erlang : placeholder in tuple (or list) - erlang

I'd like to tidy my Eralng code, I found there're lots of issue following:
A = {Tid, _Tv0, _Tv1, Tv2, Tv3}
Is there any way to clean the code like to be: A = {Tid, SomewayReplace(4)} ???
like #Pascal example, Is there any way to simple the code A = {T, _, _, _, _, _} like to be A = {T, SomewayReplace(4)} to replace that 4 symbol _ ???
in real project, if some record include many element, I found it force me to repeat writing the symbol _, so I wonder if there is any way to simple it???

Writting A = Something means that you try to match A with Something or if A is unbound, assign Something to A. In anycase, Something must be defined.
You can find some shortcut in writting. For example, if you want to assign the result of a funtion to A, verify that the result is a tuple of 5 elements and assign the first element to T, the you can write:
A = {T,_,_,_,_} = f(Param).
The meaning of _T is exactly the same as any variable. It just says to th compiler to not issue a warning if this variable is not used in the code. It is frequent in pattern matching when you want to ignore the value of a variable but still keep trace of its meaning.
It is not possible to write {T, SomewayReplace(4)}, but you may use records. A record is a tagged tuple (first element is the atom that identify this record. It is not shorter than placeholder for small tuples, but it is clearer, you don't need to remember the location of the information in your tuple, and it is easier to modify your code when you need to add a new element in a tuple. The syntax will be
A = #mytuple{fieldx = T} = f(Param).
waerning: Records are managed by the compiler, so everything must be known at build time (#mytuple{Fieldx = T} is illegal, Fieldx cannot be a variable).

Why not use a record? Then you only match the fields you want to extract. As a by-effect, you make the code easier to debug, since you are forced to name the tuple by having a atom first.


Creating an 'add' computation expression

I'd like the example computation expression and values below to return 6. For some the numbers aren't yielding like I'd expect. What's the step I'm missing to get my result? Thanks!
type AddBuilder() =
let mutable x = 0
member _.Yield i = x <- x + i
member _.Zero() = 0
member _.Return() = x
let add = AddBuilder()
(* Compiler tells me that each of the numbers in add don't do anything
and suggests putting '|> ignore' in front of each *)
let result = add { 1; 2; 3 }
(* Currently the result is 0 *)
printfn "%i should be 6" result
Note: This is just for creating my own computation expression to expand my learning. Seq.sum would be a better approach. I'm open to the idea that this example completely misses the value of computation expressions and is no good for learning.
There is a lot wrong here.
First, let's start with mere mechanics.
In order for the Yield method to be called, the code inside the curly braces must use the yield keyword:
let result = add { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3 }
But now the compiler will complain that you also need a Combine method. See, the semantics of yield is that each of them produces a finished computation, a resulting value. And therefore, if you want to have more than one, you need some way to "glue" them together. This is what the Combine method does.
Since your computation builder doesn't actually produce any results, but instead mutates its internal variable, the ultimate result of the computation should be the value of that internal variable. So that's what Combine needs to return:
member _.Combine(a, b) = x
But now the compiler complains again: you need a Delay method. Delay is not strictly necessary, but it's required in order to mitigate performance pitfalls. When the computation consists of many "parts" (like in the case of multiple yields), it's often the case that some of them should be discarded. In these situation, it would be inefficient to evaluate all of them and then discard some. So the compiler inserts a call to Delay: it receives a function, which, when called, would evaluate a "part" of the computation, and Delay has the opportunity to put this function in some sort of deferred container, so that later Combine can decide which of those containers to discard and which to evaluate.
In your case, however, since the result of the computation doesn't matter (remember: you're not returning any results, you're just mutating the internal variable), Delay can just execute the function it receives to have it produce the side effects (which are - mutating the variable):
member _.Delay(f) = f ()
And now the computation finally compiles, and behold: its result is 6. This result comes from whatever Combine is returning. Try modifying it like this:
member _.Combine(a, b) = "foo"
Now suddenly the result of your computation becomes "foo".
And now, let's move on to semantics.
The above modifications will let your program compile and even produce expected result. However, I think you misunderstood the whole idea of the computation expressions in the first place.
The builder isn't supposed to have any internal state. Instead, its methods are supposed to manipulate complex values of some sort, some methods creating new values, some modifying existing ones. For example, the seq builder1 manipulates sequences. That's the type of values it handles. Different methods create new sequences (Yield) or transform them in some way (e.g. Combine), and the ultimate result is also a sequence.
In your case, it looks like the values that your builder needs to manipulate are numbers. And the ultimate result would also be a number.
So let's look at the methods' semantics.
The Yield method is supposed to create one of those values that you're manipulating. Since your values are numbers, that's what Yield should return:
member _.Yield x = x
The Combine method, as explained above, is supposed to combine two of such values that got created by different parts of the expression. In your case, since you want the ultimate result to be a sum, that's what Combine should do:
member _.Combine(a, b) = a + b
Finally, the Delay method should just execute the provided function. In your case, since your values are numbers, it doesn't make sense to discard any of them:
member _.Delay(f) = f()
And that's it! With these three methods, you can add numbers:
type AddBuilder() =
member _.Yield x = x
member _.Combine(a, b) = a + b
member _.Delay(f) = f ()
let add = AddBuilder()
let result = add { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3 }
I think numbers are not a very good example for learning about computation expressions, because numbers lack the inner structure that computation expressions are supposed to handle. Try instead creating a maybe builder to manipulate Option<'a> values.
Added bonus - there are already implementations you can find online and use for reference.
1 seq is not actually a computation expression. It predates computation expressions and is treated in a special way by the compiler. But good enough for examples and comparisons.

