ActiveRecord scope cache for remote attribute? - ruby-on-rails

I have a large project, there are several separated db instance, database name and different table names, all need to be processed in single one Sinatra controller.
Something like this
class ItemLog < ActiveRecord::Base
def address
http_get('' + self.type_id).to_json['address']
so if I iterated through a long list of ItemLog, the http get called multiple times per each ItemLog.
But since ItemLog.type_id is a limited set, but it's saved in a remote db, It's ideal that for each unique type_id, we only need to issue exactly one http request.
I know how to declare a standalone hash for caching like this:
address_cache = Hash[ItemLog.where(...).limit(500).pluck(:type_id) {|type_id| [type_id, get_address(type_id)] }]
ItemLog.where(...).limit(500).each { |item| item.address = address_cache[item.type_id }
My question is is there anyway to write more elegant code for this? Something like "scope cache" works like a {item_type_id: address_string} pairs, but directly in a encapsulated ActiveRecord model


Is there a more idiomatic way to update an ActiveRecord attribute hash value?

Given a person ActiveRecord instance: person.phones #=> {home: '00123', office: '+1-45'}
Is there a more Ruby/Rails idiomatic way to do the following:
person_phones = person.phones
person_phones[:home] = person_phones[:home].sub('001', '+1')
person.update_column :phones, person_phones
The example data is irrelevant.
I only want to sub one specific hash key value and the new hash to be saved in the database. I was wondering if there was a way to do this just calling person.phones once, and not multiple times
Without changing much behaviour:
person.phones[:home].sub!('001', '+1')
There are a few important differences here:
You modify the string object by using sub! instead of sub. Meaning that all other variables/objects that hold a reference to the string will also change.
I'm using save instead of update_column. This means callbacks will not be skipped and all changes are saved instead of only the phones attribute.
From the comment I make out you're looking for a one liner, which isn't mutch different from the above:
person.tap { |person| person.phones[:home].sub!('001', '+1') }.save
You can use the before_validation callback on your model.
Like this:
class Phone < ApplicationRecord
validates :home, US_PHONE_REGEX
before_validation :normalize_number
def normalize_number
home.gsub!(/^001/, '+1')
Note: I haven't tested this code, it's meant to show an approach only.
If you're looking to normalize also an international number, evaluate if the use of a lib like phony wouldn't make more sense, or the rails lib based on it.
since the comment clarify you only want to change the values of the hash in one like you can use Ruby's method transform_values!:
phones.transform_values!{|v| v.gsub(/^001/, '+1')}

How to add attribute/property to each record/object in an array? Rails

I'm not sure if this is just a lacking of the Rails language, or if I am searching all the wrong things here on Stack Overflow, but I cannot find out how to add an attribute to each record in an array.
Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:
#news_stories.each do |individual_news_story|
#user_for_record = User.where(:id => individual_news_story[:user_id]).pluck('name', 'profile_image_url');
individual_news_story.attributes(:author_name) = #user_for_record[0][0]
individual_news_story.attributes(:author_avatar) = #user_for_record[0][1]
Any ideas?
If the NewsStory model (or whatever its name is) has a belongs_to relationship to User, then you don't have to do any of this. You can access the attributes of the associated User directly:
#news_stories.each do |news_story| # gives you the name of the associated user
news_story.user.profile_image_url # same for the avatar
To avoid an N+1 query, you can preload the associated user record for every news story at once by using includes in the NewsStory query:
NewsStory.includes(:user)... # rest of the query
If you do this, you won't need the #user_for_record query — Rails will do the heavy lifting for you, and you could even see a performance improvement, thanks to not issuing a separate pluck query for every single news story in the collection.
If you need to have those extra attributes there regardless:
You can select them as extra attributes in your NewsStory query:
where(...) # rest of the query
It looks like you're trying to cache the name and avatar of the user on the NewsStory model, in which case, what you want is this:
#news_stories.each do |individual_news_story|
user_for_record = User.find(individual_news_story.user_id)
individual_news_story.author_name =
individual_news_story.author_avatar = user_for_record.profile_image_url
A couple of notes.
I've used find instead of where. find returns a single record identified by it's primary key (id); where returns an array of records. There are definitely more efficient ways to do this -- eager-loading, for one -- but since you're just starting out, I think it's more important to learn the basics before you dig into the advanced stuff to make things more performant.
I've gotten rid of the pluck call, because here again, you're just learning and pluck is a performance optimization useful when you're working with large amounts of data, and if that's what you're doing then activerecord has a batch api you should look into.
I've changed #user_for_record to user_for_record. The # denote instance variables in ruby. Instance variables are shared and accessible from any instance method in an instance of a class. In this case, all you need is a local variable.

