Calabash testing on Jenkins build server - ios

I am coming at this problem as a complete newbie with regards to configuring Jenkins build jobs. I can just about understand what is going on at this moment.
I have local calabash tests running correctly and my project is setup according to this way: Link where a new Scheme is created to run the tests against.
I really don't know where to start looking to get the tests running on Jenkins. Do I need to get cucumber installed on the build server first or can this be done as part of the build steps? I ask this because the command to start the tests is DEVICE_TARGET='iPhone 6 (8.1 Simulator)' cucumber.
A point in the right direction for a tutorial is all I ask for.

First of about installing calabash manually or when tests are executed. You should be able to handle that by using "bundle" where you define what gems are needed.
However over time you might find that you like to be able to manage what versions of the gems you are running. So manually install might be preferable.
As for running the tests you will need to use a slightly different approach. You would probably like to output to a file to be able to show result after test, instead of just outputting to console.
You could take a look here and see if this guide helps you
Otherwise more concrete questions will be easier for community to answer.
I hope it helps you.


What tests should be run in preparation for making contributions to Bazel?

I am preparing for making a minor bug fix to bazel java code. Am working on a Linux distribution.
Following the instructions in but I encounter problems with two of the test instructions:
In the section about "Compiling bazel" the third parapgraph state: "In addition to the Bazel binary, you might want to build the various tools Bazel uses. They are located in //src/java_tools/..., //src/objc_tools/... and //src/tools/... and their directories contain README files describing their respective utility." If I follow this the //src/tools/... fail because there is no xcrun command in the Linux environment I am using. I suppose this is MacOS platform specific tests?
The next paragraph instructs you to build a distribution package, that you then unpack in a new directory, and then do: "bazel test //src/... //third_party/ijar/...". I now get an error that windows.h is missing, which I suppose is Windows platform specific tests.
Some questions:
So is there an easy way to run tests only for the current platform?
Is the instructions good enough?
If the instructions should be updated, what is the best way to notify the ones managing that documentation page?
Thanks for your interest in contributing to Bazel! The bazel-dev mailing list is a better avenue for these questions.
The tests that you want to run largely depend on the changes you make, but when you make a pull request, the Bazel CI will run all of Bazel's tests to make sure that nothing breaks.
So is there an easy way to run tests only for the current platform?
It depends, and this is still a work in progress where we want to make Bazel more aware of platforms and toolchains without specifying additional flags.
In general, you don't need to modify or worry about the //src/*_tools packages unless you're making direct changes to them.
Is the instructions good enough?
The instructions will never be perfect, and we're always looking for ways to make it clearer and more concise.
If the instructions should be updated, what is the best way to notify the ones managing that documentation page?
Please file an issue on the GitHub repository or email the bazel-dev mailing list for further discussion.

How to adjust test configuration in TFS 2015 Visual Studio Test task

I'm trying to setup our TFS 2015 server to run automated tests. I've got it running, but we need to run our tests in Debug mode (for various reasons I can't really adjust). The problem is that I can't seem to figure out a way to switch the configuration in the Test task.
The help that the task links to (here) says that it's as easy as selecting Platform and Configuration, but the problem is that those options don't exist for me (they exist under Reporting, but the help there suggests that they will simply compare the results to other builds with that configuration).
I've also investigated the vstest.console.exe parameters (help I found was this one) as well as modifying the runsettings file, but these only allow me to modify the platform.
Overall, my question is a)is there a reason why I don't see the Platform/configuration options in TFS, and b) given that I don't see them, how can I modify the configuration that the tests are running under?
If it helps, TFS is reporting the version as Version 14.95.25122.0, which corresponds to Update 2. I checked the logs for 2.1 and 3, but wasn't able to find anything that suggested that this was added in later versions (though I could be wrong).
I've realized that I misread the Test documentation and that the Platform/Configuration options were always for reporting only.
My question is then if I can actually set this in the tests somehow.
Thank you very much for any help.
Assuming you want to compile your test project in Debug mode. You can add a VS Build step to specify the BuildConfiguration variable, and define debug for variable BuildConfiguration. Check the screenshots below:
Then in VS Test step, specify the Test Assembly as **\$(BuildConfiguration)\*test*.dll to test the assemble under Debug folder:

Getting the name of the development machine at compile time?