F#: How to examine content in a n-tuple and return true or false?

Consider this F# code:
let isSalary employee =
let (fName,lName,Occupation,Department,SalaryType,
HoursPerWeek, AnnualSalary, HourlyWage
) = employee
SalaryType = "Salary"
if(employee.SalaryType = SalaryType) then
Im getting errors in here, any fixes to it?
First things first, please post error messages and a much more specific question. Thanks! But luckily, I can about deduce the error messages from this problem.
Next, if you want to mutate SalaryType after you've deconstructed your employee 8-tuple, you should write using the mutable keyword:
let mutable (fName, lName, Occupation, Department, SalaryType,
HoursPerWeek, AnnualSalary, HourlyWage) = employee
But you shouldn't. This is explained further below.
Next problem: there is no dot notation (no tuple.member) for accessing members of a tuple. It's only possible through deconstruction. So you can't employee.SalaryType.
Here's what looks to be the crux of the problem, and it's a mistake I made many times when I was learning functional programming, and it's a difficult paradigm shift to adapt to. You should not be attempting to mutate data, or in this case, variables. Variables, or values as they are called in F#, shouldn't change, as a broad rule. Functions should be pure.
What this means is that any parameters you pass into a function should not change after leaving the function. The parameter employee should be the same after you return to the calling scope.
There's a few syntactical errors you've made that make it pretty much impossible for me to deduce what you're trying to do in the first place. Please include this in the question.
Also, one last nitpick. As you know, the last expression in an F# function is it's return value. Instead of using an if statement, just return the condition you're testing, like this:
let ...
employee.SalaryType = SalaryType <- but remember, you can't use dot notation on tuples; this is just an example

f# deedle filter data frame based on a list

I wanted to filter a Deedle dataframe based on a list of values how would I go about doing this?
I had an idea to use the following code below:
let d= df1|>filterRowValues(fun row -> row.GetAs<float>("ts") = timex)
However the issue with this is that it is only based on one variable, I then thought of combining this with a for loop and an append function:
for i in 0.. recd.length -1 do
df2.Append(df1|>filterRowValues(fun row -> row.GetAs<float>("ts") = recd.[i]))
This does not work either however and there must be a better way of doing this without using a for loop. In R I could for instance using an %in%.
You can use the F# set type to create a set of the values that you are interested. In the filtering, you can then check whether the set contains the actual value for the row.
For example, say that you have recd of type seq<float>. Then you should be able to write:
let recdSet = set recd
let d = df1 |> Frame.filterRowValues (fun row ->
Some other things that might be useful:
You can replace row.GetAs<float>("ts") with just row?ts (which always returns float and works only when you have a fixed name, like "ts", but it makes the code nicer)
Comparing float values might not be the best thing to do (because of floating point imprecisions, this might not always work as expected).

Modify a record in Erlang by programmatically specifying the field to modify

Is there any relatively simple way to (copy and) modify a record in Erlang when the modification is to a field that we specify programmatically?
For example:
-record(my_record, {foo = 0, bar = 0}).
modify_record(Record, Field, Value) ->
Record#my_record{Field = Value}.
So that one could do something like modify_record(#my_record{foo = 1}, bar, 42), or, modify_record(some_method_that_returns_a_my_record(), foo, 3.14)
Compiling something like that I get errors like
field 'Field' is not an atom or _ in record my_record
I realize there are some examples out there on how to convert to/from a proplist, but I was hoping for something more straightforward.
it's possible if you pass the field number (rather than field name). Means you call function
modify_record(MyRecord,, 3.14)
instead of
modify_record(MyRecord, foo, 3.14)
( returns number of foo field in the record). In that case your modify record might be
modify_record(R, FieldNo, Val) -> setelement(FieldNo,R,Val).
you can make it work like this:
modify_record(Record, Field, Value) ->
case Field of
foo -> Record#my_record{foo = Value},
bar -> Record#my_record{bar = Value}
You could use something like "dynarec" from
In your module, you'd have to specify the parse transform by including at the top:
-compile({parse_transform, dynarec}).
This parse transform will modify your module at compile time by inserting setters and getters for all the records defined or included in that module.
Which mean you could do something like:
NewRecord = set_value(field_name, Value, Record)
I recommend reading the comments at the top of the dynarec as it includes more complete examples.
I hope that helps.
Records are purely compile-time so everything has to be known at compile-time. This means you cannot calculate the field name at run-time, which is what you would like to do. The methods given by #ligaoren and #chops are two ways of handling this but, as you can see, both do their stuff at compile-time.