Rails Limit Model To 1 Record

I am trying to create a section in my app where a user can update certain site wide attributes. An example is a sales tax percent. Even though this amount is relatively constant, it does change every few years.
Currently I have created a Globals model with attributes I want to keep track of. For example, to access these attributes where needed, I could simply do something like the following snippet.
(1+ Globals.first.sales_tax) *
What is the best way to handle variables that do not change often, and are applied site wide? If I use this method is there a way to limit the model to one record? A final but more sobering question.......Am I even on the right track?
Ok, so I've dealt with this before, as a design pattern, it is not the ideal way to do things IMO, but it can sometimes be the only way, especially if you don't have direct disk write access, as you would if deployed on Heroku. Here is the solution.
class Global < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :only_one
def only_one
if Global.count >= 1
errors.add :base, 'There can only be one global setting/your message here'
If you DO have direct disk access, you can create a YAML config file that you can read/write/dump to when a user edits a config variable.
For example, you could have a yaml file in config/locales/globals.yml
When you wanted to edit it, you could write
filepath = "#{Rails.root}/config/locales/globals.yml"
globals = YAML.load("#{Rails.root}/config/locales/globals.yml"))
globals.merge!({ sales_tax: 0.07 })
File.write(filepath) do |f|
f.write YAML.dump(globals)
More on the ruby yaml documentation
You could also use JSON, XML, or whatever markup language you want
It seems to me like you are pretty close, but depending on the data structure you end up with, I would change it to
(1+ Globals.last.sales_tax) *
and then build some type of interface that either:
Allows a user to create a new Globals object (perhaps duplicating the existing one) - the use case here being that there is some archive of when these things changed, although you could argue that this should really be a warehousing function (I'm not sure of the scope of your project).
Allows a user to update the existing Globals object using something like paper_trail to track the changes (in which case you might want validations like those presented by #Brian Wheeler).
Alternatively, you could pivot the Global object and instead use something like a kind or type column to delineate different values so that you would have:
(1+ Globals.where(kind: 'Colorado Sales Tax').last) *
and still build interfaces similar to the ones described above.
You can create a create a class and dump all your constants in it.
For instance:
class Global
#sales_tax = 0.9
def sales_tax
and access it like:
Or, you can define global variables something on the lines of this post

Serialized column by model in rails work correctly only after refresh

In my model I have:
class Log < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :data
def self.recover(table_name, row_id)
d = Log.where(table_name: table_name, row_id: row_id).where("log_type != #{symbol_to_constant(:delete)}").last
row =
raise "Nothing to recover" if d.nil?
raise "No data to recover" if
c = const_get(table_name)
ret = c.create(row.attributes)
And in my controller I calling it as:
def index
Log.recover params[:t], params[:r]
redirect_to request.referer
The problem is, if I access this page for the first time, I am getting error specified below, but after refresh, is everything OK. Where can be problem?
undefined method `attributes' for #<String:0x00000004326fc8>
In data column are saved instances of models. For the first time column isn't properly unserialized, it's just yaml text. But after refresh everything is fine. That's confusing, what is wrong? Bug in rails?
It's not every time, sometimes in first access everything is okey.
Deyamlizing an object of class Foo will do funny things if there is no class Foo. This can quite easily happen in development becauses classes are only loaded when needed and unloaded when rails thinks they might have changed.
Depending on whether the class is loaded or not the YAML load will have different results (YAML doesn't know about rail's automatic loading stuff)
One solution worth considering is to store the attributes hash rather than the activerecord object. You'll probably avoid problems in the long run and it will be more space efficient in the long wrong - there's a bunch of state in an activerecord object that you probably don't care about in this case.
If that's not an option, your best bet is probably to make sure that the classes that the serialized column might contain are loaded - still a few calls to require_dependency 'foo' at the top of the file.

Rename ActiveResource properties

I am consuming JSON data from a third party API, doing a little bit of processing on that data and then sending the models to the client as JSON. The keys for the incoming data are not named very well. Some of them are acronyms, some just seem to be random characters. For example:
aikd: "some value"
lrdf: 1 // I guess this is the ID
I am creating a rails ActiveResource model to wrap this resource, but would not like to access these properties through model.lrdf as its not obvious what lrdf really is! Instead, I would like some way to alias these properties to another property that is named better. Something so that I can say = 1 and have that automatically set lrdf to 1 or puts and have that automatically return 1. Also, when I call model.to_json to send the model to the client, I dont want my javascript to have to understand these odd naming conventions.
I tried
alias id lrdf
but that gave me an error saying method lrdf did not exist.
The other option is to just wrap the properties:
def id
This works, but when I call model.to_json, I see lrdf as the keys again.
Has anyone done anything like this before? What do you recommend?
Have you tried with some before_save magic? Maybe you could define attr_accessible :ldrf, and then, in your before_save filter, assign ldrf to your id field. Haven't tried it, but I think it should works.
attr_accessible :ldrf
before_save :map_attributes
def map_attributes
{:ldrf=>:id}.each do |key, value|
self.send("#{value}=", self.send(key))
Let me know!
You could try creating a formatter module based on ActiveResource::Formats::JsonFormat and override decode(). If you had to update the data, you'd have to override encode() also. Look at your local gems/activeresource-N.N.N/lib/active_resource/formats/json_format.rb to see what the original json formatter does.
If your model's name is Model and your formatter is CleanupFormatter, just do Model.format = CleanupFormatter.
module CleanupFormatter
include ::ActiveResource::Formats::JsonFormat
extend self
# Set a constant for the mapping.
# I'm pretty sure these should be strings. If not, try symbols.
MAP = [['lrdf', 'id']]
def decode(json)
orig_hash = super
new_hash = {}
MAP.each {|old_name, new_name| new_hash[new_name] = orig_hash.delete(old_name) }
# Comment the next line if you don't want to carry over fields missing from MAP
This doesn't involve aliasing as you asked, but I think it helps to isolate the gibberish names from your model, which would never have to know those original names existed. And "to_json" will display the readable names.