I'm building an iOS app that communicates with a server. We have a test / staging server, a production server and each dev has a local instance of the server for development.
I've added some simple logic which configures the address of the server depending on whether we're running a TestFlight build, an App Store build or a debug build (for development). For the development build, the app tries to hit localhost, which is all well and good if we're running on the Simulator, but not so great if we're running on device.
I'm aware of ngrok, which is a possible solution, but since the exposed URL is partially randomly generated (for the free version at least), it's not a great fit. I was thinking that a workable approach for development could be to check the name of the development machine at compile time and insert this value. But I'm not sure how to achieve this, if it's possible at all. I remember doing compile time variable filtering using ant / maven and environment property files back in my Java days, but I'm wondering if there's a fairly straightforward way to achieve this in Xcode.
Can anybody shed any light on this?
So I carried on digging, and went with the following solution. Elements of this have been touched upon in numerous other posts here.
I added a new header file called HostNameMacroHeader.h to my
I added a 'Run Script' phase to my build, before the
'Compile Sources'phase. The script contains the following:
echo "//***AUTOGENERATED FILE***" > ${SRCROOT}/MyAppName/HostNameMacroHeader.h
echo "#define BUILD_HOST_NAME #\"`hostname`\"" >> ${SRCROOT}/MyAppName/HostNameMacroHeader.h
Then in my implementation, where I want to use the server address, I use the generated BUILD_HOST_NAME macro.
It's a somewhat hacky solution, but it does the job for now. Suggestions and cleaner versions are welcome.

Are there any existing projects that run the dart test runner on travis-ci with chrome_shell --dump-render-tree?

I'm looking for an example of a project that runs dart unit tests on travis-ci using chrome shell. I'm working doing this myself, and figure to save a lot of time if there is an example of this already happening elsewhere.
A Dart support in Travis should land soon. It will start without support of browser tests.
Once the PR is merged I will add the browser support with content_shell. You can grab some informations on how to set up content_shell in the last comments of the PR.

continuous integration for many languages

I want to setup a continous integration system that upon a commit or similar trigger should:
run tests on a fortran/C/C++ code, if needed.
compile that code using cmake.
run tests on a rails app.
compile the rails ap.
restart the server.
I'm looking at Jenkins. Is it the best choice for this kind of work? Also, what's the difference between using a bash script that makes all that (if possible) and using jenkins? I'm asking not because I'm thinking about using a script, but to better understand jenkins.
It sounds like Jenkins would certainly be a reasonable choice for this. Apart from the ability to run arbitrary scripts as build steps, there's also a large number of plugins, which provide better integration with cmake for example.
Even if you're using a single bash script to do all of this, using Jenkins on top of it would still have a number of advantages. You get a web interface, email notifications and build history for free, with all that this entails. By integrating your tests "properly" with Jenkins, you can also get things like graphs that show how many tests succeeded/failed over time.
I am using Jenkins for java projects and have to say it is easy to configure. I used to add lots of plugins for better configuration of build steps, but tend to go back to using scripting languages for build and deploy steps because of two main reasons. If I have a build script, it's easier to configure the same job on a different Jenkins server or run the script manually if need be and the build configuration is not so cluttered (I still have one maven job with more than 50 post build steps). The second reason is, that it is easier to version the scripts in SVN, compared to having the build config in SVN.
So to answer your questions. I don't know if it is the 'best' tool, but it is good enough for me. Regarding scripting: use each tool for what it is build for. Jenkins a glorified cron deamon with great options when it comes to displaying analysis. The learning curve for people to use it is minimal (i.e. starting a job, seeing whether it failed.) Configuring Jenkins needs a little bit more learning, but it's very easy to set up simple jobs and go then to the more complicated tasks.
For the first four activities Jenkins will do the job and is rather the best choice nowadays, but for things like restarting the server (which is actually "remote execution"), better have a look at:
Libraries like Fabric(Python) or Capistrano(Ruby) might be useful too.
