different and needs some work, but it works). If I the simply navigate to my Storyboard and do absolutely nothing else, running the app in the simulator again results in my Photo Slideshow showing up black rather than showing pictures properly. A diff reveals it made some changes to the story board file when I looked at it. Rolling back the changes pertaining to my slideshow only is not effective. Rolling back all the changes works until I look at the Storyboard again.
It's obviously capable of working properly - why does it have to ruin everything just because I look at the Storyboard? Now I have to rebuild this part of the app, which is painful because I didn't build this part of the app to start with. This is not great for maintainability.
OK I have been messing with this all day.
In a nut shell keep or install Xcode 4.6 to deploy iOS 6.1 and before apps.
So for Xcode 5 messing stuff up, yes it's not working as expected.
I would expect to set the target
And have it look like an ios 6.1 app but it does not it looks ok in the viewer but both on the simulator and a iPad it looks bad. I have already filed a bug report.
ALSO if you have Autolayout checked in your 4.6 project and then try to look at it in Xcode 5.0 be prepared to kill Xcode as it tries to move everything around. In my case many table views got stuck in an endless loop and finally got a warning that tables can not exceed 10,000 :)

iOS simulator issue

I downloaded xcode 4 and created a single view application with storyboard.
I added two views to the segue and tied them back to the home screen. After that I must have done something weird. The only thing I can think of is that I put the iOS simulator on the dock. I've updated the project and the changes are not being reflected on the simulator.
What I think is the issue is that I have two iOS simulators on the computer. For some reason whenever I try to find one in spotlight or in the applications it only shows one. When I click on it it is the old iOS simulator from Xcode 3. So what I did was I looked at stackoverflow and it suggested cleaning and running the project. That did not work.
After that I looked harder and found that I should reset content and settings on my new iOS simulator. That's what I did and now when I build and run it it is saying that it can't find my storyboard.
Generally you don't run simulator separately, but let Xcode fire it up for you. So, in Xcode, in the upper left corner you can select your scheme (and you select whether you want it on the simulator or the device). You can then select the simulator and then press the "Run" button and it should fire up the simulator for you. No need to fire the simulator up separately.
If Xcode is not behaving well (i.e. there are no error messages but the simulator never comes up automatically when you tell Xcode to run it on you simulator), I'd suggest (a) quitting and restarting Xcode (sometimes it gets in a weird state); (b) cleaning your project; and (c) try running it again.
In terms of not finding the simulator in Spotlight, it's now part of the bundle, so Spotlight won't find it. But if you want to dock it (not sure why, but feel free), just fire it up from Xcode by running an app on the simulator and when it appears in your dock, control-click on it and select "Options > Keep in Dock".