Creating a valid function declaration from a complex tuple/list structure

Is there a generic way, given a complex object in Erlang, to come up with a valid function declaration for it besides eyeballing it? I'm maintaining some code previously written by someone who was a big fan of giant structures, and it's proving to be error prone doing it manually.
I don't need to iterate the whole thing, just grab the top level, per se.
For example, I'm working on this right now -
[[["SIP",47,"2",46,"0"],32,"407",32,"Proxy Authentication Required","\r\n"],
I noticed your clarifying comment. I'd prefer to add a comment myself, but don't have enough karma. Anyway, the trick I use for that is to experiment in the shell. I'll iterate a pattern against a sample data structure until I've found the simplest form. You can use the _ match-all variable. I use an erlang shell inside an emacs shell window.
First, bind a sample to a variable:
A = [{a,b},[{c,d}, {e,f}]].
Now set the original structure against the variable:
[{a,b},[{c,d},{e,f}]] = A.
If you hit enter, you'll see they match. Hit alt-p (forget what emacs calls alt, but it's alt on my keyboard) to bring back the previous line. Replace some tuple or list item with an underscore:
Hit enter to make sure you did it right and they still match. This example is trivial, but for deeply nested, multiline structures it's trickier, so it's handy to be able to just quickly match to test. Sometimes you'll want to try to guess at whole huge swaths, like using an underscore to match a tuple list inside a tuple that's the third element of a list. If you place it right, you can match the whole thing at once, but it's easy to misread it.
Anyway, repeat to explore the essential shape of the structure and place real variables where you want to pull out values:
[_, [_, _]] = A.
[_, _] = A.
[_, MyTupleList] = A. %% let's grab this tuple list
[{MyAtom,b}, [{c,d}, MyTuple]] = A. %% or maybe we want this atom and tuple
That's how I efficiently dissect and pattern match complex data structures.
However, I don't know what you're doing. I'd be inclined to have a wrapper function that uses KVC to pull out exactly what you need and then distributes to helper functions from there for each type of structure.
If I understand you correctly you want to pattern match some large datastructures of unknown formatting.
Input: {a, b} {a,b,c,d} {a,[],{},{b,c}}
function({A, B}) -> do_something;
function({A, B, C, D}) when is_atom(B) -> do_something_else;
function({A, B, C, D}) when is_list(B) -> more_doing.
The generic answer is of course that it is undecidable from just data to know how to categorize that data.
First you should probably be aware of iolists. They are created by functions such as io_lib:format/2 and in many other places in the code.
One example is that
[["SIP",47,"2",46,"0"],32,"407",32,"Proxy Authentication Required","\r\n"]
will print as
SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
So, I'd start with flattening all those lists, using a function such as
flatten_io(List) when is_list(List) ->
Flat = lists:map(fun flatten_io/1, List),
flatten_io(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
list_to_tuple([flatten_io(Element) || Element <- tuple_to_list(Tuple)];
flatten_io(Other) -> Other.
maybe_flatten(L) when is_list(L) ->
case lists:all(fun(Ch) when Ch > 0 andalso Ch < 256 -> true;
(List) when is_list(List) ->
lists:all(fun(X) -> X > 0 andalso X < 256 end, List);
(_) -> false
end, L) of
true -> lists:flatten(L);
false -> L
(Caveat: completely untested and quite inefficient. Will also crash for inproper lists, but you shouldn't have those in your data structures anyway.)
On second thought, I can't help you. Any data structure that uses the atom 'COMMA' for a comma in a string should be taken out and shot.
You should be able to flatten those things as well and start to get a view of what you are looking at.
I know that this is not a complete answer. Hope it helps.
Its hard to recommend something for handling this.
Transforming all the structures in a more sane and also more minimal format looks like its worth it. This depends mainly on the similarities in these structures.
Rather than having a special function for each of the 100 there must be some automatic reformatting that can be done, maybe even put the parts in records.
Once you have records its much easier to write functions for it since you don't need to know the actual number of elements in the record. More important: your code won't break when the number of elements changes.
To summarize: make a barrier between your code and the insanity of these structures by somehow sanitizing them by the most generic code possible. It will be probably a mix of generic reformatting with structure speicific stuff.
As an example already visible in this struct: the 'name-addr' tuples look like they have a uniform structure. So you can recurse over your structures (over all elements of tuples and lists) and match for "things" that have a common structure like 'name-addr' and replace these with nice records.
In order to help you eyeballing you can write yourself helper functions along this example:
eyeball(List) when is_list(List) ->
io:format("List with length ~b\n", [length(List)]);
eyeball(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
io:format("Tuple with ~b elements\n", [tuple_size(Tuple)]).
So you would get output like this:
2> eyeball({a,b,c}).
Tuple with 3 elements
3> eyeball([a,b,c]).
List with length 3
expansion of this in a useful tool for your use is left as an exercise. You could handle multiple levels by recursing over the elements and indenting the output.
Use pattern matching and functions that work on lists to extract only what you need.
Look at
keyfind, keyreplace, L = [H|T], ...
