This has to be something really easy, but am pretty new to Grails & Groovy. I am writing a Grails application in version 2.4.3.
There's a class called UserInfo
class UserInfo extends UserDetails {
String userID = ""
static constraints = {
userID blank:false
Now the UserDetails class:
class UserDetails {
String userName = ""
String userType = "" // 'Admin' or 'Guest' or 'IT' or 'Supervisor'
//Lot more Informations
static constraints = {
userName blank:false
userType blank:false
And now in another controller class i want to get the User Type information.
def getUserData = {
def type = []
int count = 0
UserInfo.each {
type [i] = it.userType; // Error: No such property: operator for class: UserInfo
The goal here is to get list of UserTypes ('Admin' or 'Guest' or 'IT' or 'Supervisor') and the total numbers of each user type.
For e.g., Admin = 230, Guest = 120, .........
The code above doesn't do that and in fact gives an error. I want to use the data above and plot a X - Y Graph.
Ideally i should have the data in a def in an array model as shown below.
def type = []
type << [totalNum: new Integer("230"), userType: 'Admin']
type << [totalNum: new Integer("120"), userType: 'Guest']
Once i have populated all the data into a def, then i could use Google Visualization to draw the graph easily.
As of now i still don't know how to extract the data from each instance of UserInfo class and then get it to a def.
Appreciate your help!
You are missing the list() method here:
UserInfo.list().each {...}
I don't think it's possible with the syntax you're using. UserInfo.each refers to a colosure over static members of the UserInfo class. However if you want to enumerate things, this can be done with the following syntax.
class UserInfo {
enum UserType {
Admin, Guest, IT
Enumerating over these then becomes
def getUserData = {
def types = []
def count = 0
UserInfo.UserType.each {
types << it
However, in grails, with your original class, you're just missing a findAll() or list() call for a domain object. This however will produce duplicates if you have more than one of each user type.
def getUserData = {
def types = []
def count = 0
UserInfo.findAll().each{ UserInfo it ->
types << it.userType
Grails 2.3.7, Java 1.7, tomcat
For no apparent reason(that I can see) the reviewResults property of the Review domain sometimes saves as the ordinal value of the enum.
The database schema says that the column is a varchar type.
Sometimes NA is saved as NA, however, sometimes it is saved as 0.
This is the same with passed, except passed is saved as 1 sometimes.
Any ideas why this might be happening?
abstract class Work {
// Nothing defined in here related
// to the review domain enum.
The Domain class in question.
class Review extends Work {
Results reviewResults
String notes
enum Results {
static constraints = {
reviewResults(nullable: true, enumType: 'string')
// Is this redundant if it is already declared in the constraints?
static mapping = {
reviewResults enumType: 'string'
The Domains related controller.
// Reviews created with Quartz job, results property is not set.
class ReviewController {
def reviewService
def show(Long id) {
def reviewInstance = Review.get(id)
def reviewResultsOptions = []
[reviewInstance: reviewInstance, reviewResultsOptions: reviewResultsOptions]
def closeWork(Long id, String reviewResults, String notes) {
def review = Review.get(id)
review.reviewResults = Review.Results.valueOf(reviewResults)
def result = reviewService.closeReview(review, notes)
The service for the controller/domain.
class ReviewService {
def workService
Review closeReview(Review work, String notes) {
work.notes = notes
return work.errors.allErrors.empty ? work : null
The service where the Review object is finally saved.
class WorkService {
Tracking closeWork(Work workInstance) {
def tracked = new Tracking()
workIntance.setClosed(new Date()) true)
// Set some tracking properties and save and return the tracking object.
I have three classes in grails application
class Category {
String name
class Application {
String name
static hasMany =[specialCategoryies:SpecialCategory]
class SpecialCategory {
Category category
Integer points
static belongsTo =[application:Application]
Here while I am saving the applicationInstance I don't want save duplicate
specialCategories values like ..specialCategories does not have same
category value again ..
here i application instance should rise error that category value repeated..
so how define constraints for hasMany properties in domain class......?
suggest how to write constraints to avoid duplicate values of category
You might try using a custom validator in your Application constraints section. For example, one way to check for duplicate property values is to collect the values into an array and compare them to the corresponding unique array (with duplicated elements removed):
class Application {
String name
static hasMany =[specialCategoryies:SpecialCategory]
static constraints = {
specialCategoryies validator: { specialCategories, obj ->
def specialCategoriesIdArray = specialCategories.collect {it?.category?.getId()}
return (specialCategoriesIdArray.size() == specialCategoriesIdArray.unique().size())?true:'application.validator.specialcategoryduplicate.error'
When trying to save a special category with an existing category, it will throw a validation error when saving. You can test with the following:
def cat1 = new Category(name:"Cat 1").save(flush:true)
def cat2 = new Category(name:"Cat 2").save(flush:true)
def app = new Application() = "Test"
app.addToSpecialCategoryies(new SpecialCategory(category: Category.get(1), points:2))
app.addToSpecialCategoryies(new SpecialCategory(category: Category.get(2), points:2))
app.addToSpecialCategoryies(new SpecialCategory(category: Category.get(1), points:3))
if ( ){ "Saved!"
} else {
log.error "NOT Saved. Error:"
app.errors.each {
log.error it
I am trying to find a way to add dynamic fields to a grails domain class. I did find the dynamic domain class plugin based on Burt's article, but this is way too much for our needs.
