Assets using targets with Xcode - ios

I'm working with an iOS app with múltiple targets and at this moment, I have a critical doubt.
The project has two targets, target A and B, and each target has different set of images.
My question is:
If I upload the target A to iTunes Connect, this target will contain also the images of the target B, or this target (A) only will contain her images?

Target A and Target B would have the same images only if you set it up as such. Each target can have its own set of source files and assets. If you look select items (whether it be source files, frameworks, or other asset files) and have the File Inspector on, you'll see something called Target Membership. This indicates which target it belongs to.
When you Add File(s), there is also a dialog that indicates which targets to add it to.
The Build Phase of the target will also show you the files that are compiled as well as files that are copied into the binary and the libraries used to link.
Note there are multiple ways to add/remove files from the target.


What targets should I be adding my files to in my xcode project

I'm working on an xcode app using swift and xcode 8.1.
I keep adding files such as pictures and .plist files to my main folder with my storyboard, but each time it asks what targets I want to add it to. Should I be adding it to my test targets as well? If so, why? Whats the rule to know what targets to add it to.
No, you shouldn't add your files to the test target. Unit test target has access to your application files anyway.
According to the Apple documentation, target is a single build artifact. Because of that, you should only add the files which are building blocks of a specific target.
A target specifies a product to build and contains the instructions for building the product from a set of files in a project or workspace. A target defines a single product; it organizes the inputs into the build system—the source files and instructions for processing those source files—required to build that product. Projects can contain one or more targets, each of which produces one product.
For the most basic scenario with one application target and two test targets the general rule is as follows
Add application classes to the application target.
Add unit test case classes to the unit tests target.
Add UI test classes to the ui tests target.
In more complex scenarios you can have more targets in your application. You can have iMessage extension, share extension etc. You can also have multiple targets for building variants of the same applications but the general rule stays the same.

Xcode: What is a target and scheme in plain language?

