Ios Video Effect - ios

I want to add a effect on video on ios app , but i dunno what to search for , what i want exactly is the funny face effect , mutate face from front camera, so what i could search for , am using the avfoundation.
any clue that i can start with ?
example :

Its applying filters on it.
There is open source library which help you to develop this, But obvious you need to apply your own logic and open GL.
CoreImage Framework


Is there any way to capture video or image from Unity (which use Vuforia) iOS application?

I have an Augmented Reality functionality made using Unity + Vuforia plugin which I integrated into the iOS application. The app uses the camera as background and when you navigate camera to some marker 3D object will appear on it.
My task is to add buttons which will start and stop capture video (or image) from the camera. The output should be a video with camera scene + 3D object.
I made some investigation, but the only solution I found is to convert the view of AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer on which camera preview is showing to a video (or image). But from my opinion, this solution is inefficient and not flexible.
Is there any way to get a current instance of the AVCaptureSession from Unity (or maybe Vuforia plugin)? Or maybe there is another way to solve my problem?
Any pieces of advice or guides will be very helpful.
I don't think you should use AVCaptureSession to get the preview and even do the capture operation in Cocoa-Touch instead you should capture the image in Unity and pass the data to Cocoa-Touch native API.
Here is the link how to capture the screenshot in Unity.

Ios how to recognize a simple Logo on a white background?

I'm trying to write an app that recognize a logo saved in app bundle and readed as UIImage. I have did a search before make this question, the only free solution seems to be OpenCv. I have tried it in a demo i had download from toptal_logo_detector . The demo works and i can find my logo everywhere i place it. Anyway the camera is very slow, too slow to use it in a real app. Maybe there's a way to optimize it, but my question is another.
I have to recognize a vector logo (always the same logo) centered in a white background ,something like this wifi logo:
My only solution is the complex OpenCV? There's a free and simpler way to achive the result: YES here there's your logo/No there isn't ?
I found this tutorial (with project download) that does what you want using OpenCV

Play video using GPUimage

In my app I have to play an alpha channel video as an overlay over the current view (I'm planning to achieve this alpha channel video using GPUImageAlphaBlendFilter or GPUImageChromaKeyBlendFilter), so I wanted to know if the output video after applying these filters can be played using GPUImage? If we can, then can I get some sample code for the same.
I know AVAnimator is an option but I want to apply filters to these overlay videos i.e.brightness,saturation etc which has to be visible while video is being played because of which I can't use AVAnimator. But this being the next step for now I want to know how to play video using GPUImage.
Thanks in advance! :]
Well, even though I like telling people about AVAnimator, Brad Larson's GPUImage is specifically designed to be a GPU based filtering framework for iOS apps. Application of real time effects like the ones you describe is exactly what GPUImage was designed for. See GPUImage Chroma Key filter

open source library to construct panoramic photos on iOS?

Does any one know of such library? I want to play with this functionality on an iPhone but dont want to write the code from scratch. PanoramaGL doesn't help as it only deals with displaying the panorama rather than building it.
Hope to hear from u soon
Depending on how complex a job you want to do the Opencv library has a panorama stitching module. Opencv now runs on iOS, see iPhone and OpenCV
see a Panoramic it opensource help you.
Not sure if this is helpful, but there is actually already a panoramic camera coded into iOS. you have to edit a plist file on a jailbroken device to enable it, though.

How to make a screenshot of OpenGl ES on top of the live preview camera in iOS (Augmented Reality app)?

I am a very beginner in Objective-C and iOS programming. I spent a month to find out how to show a 3D model using OpenGL ES (version 1.1) on top of the live camera preview by using AvFoundation. I am doing a kind of augmented reality application on iPad. I process the input frames and show 3D object overlay with the camera preview in realtime. These was fine because there are so many site and tutorial about these things (Thanks to this website as well).
Now, I want to make a screen capture of the whole screen (the model with camera preview as the background) as the image and show in the next screen. I found a really good demonstration here, He did everything I want to do. But, as I said before, I am so beginner and don't understand the whole project without explanation in details. So, I'm stuck for a while because I don't know how to implement this.
Does anybody know any of good tutorial or any kind of source in this topic or any suggestion that I should learn more in order to do this screen capture? This will help me a lot to moving on.
Thank you in advance.
I'm currently attempting to solve this same problem to allow a user to take a screenshot of an Augmented Reality app. (We use Qualcomm's AR SDK plugged into Unity 3D to make our AR apps, which saved me from ever having to learn how to programmatically render OpenGL models)
For my solution I am first looking at implementing the second answer found here: How to take a screenshot programmatically
Barring that I will have to re-engineer the "Combined Screenshots" method found in CocoaCoder's Screenshots app.
I'll check back in when I figure out which one works better.
Here are 3 very helpful links to capture screenshot:
OpenGL ES View Snapshot
How to capture video frames from the camera as images using AV Foundation
How do I take a screenshot of my app that contains both UIKit and Camera elements
