Xcode 6.1 if/else/for/switch statements not autocompleting (Swift only) - ios

I am not experiencing the autocomplete problem described in every other post. Normal function autocomplete works just fine. My issue is the version of Xcode I am running (6.1, Swift) will not autocomplete / auto-suggest any basic program statement (if, for, switch, do, etc.). If I type "if" for example, after a few seconds the suggestion menu pops up; however, there is no documentation in the window which would normally describe a statement's function (while at the same time presenting an auto laid-out example to fill in).
If I try a project in the same version of Xcode in Objective-C, these basic program statements complete just fine.
I have already:
1) Make sure my Settings are set to auto-suggest completions
2) Make sure I have cleared DerivedData and everything else suggested in previous posts
3) Reinstalled Xcode & restarted Mac countless times
4) Downloaded all latest "iOS 8.1, Xcode 6.1" documentation from "Xcode -> Preferences -> Documentation"
This used to work!! Arrgh. Any suggestions? Thank you.

Upgrade to Xcode 6.2 and clear your derived data. It should fix the problem.


Parse error "Could not build module 'UIKit'" but the app runs fine

I created a new project in Xcode 11, the "Single View app" in objective C. In every class the line #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> is highlighted in red, with the message "Could not build module 'UIKit.'" However the app builds and runs with no problem.
I've read a lot of questions like this on SO from years back, but none with XCode 11 and it doesn't sound like any of them would build without breaking. For me it is purely a parsing issue.
I tried deleting derived data, and I reinstalled XCode multiple times. The last time I went through this tutorial for completely erasing XCode from my computer: https://macpaw.com/how-to/uninstall-xcode-on-macos
Through the rest of the day the issue seemed to be gone. But this morning it's back again.
This seems to be happening with any XCode project I have, including brand new ones with no code changes.
I would just ignore the "errors" but it keeps me from being able to use autocomplete which slows down my workflow a lot.
This issue seems to have gone away. I'm not sure why but I'm happy for it.
This issue came back again after updating my computer. I have not been able to update Xcode for a while not. I'm not sure if the issue is related
I was able to update Xcode, and the issue went away again.
I updated my Mac to Catalina 10.15.1 and was able to update Xcode to 11.2. After this the parse error discontinued and all of my syntax highlighting is back to normal.

Why Xcode shows "This app could not be installed at this time." pop-up?

When I run the project and add the app in simulator for the first time, everything is okay. But when I run it again, Xcode prompts this message as a pop-up window at the end of compilation:
This app could not be installed at this time.
I already checked the relevant question, and tried all the advised ways to solve this issue; checking mentioned logs, cleaning project, restarting simulator, changing it, erasing all content and settings in it. Nothing works. I must erase the app and recompile it every time to open the app. Did you get the same message before? Is there any way to detect problem and resolve it? Btw, I use Xcode 9.2 at High Sierra.
This error pop-up may come up for different reasons. There is no specific reason to see it for now. In my case, a JSON file that I added to Bundle in order to provide mock data triggered this issue. This file was containing a Turkish letter in one of the keys. After I fix it, the pop-up is gone. Interestingly, earlier simulators (<=9.1) work properly if JSON file contains Turkish letter but 9.2 simulators cannot tolerate it.
Worked for me when I rebuild the project after deleting the derived data folder.
I think I may have found a solution. This all started a short time after I let Xcode update my project settings. Specifically on my CocoaPod-Subproject. I removed the pods and reinstalled them and now I am no longer getting the pop-up.

Xcode 8.1 Not Autocompleting type alias callbacks

It's really weird for Xcode (Version 8.1 (8B62)) to act like this, not helping me to auto complete the callbacks, let me give you a specific example:
See the photo, when I double click or enter in that suggested call back, which is the SingleRequestCallBack, Xcode should give me a block. But it's not. Instead Xcode just completing that statement which is FirebaseSingleRequest.SingleRequestCallBack, and if you double click on the suggested call back, Xcode would give you a bug report in your editor and making all the codes white.
That happens too in the Firebase library and even in the UIViewController functions (such as dismiss). See the second screenshot.
Steps I already made:
Clean and Clean the Build of the project.
Restart Xcode
Shut down the machine.
So the question is: How to fix this? What causes this issue?

Localisation issues with localisation strings

Just spend another evening, trying to figure that out.
Here is what I am doing:
1) Creating a clean project with tabbed iOS application in XCode 6.3.1;
2) Under Project/Info/Localisations I am adding another localisation (Russian,German, doesn't matter)
3) In Main.strings file, changing corresponding strings, OR doing exactly the same by Exporting/Importing .xliff file.
4) Deleting app from simulator/device, cleaning project from Product/Clean, deleting derived app data from corresponding folder
5) Changing language in simulator/device
6) Making a run... Still English. Localised strings just wont pick up, no matter what.(even though they are looks just fine trough assistant editor)
What am I doing wrong? Is that suppose to be that complicated?
Try running on a device. Xcode 6.x had known issues with the Simulator not showing localizations.
Just got update from 6.3.1 to 7.0.1 XCode and the issue is fixed for me.
I am making exactly same steps and got Russian/German/English interface depending on the language I chose in simulator settings.
Guess that is it.

Xcode stops autocompleting, UIKit classes not available

The topic has raised several times within the last weeks. Till now I haven't found a proper solution. Is it just a momentary Xcode bug or is there more behind it?
In one of my projects autocompletion has stopped working when I last opened it. Other projects are not affected. It looks kind of reasonable that once this problem is around, I also can't cmd+click the different classes imported by UIKit anymore like UIViewController or protocols like UITableViewDataSource within this particular project. An error pops up "Symbol Not Found". So in a way, even though it is working fine when running the app, it is just not available from inside the files.
Restarting Xcode, deleting derived data etc. hasn't brought me any further so far.
Any ideas? Or - like mentioned - really nothing else than just a bug?
I don't know which part exactly was the key issue but
Installing Xcode 6.1
Downloading iOS 8 libraries & Xcode 6 libraries within Preferences
solved the problem.
Setting active scheme works for me.
You have to select proper device corresponding to your installed components.
XCode 6.1 has iOS8 primary, so you have to select iPhone6 or Resizable iPhone, if you select iPhone5 it couldn't find it.
(project name>device) on the right of the 'Stop running' button