Yeah the title says it :-) What do they mean in plain English language? I really don't understand the explanation on Apple's website and I need to rename my target and I'm afraid that nothing works after that..
I've added in Workspace and Project too!
Workspace - Contains one or more projects. These projects usually relate to one another
Project - Contains code and resources, etc. (You'll be used to these!)
Target - Each project has one or more targets.
Each target defines a list of build settings for that project
Each target also defines a list of classes, resources, custom scripts etc to include/ use when building.
Targets are usually used for different distributions of the same project.
For example, my project has two targets, a "normal" build and an "office" build that has extra testing features and may contain several background music tracks and a button to change the track (as it currently does).
You'll be used to adding classes and resources to your default target as you add them.
You can pick and choose which classes / resources are added to which target.
In my example, I have a "DebugHandler" class that is added to my office build
If you add tests, this also adds a new target.
Scheme - A scheme defines what happens when you press "Build", "Test", "Profile", etc.
Usually, each target has at least one scheme
You can autocreate schemes for your targets by going to Scheme > Manage Schemes and pressing "Autocreate Schemes Now"
A target is an end product created by running "build" in Xcode. It might be an app, or a framework, or static library, or a unit test bundle. Whatever it is, it generally corresponds to a single item in the "built products" folder.
A scheme represents a collection of targets that you work with together. It defines which targets are used when you choose various actions in Xcode (Run, Test, Profile, etc.) Often, you will have just one scheme, which uses the main app target for the Run, Archive, and Profile actions, and a unit test target for the Test action. If you were building two related apps, you might have two schemes that used the same unit test bundle but different app targets.
The main benefit of schemes (introduced in Xcode 4) is that they allow you to switch between running your app and your unit tests without needing to toggle the selected target.
I am a visual person, hence to explain the concept I will be using a diagram.
When you have multiple targets they can be one-to-one matched with Xcode's Run,Test,Profile actions, this concept defines a scheme
A target is a version of your Project,i.e targets differ slightly in classes & resources to use during built time. A project can have multiple built time setting for separate distribution requirements.
Xcode structure
-> Project
-> Target
-> Dependency
-> Scheme
-> Action
-> Build Configuration
-> Build Configuration File(.xcconfig)
Workspace (.xcworkspace) - is a container of multiple projects. It was created as a next step of cross-project references[About]
Workspace contains all schemes from included projects
Workspace handles all implicit dependencies[About]
It is safe to work with different projects inside the same workspace and do not catch
//if you try to open two projects on two Xcode instances
Couldn't load Project.xcodeproj because it is already opened from another project or workspace
Cocoapods[About] working with workspace where creates Pods project
Project (.xcodeproj) - It is a container for targets and scheme. It defines code files, resources...
Also Projects manages Build Configuration(changed by scheme) and Build Configuration File[About]
You can convert existing Project into Workspace
File -> Save As Workspace...
[Workspace vs Project]
Target - PBXNativeTarget section. Defines a specific set of build settings that generate:
Application target
Library and framework targets
Aggregate[About]. E.g. it is used to create a Universal framework or Umbrella framework
Contains action(run, test, profile, analyze, archive) + configuration(additional arguments, [Build Configuration], diagnostic)
Scheme can be shared which helps you in CI, Carthage[Example]... and located:
Dependency - Targets can have dependencies. Dependency is a source link against. These dependencies can be linked statically or dynamically[About] There are two types of them:
Explicit Dependency[About] - Source code of the dependency that is located in the same project or nested project
Implicit Dependency[About] - Source/closed code of the dependency that is located in the project that is a part of the same workspace.
tldr; Targets contain instructions to build a module/framework/library or an App/end Product e.g. instructions to build a watchOS app and an iOS App. Schemes know how to respond to certain actions e.g. a build action or test action or archive action.
Make sure you See WWDC16 video — Introduction to Xcode [45:13]. If you wanted to gain deeper knowledge then watch the entirety of the video. The video is simple to follow yet very foundational. My answer is mostly off of that.
A scheme is how you specify what you want to run and it also contains
information about how you want to run it.
For example, I could have a project with an iOS app and a Watch app,
and in that case, I would have one scheme to run my iOS app and one
scheme to run my Watch app
Run will run my app in the debugger.
Test will run my tests.
Profile will run my app in instruments so I can measure its
Analyze will run Xcode's static analyzer and help catch problems I
might otherwise have missed.
And finally, the Archive action will build my app for release and put
it in the archive that I can then use to distribute to my testers or
to the App Store or to save for future crash log de-symbolication, or
A project is a document that you use to organize your code an
resources in Xcode.
You have references to source code files and resource files on disc,
targets which actually build those files into products like your app,
Build settings which configure how your targets build their products,
and schemes which configure how you perform actions, such as Run, with
your targets.
Now, to access your project settings, you select your project in the
navigator, you select the popover at the top of the editor, and select
your project there.
You have references to source code files and resource files on disc,
targets which actually build those files into products like your app,
Build settings which configure how your targets build their products,
and schemes which configure how you perform actions, such as Run [test, build], with
your targets.
A target contains the instructions to build one thing like an app or a
The thing that your target produces is called its product. The set of
steps that your target takes to build its product are called build
And lastly, a target has Build settings to configure how it builds its
Now, one thing to note is that both projects and targets have Build
settings, and targets inherit the value set at the project level but
can override them with a target-specific value.
A target's build phases do things like cause dependencies to build
first, compile the source files in that target, and link the target
against libraries and frameworks.
To summarize:
Helps put a set of files together to build/run a product/module/package
Usually it ends up just being a product you ship to app store.
But often it can be a module that you just run unit-tests against it.
Like a single app can have an iOS target along with a watchOS target. Or just a single iOS Target. Or a single iOS target along with a test target, etc.
If you go to your target's Build Phase >> Compile Sources you'll see every file that's being built for that target. Example:
To explicitly quote Apple docs:
A target specifies a product to build and contains the instructions for building the product from a set of files in a project or workspace. A target defines a single product; it organizes the inputs into the build system—the source files and instructions for processing those source files—required to build that product. Projects can contain one or more targets, each of which produces one product.
The instructions for building a product take the form of build settings and build phases, which you can examine and edit in the Xcode project editor. A target inherits the project build settings, but you can override any of the project settings by specifying different settings at the target level. There can be only one active target at a time; the Xcode scheme specifies the active target.
A target and the product it creates can be related to another target. If a target requires the output of another target in order to build, the first target is said to depend upon the second. If both targets are in the same workspace, Xcode can discover the dependency, in which case it builds the products in the required order. Such a relationship is referred to as an implicit dependency. You can also specify explicit target dependencies in your build settings, and you can specify that two targets that Xcode might expect to have an implicit dependency are actually not dependent. For example, you might build both a library and an application that links against that library in the same workspace. Xcode can discover this relationship and automatically build the library first. However, if you actually want to link against a version of the library other than the one built in the workspace, you can create an explicit dependency in your build settings, which overrides this implicit dependency.
A given target can be put through different actions.
You can have a scheme that has all the diagnostics enabled (which makes debugging slow) vs. a scheme that doesn't have any. Or a scheme that runs certain performance related tests vs. a scheme that runs both unit-tests and performance tests. You can edit a scheme so that it performs such actions as:
Building multiple targets
Executing scripts before or after any action
Sending emails before or after any action
Running with memory management diagnostics
Producing either a debug or release build for any action.
For more on that see Customizing the build schemes for a project
To put it all together:
Once you hit run, Xcode will look at the selected scheme. It will find its associated target(s). Use the Build Phases of that target and its Build Settings (any Project Settings that isn't overridden by the target settings will get included) to build a product into the selected destination (the destination can be an iPhone simulator or a physical iPhone or watchOS, etc).
My take:
Target -- a lower abstraction -- various kinds of builds. Each target has its own Build Settings (so if you split into several targets, take care of that huge sheet individually for each target). Targets have a convenient way of including/excluding files, so you can configure the build effectively on a per-file basis.
Scheme -- a higher abstraction -- guides a target through various ways of deployment (Run, Test, Archive). Has modest ways of configuring the build through Environment Parameters, but employs the Build Settings from the target. Creating / editing / deleting schemes is cheaper and easier than targets.
You can have several schemes guiding one target in several different ways.

