How do we create a link to an Asana workspace - asana

Asana appears to have the following link structure:
How would you build a link to a workspace assuming I have the workspace Id. E.g. a link to to My Tasks in a specific workspace.
These work for other uses, but could not figure it out for workspaces
open a task:
open a project:
open a tag:

There isn't really a page that just represents the workspace, and there's no shortcut for "the current viewer's My Tasks in Workspace X". So I'm afraid the answer is "we don't have that right now". :-/


Determining the type of Jenkins project

Ideally I would like to clone a jenkins project, but it is in say /dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/dir5 and I am in /dir1/dir2/dir6/dir7/dir8 and I can "copy existing item from" but it does not offer a browse, and I don't know how to specify a project from a different directory. If someone knows, you could let me know.
In the meantime, I will just have two window open. One window displaying the current project and the other window creating a new one, and I will just copy the things over. My problem, and I bet it is very simple but I could not find out during research or else it is so simple I overlooked it ;-) Jenkins wants me to specify the type (Freestyle project, MultiJob Project, Maven project, Pipeline, etc) and I am not sure. I want to make it the same as the existing project, but I can't figure out how to tell what type the existing project is. It does check out files from SVN and build via Java.
Can someone tell me how to find out what type of project an existing maven project is?
There is no specific tag, but if you open a project, delete button have the type of project information available. pipleline project will have "Delete Pipeline" button, maven project will have "Delete Maven Project" button and a freestyle project will only have "Delete Project" button.
In addition one should have description text about this information.
On Jenkins' Dashboard, each project type has a different icon representation on the left of the project table. For example, Folder project has a Folder icon. When you hover your mouse over the icon, it will show a tooltip that is the project type.
You can go to the script page on jenkins(http://replace_with_your_jenkins_url/script) and execute the below script:
def jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance()
def jobName = "name_of_your_job"
def job = jenkins.getItem(jobName)
println "Job type: ${job.getClass()}"
You don't need to know the project type. Just click on 'New Item' and enter the name of the new project and enter the name of the project you want to clone from, in 'Copy from' input and click OK

TFS 2015 Build is not getting the Mapped path

For some reason my build definition are not working properly if long path mappings. If I were using the path $/Project/Samples it works OK.
My build has this in the repository tab:
Then the logs show that there is no SLN found, and I confirmed that nothing was downloaded to the agent working folders:
For me it's a bug when getting sources, as I can't see a good why it is not getting correctly the files. I already tried to add files in some folders above and it works. Some ideas?
This permissions issue must be addressed at both the Team Project Collection and Team Project scopes.
First, the Team Project Collection:
Browse to http://[my_tfs_server]:8080/tfs/[my_collection_name]/_admin/_security?_a=members (your Collection's Security admin tab)
Click on the TFS group "Project Collection Build Service Accounts"
Ensure the user (not group) "Project Collection Build Service (TEAM FOUNDATION)" is a member of the group
If it is not a member, add it with the "Add Windows user or group" menu, then Browse -- you should find it in the list of users
Second, the Team Project:
Browse to http://[my_tfs_server]:8080/tfs/[my_collection_name]/[my_team_project]/_admin/_versioncontrol
Ensure the user (not group) "Project Build Service (TEAM FOUNDATION)" is present in the security list (along with the "Project Collection Build Service Accounts" group)
If it is not a member, add it with the "Add Windows identity" menu, then Browse -- you should find it in the list of users
Third, ensure that the "Project Collection Build Service Accounts" group and "Project Build Service (TEAM FOUNDATION)" user have appropriate version control rights, such as Read and Label. Make sure that Inheritance is set to On.
With these permissions in place, the -1 issue should resolve.
"workspace version -1" usually occurs when there is no permission to access to the source control. Check the "Inheritance" settings for the folders in your source control and make sure it is set to "On". Refer to this link for details: TFS 2015 Build Agent failing syncing the repository.
Similar question here: TFS 2015 build agent failing to sync TFVC.
This maybe a long path error. A way to fix this issue is to reset the workfolder path.
The default work folder location is a _work folder directly under the
agent installation directory. You can change the location to be
outside of the agent installation directory, for example:
/WorkFolder:C:_work. One reason you may want to do this is to avoid
"path too long" issues on the file system.
Source link
And also set Clean = "false". This may also be the root cause. If you have set /Project/Samples and build the definition. It will pull down all files under /project/Samples. Set the long path again, there has been files in the working folder. TFS may not get the new files. Set Clean= "True" and try it again.

Create Task in project using the API on ASANA

Using the ASANA API, I can't find a way to create an unassigned task attached to a project. Ex: I would like to create a task "Add this feature" to workspace "12345678" and add it to project "456789" without assignee.
Any help?
(I work at Asana)
Every project belongs to exactly one workspace, and all tasks in that project must also be in that workspace. Therefore, specifying both project and workspace would be redundant.
That said, if you look at the Task documentation you will see you can specify a projects array at creation time to indicate which projects the new task should be created in.

Checking in Shelvesets

I'm a developer and I've made some changes to a solution, which I have saved off to a shelveset. Another developer unshelves my changes and builds the solution on a server. Is there a way for the second developer to check in my shelveset? I know he/she can check in the individual files comprising the shelveset. However, I was thinking of a "checkin" command that took the name of a shelveset as a parameter, or if there was another way to check in those changes as a unit, with the shelveset name.
The other developer can open a Visual Studio Command Prompt and use the following command:
tf checkin /shelveset:shelvesetname;shelvesetowner
See Checkin Command on MSDN for more details.
I don't think check-in via TFS Command Line directly is a better way, it maybe conflict with the latest code on TFS.
I think the better way to check in shelveset if there are some another changes in you code, but you don't check in it, is create a new WorkSpace in your local computer
Then map the latest code to the new workspace, then unshelve(download) the shelveset, resolve the conflict if necessary, then check in the code
For those having issues with the error:"Items cannot be specified with the /shelveset option.", try putting the user name in parenthesis as follows:
tf checkin /shelveset:shelvesetname;"shelvesetowner"
An easy way to do this is to define a new workspace and have the developer unshelve to that workspace. Then, all of the pending changes for that workspace correspond to the shelfset, and they can check in everything in the workspace.
The second developer can go to Team Explorer -> Builds and right click on the Build definition you are working with.
Select “Queue New Build…”
In the combobox “What do you want to build?”, select “Latest sources with shelveset”.
If you go to the button “…” you can select any shelveset from anyone.
Then check the box “Check in changes after successful build”.
A build runs with that shelveset, the shelveset is checked in when the build passes.

Custom Build Summary entries in TFS Team Build

I have succesfully added a custom build step to my TFS Team Build script, however, after my build fails (as intended by my custom build step), I want to add a URL to my custom failure report in the "Summary" section at the top of the build report.
This is the section that says...
"Build Name:"
"Requested by:"
"Team project:"
How can I do this?
This cannot be done with the current versions of Team Foundation Server. The only thing that you could possibly customize in TFS2008 is to change the Build Log location to point to a URL that contains the information you are interested in along with a link to the actual build log should somebody want to look at the full details.
For more information on updating the log location, take a look at the following blog post of mine:
It looks as if this cannot be done. See the first part of this post for confirmation.
You can add it to IBuildInformation to access programmatically (if say, you had a custom dashboard to show your build status).
