Need advice on best way to access database in iPhone app - ios

So I am fairly new to iOS development and have decide to create a project of my own. This app is using Parse as it's backend. I know that it is better to have all the database calls in one class, but am unsure of the best way to do it. So far I have two options:
Create separate .h and .m files and put all database accessors there as static methods
Create base .h and .m files (that inherit from UIViewController) and put all the calls there. Then derive all my other view controllers in the app from this one.
Which of these two options is better? Or is there a better way to do this than these two options?

While this is purely opinion based I would argue for solution 1. This creates a good separation of code and makes it clear where the database methods are located both when looking at a view controller. Compare [DBConnector performDatabaseMethod] to [self performDatabaseMethod] the second one seems weird and out of place if self is a UIViewController subclass.
Another option is using a singleton database accessor which you access using [[DBConnector sharedInstance] performMethod] where sharedInstance looks something like this.
+ (id)sharedInstance {
static DBConnector *sharedMyManager = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedMyManager = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedMyManager;


Usage of dispatch_once

I understand that dispatch_once is something that is equivalent to a static variable and that the piece of code inside dispatch_once is executed only once throughout the application.
I am going through a huge code base and came across something like this
+ (DBHelper *)sharedInstance {
static DBHelper *sharedDBHelper = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedDBHelper = [[super alloc] initUniqueInstance];
return sharedDBHelper;
DBHelper.sharedInstance is used to get an object and is used in a lot of places ot generate objects.
I'm confused as to why dispatch_once is being used here since that would mean you could have only one object of the class?
This is the standard pattern for a shared instance, otherwise known as a faux singleton.
In many cases programmers choose to use a single object that can be easily accessed from any part of an application - by calling a static method which returns back a reference to the shared object, i.e. sharedInstance in your example - as a means to provide communication/shared data between otherwise independent parts of the application.
It is a faux singleton pattern as it does not prevent other instances of the same type - DBHelper in your example - from being created. A true singleton model is one in which only a single instance of the type can ever be created. (Apple used to have sample code showing how to create true singletons, but it was never updated for the post-ARC world, for more details on that including an ARC version see this answer.)
It's a singleton (a design pattern). You only need one instance of the class instantiated, so that's all you create.

Objective C - Creating singleton using shared instance

I have doubts regarding the creation of singleton class in Objective-C/iOS.
Where ever I see the trick to create a singleton class in objective-C is this code
+ (id)sharedManager {
static MyManager *sharedMyManager = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedMyManager = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedMyManager;
Whenever I call [MyManager sharedManager] of course I get the same address. However, I can also write [MyManager new] in which case the address is different.
1.Isn't the concept of singleton class is that it restricts the instantiation of a class to one object?
2.If we can create another object its not a singleton anymore, is it?
In my iOS app I tried [UIApplication new]. I got an exception in runtime. Now this I get. You cannot make another instance of UIApplication since its a singleton class.
So why the use of shared instance considered to be the way of creating a singleton class or have I got this all wrong?
The sharedManager is the convenience method you'd use to access the singleton instance. While this doesn't guarantee that there will be only one instance of that manager over the app, if everyone is using sharedManager then there will practically exist only one instance of that manager.
This kind of singletons are singletons by convenience, not by implementation. You should use them, for multiple reasons:
you can unit test them, by calling alloc init in your unit tests and making use of that brand new allocated object
it makes your life easier if decide to later refactor the manager and no longer use it as a singleton if you consider it from the begging like a regular object to work with
Of-course, you can make a singleton by-the-book by overriding the init and allocWithZone: to either return the only instance or by raising an exception, however I'm not sure they'd worth the effort.
There's a very good tech talk regarding singletons held by Misko Hevery in the Google clean code talks playlist, the link to the video: here. This kind of singletons are referred as lower case S singletons, not capital S ones in the video, and Misko explains very well why they are preferred.
It doesn't break singleton concept. You choose your way to implement what you want. If you want to create only singleton instance, you can make run error by override init function:
[NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException
reason:#"bla bla bla..." userInfo:nil];
you can override it to force return to shared instance.
Of course, you can. But it not recommend if you are using singleton.
Objective-C uses a pragmatic approach. Your +sharedManager method returns a singleton. If someone is stupid enough to call [SingletonClass new] or [[SingletonClass alloc] init], that's their problem. They'll get what they deserve. There is no reason to prevent people from shooting themselves in the foot if that is what they want to do.
There are millions of programming errors that people can make and that the developer of a class or the compiler cannot prevent. No point wasting effort on preventing this particular error.