Xcode: Which files need to be members of my target? (Target Membership)

I'm developing an iPhone app in Xcode 4.6.2 that only has one target, and I've noticed that some important files are not members of my target. None of my custom header files are part of the target membership, nor is my Info.plist, my Prefix header, or the product ""
The way I understand targets, these files certainly need to be members of the target.
My question is: why aren't these files members of my target?
After searching around on SO, similar questions have yielded some insight, but not a complete answer to that question. The insight I've gathered is:
Header files are not members of your target because they get linked in the "Copy Headers" Build Phase.
This sounds reasonable, but I don't have a Copy Headers Build Phase
Info.plist and Prefix.pch aren't members of the target because Info.plist gets linked in the "Copy Bundle Resources" Build Phase, and the Info.plist contains a key/value entry that points to the prefix header (Prefix.pch)
I'm not positive that this is actually how it works
Header files are what other source files reference so that they know what the interface for a class is. They aren't needed as part of the binary itself, so they don't need to be included in the final product.
Info.plist is a special case as it defines the application bundle itself, so it is processed separately.
Generally speaking, you want files to be members of your target when they:
Form part of the executable (e.g. implementation (.m) files or libraries), or
Are included as files in the application bundle (e.g. images).
You don't need files to be members of your target if they are only used as part of the build process and aren't needed at runtime. Typically this is any type of header file, including precompiled headers (.pch).
Only .m files and resource files are part of the targets, not .h.
You are right: the Info.plist files and the headers are all referenced in the build settings (which again are target specific).
Headers only need to be copied for a framework target, and only because they are part of the framework release (they allow users to know how to use the framework). Apps don't need the headers because they're compiled stand alone entities. The headers (and the pch file) are used during compilation but aren't required at runtime.
The info.plist is handled differently. It usually can't just be copied because in the project it usually isn't called "Info.plist". It's also mandatory for the file to exist in the app so Xcode doesn't give you the option of not including it.

Creating two targets in XCode 4

I want to create two targets for my application iphone and ipad version.
My question is : Do I need to copy all the files from one target to another , because i found out that there are two AppDelegate files in my project, and what about resource and library files? This is the first time when i am trying to setup a multitarget project.
No, there is no need to copy source files. You can click on each file and tell Xcode which target they belong to (The Target Membership section of the File Inspector tab in the right pane).
Any files that are meant to be different (like the delegate classes you mention) obviously won't be added to both targets.

Associate an image folder for a a specific target

I have created a projects witch contain two targets ( i have duplicate Target1 to have Target2). i have many images in the project. I would like to associate some images to one target and some others to the second target. I doing this by selecting one image.
my question:can i associate a fonder of images to a Target ? if yes how i can do this ?
thanks for your answers.
Yes, it's possible: well folder itself has no target membership but you can easily associate all files from one folder to one target and files from other folder to the other target. Files in these folders can have the same names of course.
You can have two separate folders on disk, let's say images_t1 and images_t2.
Drag images_t1 folder into project tree and when asked for "add to target" you only check Target1 checkbox. For images_t2 you only check Target2 checkbox - that's it.
I just retested it and target membership of imported files (inside the two folders) is correct.
But note, if you are planning to use this images with Interface Builder you might run into minor XCode bug - mixing images. There is a workaround for that, but it's not pretty. Check Xcode 4, Interface Builder, two targets with seperate .xib (image resources with same names).
This bug is visible only during .XIB editing - everything is fine once apps are compiled.