Supposed we have a domain class of person:
class Person extends DynamicExtendableDomainObject {
String firstName
String lastName
static constraints = {
firstName(nullable: false, blank: false, maxSize: 50)
lastName(nullable: false, blank: false)
Now customer a wants to also have a birthdate field in this. By using some sort of management tool, he adds this extra field in the database.
Customer b wants to also have a field middle name, so he is adding the field middle name to the person.
Now we implemented a DynamicExtendableDomainObject class, which the Person class inherits from. This adds a custom field to each Domain class inheriting from this to store the dynamic properties as JSON in it (kind of like KiokuDB in Perl stores them).
Now when Person is instantiated, we would like to add those dynamic properties to the Person class, to be able to use the standard Grails getter and setter as well as Templating functions for those.
So on customer a we could use the scaffolding and person would output firstName, lastName, birthDate, on customer b the scaffolding would output firstName, lastName, middleName.
The storing of the properties will be implemented by using the saveinterceptor, to serialize those properties to JSON and store them in the special field.
But we have not yet found a way to add these JSON properties dynamically to the domain class during runtime. Is there a good way to handle this? And if so, how to best implement this?
You can try to add the properties at runtime to the DomainClass of type DynamicExtendableDomainObject by expanding getProperty(), setProperty(), setProperties() in the metaClass and then use beforeUpdate(), beforeInsert() and afterLoad() to hook into Persistence.
For example in Bootstrap (or service):
def yourDynamicFieldDefinitionService
for(GrailsClass c in grailsApplication.getDomainClasses()){
Set extendedFields = yourDynamicFieldDefinitionService.getFieldsFor(c.clazz)
c.clazz.metaClass.getProperty = { String propertyName ->
def result
result = delegate.getExtendedField(propertyName)
} else {
def metaProperty = c.clazz.metaClass.getMetaProperty(propertyName)
if(metaProperty) result = metaProperty.getProperty(delegate)
c.clazz.metaClass.setProperty = { propertyName , propertyValue ->
delegate.setExtendedField(propertyName, propertyValue)
delegate.blobVersionNumber += 1
} else {
def metaProperty = c.clazz.metaClass.getMetaProperty(propertyName)
if(metaProperty) metaProperty.setProperty(delegate, propertyValue)
def origSetProperties = c.clazz.metaClass.getMetaMethod('setProperties',List)
c.clazz.metaClass.setProperties = { def properties ->
for(String fieldName in extendedFields){
delegate."${fieldName}" = properties."${fieldName}"
abstract DynamicExtendableDomainObject {
String yourBlobField
Long blobVersionNumber //field to signal hibernate that the instance is 'dirty'
Object getExtendedField(String fieldName){
void setExtendedField(String fieldName, Object value){
def afterLoad(){
//fill your transient storage to support getExtendedField + setExtendedField
def beforeUpdate(){
//serialize your transient storage to yourBlobField
def beforeInsert(){
//serialize your transient storage to yourBlobField
Given this relationship:
class A {
String name
static hasMany = [b:B]
class B {
String name
static belongsTo = [a:A]
I have an record b that I want to save. I've already discovered via working Grails reflection (omitted in the code example below) that it needs to be an instance of class B. Beyond that, record b only knows:
it has a relation "a"
relation "a"'s key
Since it's a dynamic case, we do not know and must discover:
relation "a" is to an instance of class A (so we can call A.find(a's key))
the "other side" of the relation - class A's perspective - is relation "b" (so we can call .addToB(b))
So how do I save b to the database? Here's how I'm doing it:
class AssocTests extends GrailsUnitTestCase {
protected void setUp() {
// I don't know this part, but it's in the DB
def a = new A(name:"al")
void testAssociation() {
// I want to create a new B such that name="bob"
// I also had to discover "class B" using (working) Grails reflection
// but omitted it for this example.
def b = new B(name:"bob")
// ... and the relation is as "given" below
def given = [a:[name:"al"]]
// So I need to call A.find([name:"al"]).addToB(b). But "A" and
// "addToB" are unknown so need to be found via reflection
def gdc = new DefaultGrailsDomainClass(B)
given.each { give ->
def prop = gdc.getPropertyByName(give.key)
if (prop.isAssociation() && !prop.isOwningSide()) {
println "I want to use otherSide, but it's ${prop.otherSide}"
def os = reallyGetOtherSide(B, give)
def object = os.parent.find(
def bFound = B.findByName("bob")
assertEquals "al",
def reallyGetOtherSide(clazz, relation) {
def parent=clazz.belongsTo[relation.key]
def addTo=parent.hasMany.find { (clazz == it.value) }.key
[parent:parent, method:"addTo${addTo.capitalize()}"]
...with otherSide returning null, unfortunately. This can't be the best way to do this, can it?
If I understood you correctly, You can refer to these docs here. You can try the following:
`new A(name:"Gatwick")
.addToB(new B(name:"BA3430"))
.addToB(new B(name:"EZ0938"))
I have the following classes:
class Employer {
static hasMany = [employees: Employee]
class Employee {
String name
static belongsTo = [employer: Employer]
I try to save some JSON from the front end (the actual code is a bit more dynamic):
params = {
employer: 1,
name: 'Test'
def save = {
def employee = new Employee() = params;
However, the save fails because the employer cannot be set from the id. (Failed to convert property value of type 'java.lang.Integer' to required type 'Employer') Is there a way to make that work?
The structure of your JSON is incorrect. It would need to be something more like: