SWIFT: try to use delegate method of objective c class - ios

I have an existing Objective-C SDK (AugmentedKit SDK). I am trying to use it with Swift. AugmentedKit SDK has a class called 'AKSurfaceView' that implements a delegate to 'AKViewDataSource' protocol.
#class AKSurfaceView;
#protocol AKViewDataSource;
#protocol AKViewDelegate<AKViewDataSource>
AKViewDataSource looks like this:
#protocol AKViewDataSource<NSObject>
-(AKMarkerTemplate*) viewforMarker:(AKMarker*) marker;
I've created a briging file, implemented other methods from AKSurfaceView, etc. - everything works fine but when I try to add a reference of the AKViewDelegate to my UIViewControllerClass it ends in a compile error:
"Type POIViewController does not conform to protocol 'AKViewDataSource'"
My implementation looks like this:
class POIViewController: UIViewController, AKViewDelegate {
My implementation of 'viewforMarker' in SWIFT looks like this:
func viewforMarker(marker:AKMarker) -> AKMarkerTemplate{
var markerView:SimpleMarker = SimpleMarker(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 230, 80))
markerView.title.text = marker.markerName
return markerView
Could please anybody help my to figure out how I have to implement 'viewforMarker' so the delegate recognise it?

It looks like your AKViewDelegate is a subclass of AKViewDataSource, in this case, you will have to conform to AKViewDelegate AND AKViewDataSource, that means you will have to implement the required methods of both protocols.

Make sure you have imported your Obective-C class inside Bridging-Header.h, and added the following in your swift class:
markerView.delegate = self


How to conform swift class delegate in objective c Class using swift 4?

Suppose there are two class one in swift and other is in objective-c class in same project.
In swift class i declared delegate and i want to set that delegate in objective c class.
I have done this following way ...
import UIKit
#objc public protocol SwiftLoginVCDelegate: class {
#objc public class SwiftLoginViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var txtUserName: UITextField!
#IBOutlet var txtPassword: UITextField!
#IBOutlet var btnLogin: UIButton!
var delegate: SwiftLoginVCDelegate?
override public func viewDidLoad() {
self.txtPassword.text = "XYZ"
self.txtPassword.text = "123"
self.btnLogin.backgroundColor = UIColor.blue
#objc public func testObjective(){
print("Swift class is integrated in objective c project")
the objective c class is
#import "Mediator.h"
#class SwiftLoginViewController;
#protocol SwiftLoginVCDelegate;
#interface LoginMediator : Mediator
Implementation Class is
#import "xyz-Swift.h"
#class SwiftLoginViewController;
#implementation LoginMediator
// line 1: [(XYZController*)self.viewComponent setDelegate:self];
line 2 : [(SwiftLoginViewController*)self.viewComponent setDelegate:self];
[objectVC testObjective];
If u check the onRegister Method , In line No 1 delegate is set using objective c, which is commented now , but i want to set same delegate in swift 4 , line no 2, when I try to set delegate in swift 4 I am getting following error
No visible #interface for 'SwiftLoginViewController' declares the
selector 'setdelegate';
Note :
One more that i am able to access all the var and function defined in
swift class to objective c Class. I am not able to set the
Delegate in objective c Class which is declared in swift Class.
Can any one has any idea what i am doing wrong in above code ? All inputs are appreciated.
Okay so I've made a sample project in Objective-C and then installed my Swift framework called GPKit, once I made it working, I realized you're not using Cocoapod. So I made a sample Swift class and then used it in my Objective-C class.
First, you need to learn how to properly use a Swift file/class inside your Objective-C class, learn from here: Can't use Swift classes inside Objective-C
And then once you get it working, confirming to a Swift delegate and implementing the functions in that delegate will be easy.
What I can see in your implementation is that you're making a new class and protocol.
#class SwiftLoginViewController;
#protocol SwiftLoginVCDelegate;
Here's the sample code that I made just for this question:
#import "TestObjcUsingGPKit-Swift.h"
#import "ViewController.h"
#interface ViewController () <CuteDelegate>
#implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
CuteClass *newCutie = [[CuteClass alloc] init];
newCutie.delegate = self;
- (void)myCuteFunc {
// --- the delegate function
import UIKit
#objc public protocol CuteDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
#objc func myCuteFunc()
public class CuteClass: NSObject {
weak var delegate: CuteDelegate?
The full sample project on GitHub for you: https://github.com/glennposadas/UsingSwift-In-ObjectiveC
I had the exact same issue as you. I noticed that the generated -Swift.h file did not expose the weak delegate member in my Swift file to the objective-c runtime. You can verify this by doing a command+click on your #import -Swift.h file and search for you Swift class name to see what methods/members are exposed.
To finally fix the issue, I ended up adding the #objc tag to my delegate. In your case it would be:
#objc weak var delegate: SwiftLoginVCDelegate?
After I did that, I observed the -Swift.h file again, and lo and behold my delegate was exposed and I'm able to use it in my objective c file as expected.
Hope this helps.
#Gleen response is fine but you must add #objc to var delegate too
weak var delegate: CuteDelegate?
The issue is coming from using setdelegate instead of setDelegate ( see the lowercase delegate).
[(SwiftLoginViewController*)self.viewComponent setDelegate:self];
// or
((SwiftLoginViewController*)self.viewComponent).delegate = self;
I was stuck on this until I found a different problem: I had #objcMembers on the Swift class definition, but the protocol definition sits outside of the class definition and needs its own #objc annotation.

Implementing an Obj-C class in my Swift project

I'm trying to add a webshop to my app. The problem is that the webshop has provided me with an Obj-C framework and I'm only familiar with making iOS apps in Swift.
I've managed to setup an Obj-C bridging header and instantiate the webshop object.
My project looks like this:
When the shop button on my CodeDetailViewController gets tapped this function gets triggered:
#IBAction func shopButtonPressed(sender: UIButton){
let instanceOfShop : Shop = Shop()
My Shop.m looks like this:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <FMShop/FMShop.h>
#import "Shop.h"
#implementation Shop
- (void) showShop {
FMShop* shop = [[FMShop alloc] initWithKey:#"4M7HDPAQMY68S"
[shop showStore:kShopViewHome ID:nil];
The showShop function in this class gets triggered. Nothing however shows up.
The manual on how to implement this webshop is aimed at Obj-C apps. Concerning the delegate it states:
delegate: Please define a class or an interface that implements the delegates. Without such, the Store will not show. Please go to FMShopDelegate to see the supported list of methods and callbacks.
This is what I could find in the framework:
#protocol FMShopDelegate <NSObject>
-(void)shopProductInfo:(FMShop*)shop products:(NSArray*)productArray;
-(void)shopHistoryOrderInfo:(FMShop*)shop orders:(NSArray*)orderArray;
-(void)shopPlaceOrderSuccess:(FMShop*)shop orderID:(NSString*)orderID;
-(void)shopOrderUserCancelled:(FMShop*)shop orderID:(NSString*)orderID;
-(void)shopFailed:(FMShop*)shop error:(FMShopErrorType)error;
Can anyone tell me how to connect this final method to the right delegate?
Sounds like if you don't provide a delegate when you instantiate your instance of FMShop, then the show method will not work. In your Shop.m file, you're instantiating the FMShop object with nil as the delegate parameter.
Try having an object conform to the FMShopDelegate protocol, and passing this object as the delegate parameter. You could even have your Shop object conform to the protocol itself, and pass self as the delegate if that would serve your purposes.
You could do this in Swift in a new Shop.swift file, or in the Shop.m file in Objective-C:
class Shop: NSObject {
func showShop() {
// I'm guessing on the syntax here, Xcode will help autocomplete the correct functions
let shop = FMShop(key: KEY, storeKey: STOREKEY...)
shop.show(store: kShopViewHome, id: nil)
extension Shop: FMShopDelegate {
// Implement any of the protocol functions you want here
#interface Shop() <FMShopDelegate> // Conform to the delegate here
#implementation Shop
- (void) showShop {
FMShop* shop = [[FMShop alloc] initWithKey:#"4M7HDPAQMY68S"
[shop showStore:kShopViewHome ID:nil];
// Implement any of the protocol methods here
You have to use bridging header for accessing obj-c file in swift
Below is the apple doc to describe how to create & use bridging header
Apple Doc
Use bridging header in your project.

Objective-C protocol method invisible in Swift

I'm currently working on some Swift classes in my ObjC project.
The problem I have is the following:
I have this protocol declared in ClassA.h:
#protocol MyProtocol <NSObject>
- (void)complexMethodWithArg1:(id)arg1 arg2:(id)arg2 arg3:(id)arg3;
- (Folder *)currentDestinationFolder;
- (Flow)currentFlow;
Pretty standard stuff.
Now my goal is to have a swift class with a property that is an object implementing this protocol.
So naturally, I add my class to the swift bridging header:
// Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift.
#import "ClassA.h"
and declare my property in my swift file under ClassB which is a UIViewController that implement ANOTHER protocol
class ClassB : UIViewController, AnotherProtocol {
var delegate:MyProtocol?
Problem here is: I want to call a bunch of my delegate methods in viewDidLoad. It's working for all of them except ONE method that gets not autocompletion and errors the compilation if entered manually:
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.delegate?.currentDestinationFolder() // works great, no problem
self.delegate?.currentFlow() // works great, no problem
self.delegate?.complexMethodWithArg1(arg1: arg1, arg2: arg2, arg3: arg3) // PROBLEM : no autocompletion, error if entered manually !
I have no idea what's going on, it's not related to optional or required protocol methods, not related to the fact that my delegate property is optional (tried unwrapped).
Has anybody face some similar issue? seems like some kind of bug?
I went ahead and tried to reproduce the problem on an empty project.
MyProtocol.h (taking the declaration from your question and comments)
#import Foundation;
#import UIKit;
#class CAPNavigationBar;
#protocol MyProtocol <NSObject>
- (void)setupNavigationItemInNavigationBar:(CAPNavigationBar *)navigationBar
navigationItem:(UINavigationItem *)navigationItem
inViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController;
CAPNavigationBar.h (just a mock)
#import Foundation;
#interface CAPNavigationBar : NSObject
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var delegate: MyProtocol?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let capNavigationBar = CAPNavigationBar()
self.delegate?.setupNavigationItemInNavigationBar(capNavigationBar, navigationItem: nil, inViewController: self)
Bridging header
#import "MyProtocol.h"
#import "CAPNavigationBar.h"
Everything is working as expected.
You have either a simple typo somewhere or you are not importing correctly all the types into Swift. Especially make sure that you are not importing types only as forward declarations.

how to add clweeklycalendarview delegate in swift

I got error : does not conform to protocol CLWeeklyCalendarViewDelegate,
Please give any solution for problem, I don't know what are the missing methods in my class.
You have to confirm protocol to the delegate by adding CLWeeklyCalendarViewDelegate> ahead to interface
In Objective C
#interface MyViewController: UIViewController <CLWeeklyCalendarViewDelegate>
In Swift
class MyViewController: UIViewController, CLWeeklyCalendarViewDelegate{
First you need to confirm the protocol by writing
calendarWeekView.delegate = self
Also define your protocol at top while defining the class as below
class YourSwiftClass: UIViewController, CLWeeklyCalendarViewDelegate
Implement the delegate method as below
func dailyCalendarViewDidSelect(_ date: Date!) {

File Scope? Swift Delegates and Protocols

I'm working on building a new Swift app roughly based off an old Obj-c app. I'm currently working on the delegates
Here is what my obj-c code looked like in the .h file
#interface MyAppViewController : CustomViewController
#property (nonatomic, weak) id<MyAppViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
#protocol MyAppViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)myAppViewController:(MyAppViewController *)controller loggedInStudent: (MYStudent *)student;
- (void)myAppViewControllerWantsSignUp:(MyAppViewController *)controller;
In SWIFT I did:
class MyAppViewController: CustomViewController {
var delegate: MyAppViewControllerDelegate?
protocol MyAppViewControllerDelegate{
func myAppViewController(controller: MyAppViewController, loggedInStudent: MYStudent)
func myAppViewControllerWantsSignUp(controller: MyAppViewController)
I've done a lot of reading and study on this, so I thought I was doing it basically right (totally new to swift though... so)
I'm getting this error though, "Declaration is only valid in file scope" on the protocol MyAppViewControllerDelegate {
I assumed this had something to do with declaring it within the class, so I moved it out, only now my code within the class doesn't recognize the delegate variable I declared..
Any ideas?
Should be this:
protocol MyAppViewControllerDelegate {
func myAppViewController(controller: MyAppViewController, loggedInStudent: MYStudent)
func myAppViewControllerWantsSignUp(controller: MyAppViewController)
class MyAppViewController: CustomViewController {
var delegate: MyAppViewControllerDelegate?
Although, if you're following a common pattern where the object that owns MyAppViewController is also its delegate, this may cause memory issues. You can use class typing to allow weak delegation like so:
protocol MyAppViewControllerDelegate : class {
func myAppViewController(controller: MyAppViewController, loggedInStudent: MYStudent)
func myAppViewControllerWantsSignUp(controller: MyAppViewController)
class MyAppViewController: CustomViewController {
weak var delegate: MyAppViewControllerDelegate?
This is slightly limiting because it requires you to use a class for your delegate, but it will help avoid retain cycles :)
From what I see in your source code is that you've declared your protocol inside of your class.
Just declare the protocol outside of the class declaration and you'll be fine.
The default access level is set to internal which is defined as
Internal access enables entities to be used within any source file from their defining module, >but not in any source file outside of that module. You typically use internal access when >defining an app’s or a framework’s internal structure.
In contrast to Objective-C or C you don't need a forward declaration if the implementation haven't happened before the usage.
Source: The Swift Programming Language, Access Control
