Storyboard for all screen size - ios

There is possible to add storyboard for any screen size?
Example if the iPhone is 6 plus load storyboard 1 if is iPhone 5 load storyboard 2.

Yes it's possible, although I would not recommend it. In fact I would strongly recommend against it.
It is a lot more work to develop in the first place, is a lot more error-prone, and is also a lot more work to test and maintain, and makes it possible to have platform-specific bugs when you have different configurations for each screen size.
With the size classes added in iOS 8 Apple has made dealing with different sized displays easier and cleaner. They are pushing developers away from separate storyboards for iPhone and iPad and towards a single storyboard that manages all platforms.

Try having one storyboard with a universal path then splitting the path using segues based on the phone you are using. I made a cocoapod for screen sizes that might be useful for you.
Here's a tutorial


Updating controller from iPhone to iPad with size classes?

I have been using autolayout and constraints to make my app look pretty on every iPhone, and it looks ok so far. I am having problem with iPad. I have a screen that when viewed on iPad has to much blank space.
I would like to use bigger images, and larger font. Maybe add one more label. Can I do this with sizeclasses, or i have to do it some other way?
Yes, you can do all that with size classes – and indeed they are the preferred solution for this, because you automatically get support for slide over and split view.
If you're using Interface Builder (which, quite frankly, is by far the best way to work with size classes), you'll see little + buttons next to many configuration option of your user interface. For example, you mentioned larger font: right there to the left of the font options is a + symbol, and clicking it lets you add a different font size for specific size classes.
I made an app a few months ago that worked on all iPhones and iPads as well as Apple TV, all using the same base storyboard with customisations using size classes. There's such a big gap between the tiny iPhone 4s and the massive iPad Pro that size classes were basically essential. And yes, split view worked flawlessly out of the box, which was a bonus.
My primary advice: Design for your smallest screen first, then add size classes to configure the largest options. You can then choose some views to either not be installed (it's a checkbox) or just be sized down very small to make sure your UI looks and works great in its most challenging environment. If you can do that, making iPad work is a cinch because it feels like you have acres of space ;)
Another useful tip that enough people know about: Enable the assistant editor, then choose Preview mode for your storyboard. This lets you see how your layouts look on multiple different devices and orientations simultaneously, as you work. If you're looking to make best use of size classes (and the massive difference in space between iPhone and iPad) using the previewer is essential.

Do we need Separate Storyboards for all iPhone/iPad Devices?

I am trying to find answer, That Since we have iPhone 4, 5 ,6, 6 plus (I heard some rumors about iPhone 6 mini too) do we need Different Storyboards?
Earlier I use to make the Applications using XIB files only. Taking one XIB for iPhone 4 and 5 and using autoresizing to make them Compatible for both devices. If I had to make the same application for iPad also, I had to take the different XIB.
After Xcode 6.1 release I started using the StoryBoards and auto-layout, Size Classes. I made an app that was for all iPhones and iPad. I used a single Storyboard for iPhone and iPad and got success. But doing this was very time consuming.
From now on Should I make different Storyboards? Like one for iPhone 4 and 5, another one for iPhone 6 and 6 plus? Because Some time the UI's are too complex that using auto-layout or auto-resizing on the same Storyboard for all devices just destroy the beauty of the UI.
Please Suggest. And I have gone through some Stack answers that are not much Convincing.
In my opinion, different storyboards for iPhone/iPad is necessary only if you gonna provide large different layout for them.
The basic rule is how many views have different layout? Totally or just few views?
If the answer is 2 of 30 or kind of that, make a second viewcontrollews layout with same "custom class" but different "Story ID" is enough.
The answer to your question is: No, we do not need separate storyboards. The answer to your question of whether you should make different storyboards is not so simple.
Basically it is a decision you will make based on your judgement. There is no correct answer. I'd suggest you start with one and if things start getting messy, create a second one. Just don't make the first storyboard too big before you decide if you need to split it out into two or not. It really depends on how different your designs are.

Developing iOS user interfaces programmatically

I've been developing iOS apps for the past 3 years and learned to do so without the use of nibs and storyboards. With the release of iOS 8 and the new iPhones there are ALOT of factors to take into account when developing for iPhone and even iPad devices (Resolution, Screen size, etc.).
The first problem I ran into with Xcode 6 is you can't create a empty project anymore. The closest option is a single view application. I found the following answer here.
Now it seems that apple is really pushing auto-layout, the use of the size classes and the use of storyboards and Interface builder. Is there any way to support the native resolutions of the iPhone 5, 6 and 6 plus and do this programmatically? The only option I can see is defining the frame of each UI element for each device which will lead to a ton of code.
Auto layout IS programmatic. Apple has given the necessary API's to handle size classes entirely in code if you don't want to use interface builder or storyboards and there has always been ways of adding constraints in code too.
You might think IB is a silly tool for noob developers or is only for basic apps and you need more power or whatever your reason, but maybe trying to do every thing yourself in code is a bet you have now lost. Give tools a try.
It's referred to as VFL or Visual Format Language.
VFL Tutorial

xCode layouts not scaling correctly

I am trying to create a universal app capable for all devices, but it is not scaling correctly. Below (the correct version) is a screenshot of my iPhone 5s, and the one that is out of scale is a screenshot of my iPad 2.
Am I doing it correctly making it scale? Or should I use 2 storyboards and assign one to iPhone, and one to iPad?
Its good to make two different xib. But for small screen you have to apply proper auto sizing then it will not be a problem. You can use this for example
For Section 1:
For Section 2:
For Section 3:
For Section 4&5:
The better way of doing this is making two separate storyboards. One for iPhone and other for iPad. This offers you the flexibility to play with both in your own ways and there are many cool things that you can work out with iPads. And to do that, you need separate storyboards in your app. It eliminates the dependency between the look and feel of both the devices.
For making two storyboards the easy way, see this :
How/whether to make a universal storyboard in Xcode
For the selection of appropriate storyboards based on devices, check this :
Selecting different storyboards based on device type
This might help you immensely.

ios - how do I make an app which I developed on the iPhone storyboard also work on the iPad?

I have an app that is nearing completion. So far I have just been using the iPhone storyboard to map out the navigation, but I would also like the app to work on the iPad. Is there a way to just "make it work" or do I have to re-do by hand the entire app flow on the iPad's storyboard?
Considering they have different resolutions, and aspect ratios, you really just have to grin and bear it, and convert it all manually. You can at least copy the storyboard file to a new one, and adjust the views one by one to be ipad-sized
If you made it a universal app, I'd suggest creating another storyboard targeted for iPad and work from scratch. You can still use all the controllers and methods therein for your new views (considering there's nothing very specific) with some slight modifications to adjust for the iPad.