What is the alternative way for Singleton

I have a single ton which is working fine, but i don't want to use singleton instead any alternative best way
find my code for reference
+ (instancetype)shareInformation;
+ (instancetype)shareInformation
static Myclass *manager;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
manager = [[Myclass alloc] init];
return manager;
[[Myclass shareInformation] methodofMyclass:^(NSDictionary *results, NSError *error) {
//my code
i have a class Myclass in which i am using a singleton to init manager = [[Myclass alloc] init]; and i am calling this in other class MyNextClass but i don't want to do this in this way i mean i don't want to use singleton pattern i need some this alternative for what i do here
I'm guessing you want to avoid using the singleton as it's considered an anti-pattern.
A solution would be to use a dependency injection container to wire up your application and configure it to resolve your object as a single instance.
I'm not familiar with ios development but Typhoon looks like popular choice.
You can use a singleton or you can use a normal instance, it's up to you. One of the major benefits of a singleton is so that you can get a reference to it anywhere without difficulty.
You could always create a class, and pass a reference of it anywhere you want to use it. For example in your view controller you create it, make sure you create a property of it in your following view controllers and then pass that same reference to the new view controller.
It's best to use a singleton if that's what you're trying to accomplish and you only need one instance though.
Another option, for "global" data, is to make use of the AppDelegate. You can place simple properties in the AppDelegate itself, or define a property (or explicit "getter" method) which returns a pointer to some more complex "global" object.
Note that using the AppDelegate this way is considered "bad form" by many, but there's really not that much bad about it, other than accessing the AppDelegate itself is a bit awkward. (And it upsets the sensibilities of those who are sure they know what "separation of concerns" really means.)

Should I avoid a Singleton in this case?

I've been thinking about using a singleton on my data class in my current app. I've also been thinking of reasons not to use the pattern and currently I am stuck in the middle.
The reason I am for the singleton in this case is due to accessibility to methods and properties easily that I need to use more than once throughout the app. I could use the appDelegate for this but that muddles up the area of concern as these methods / variables have nothing to do with the app state - more to do with user input. The data will be persisted with eventually with NSUserDefaults - which is a singleton already.
The reason I am against it is because its another singleton to an app that already bass one (The appDelegate)
My question:
Would using another Singleton to access the data model be the correct way / acceptable way of doing it - or should I look at another approach?
I personally think there would be nothing wrong with a singleton as a data model - using the app delegate to instantiate it when the app starts and then access its various methods / properties when I need them throughout the app. This would be the only other singleton in the app (Maybe another one for user management - e.g.; logging in / out / profile / credentials, etc? )
Any thoughts?
Thanks all!
There is no problem having multiple singleton classes within ios, in fact in many of my projects most of the classes are singletons. Normally I have the data access logic and control within a singleton and then actual object classes as instances.
As you have already identified you really do not want to be putting something into AppDelegate that does not apply to the whole app.
From my point of view do not instanciate the class from AppDelegate, simply have the class instanciate itself on first access.
Whenever I am explaining singleton Objective-C to people I always direct them to this site, it may be worth a view for you:
It explains only what you need in a really easy to understand way. The bit that does the 'self-instanciating' is this bit:
+ (id)sharedManager {
static MyManager *sharedMyManager = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedMyManager = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedMyManager;
You could use singleton in these case. Don't use delegate to hold values for your app. You may use same singleton for user management also.
Note : Don't use globals unless you need to do so. Singletons and top-level data should be used only when the data they contain truly belongs at the top level.

Appropriate method for updating contents when WebAPI returns

I have a Web API class which handles all network communication and downloads in my project. My project contains both collection views and tableviews which are updated whenever a download is complete.
My way to handle this feels ugly.
I pass references to my collection views/table views to the methods in WepAPI.m.
Whenever a download is complete I use the references to insert new objects to my views and to send reload messages.
Is this the way to go? Should I use KVO or some other method instead?
I am using AFNetworking Framework to handle my web communication
I'd use blocks.
For example: (in WebAPI.h)
typedef void (^SomeStuffBlock)(id someStuff);
- (void)getSomeStuffWithCompletion: (SomeStuffBlock)completion;
Use a singleton so that the downloader stays in memory. (Put this in your WebAPI.m)
+ (id)sharedInstance {
static dispatch_once_t once;
static id sharedInstance;
dispatch_once(&once, ^{
sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
Calling would be like this:
[[WebAPI sharedInstance] getSomeStuffWithCompletion: ^ (id someStuff) {
//Make changes to your views here
This ensures that the view changes you make are done in their corresponding view controllers.
an easy pattern should be to use two singletons:
a ConnectionManager, which handles auth, timeout, parsing,
a DataManager, which asks the ConnectionManager to fetch the endpoints and store the parsed results.
Then you can use KVO (or NSNotifications) to listen to any updates to your DataManager singleton.
This way of doing things is simple enough and provides a fair amount of reusability for each of the components involved.
