How to use offline map in skobbler - ios

following the developer support page, I download the offline map using the DEMO app software downloaded with the SDK.
Then I moved the packaged in the right path inside the SKMaps.bundle, PreinstalledMaps\v1 folder.
Now I'm lost, how do I tell the system to use the offline map instead of another one or instead of downloading the map of the current position?
From what I understand, once we set:
[SKMapsService sharedInstance].connectivityMode = SKConnectivityModeOffline;
The application will pick up automatically the maps that are present offline, the others will not show details. But as final test I download one city and it works, then I add a second one. In this scenario I still can see the first city but once moved to the second city I don't see any details. Am I missing something?
Once moved to the real divice I see the details of both the cities.


Unable to locate lidar on rviz map through mrpt localization

I am trying to do localization just using lidar . I uses the map generated by cartographer_ros and do localization using mrpt_localization(
I tried using the command 'roslaunch mrpt_localization demo.launch', it create an existing map from the bag file, similar to 'rosbag play '.
However, after finish the mapping, the lidar location (tf) disappear. I wanted to locate the lidar location in real-time on a generated/existing map. Even after i launch the rplidar_s1.launch it did not work. SEND HELP!!
The 'roslaunch mrpt_localization demo.launch' launch files already includes a map for demo purposes.
Try making a copy of that launch file, and remove the part that publishes the map (the demo_rosbag part). Then, make sure that all the TF and topic names in the mrpt_localization section of the launch file matches your settings... without more details on your files, TFs, etc. is hard to give more help, I guess!

iOS - import file from another app into my app

I want to import a document from another app into my app like it's done in MS Outlook iOS app when you click the paperclip in an email. Then you get a list of apps (dropbox, google drive etc) + recent documents and you can select a document.
How is this done / do I need to use the app-extensions for this ?
Frank van Vliet
this is the scope of App Extensions. To add an App Extension to your Project you have to navigate to File -> New -> Target and the App Extension you are looking for is called Document Provider. Please first check the WWDC Video on best practice for App Extensions and the App Extension Programming Guide. It will help you to develop the understanding of this Feature.
Maybe I set you on the wrong track, but within the App Extension Programming Guide you could have found the answer to your Question. I'm using Xcode 7.0 Beta 4, but most of the following screenshots should look exactly the same in Xcode 6.*. First of all I started a new SingleView-Application written in Swift and added the Document-Provider Extension as a target to the Project as outlined above.
After building the application with the new Document Provider target I ended up starring confused onto the Share-Menu realising that we talked at cross purposes. The Documentation on this target is slightly muddled but after a while of testing and searching I realised that the thing you are looking for is the Document Picker, not the Document Provider. On this Page you can find the Relevant Chapter: Accessing Documents Link, where you can get examples for the Document Picker.
Since this will hopefully solve your Problem, I would like to shortly refer to the Document Provider and the overvalue it could add to your Application.
The Document Provider extension consists of two separate parts: the Document
Picker View Controller extension and the File Provider extension. The Document Picker View Controller extension provides your document provider’s user interface. The system displays this interface when the host app presents a document picker view controller for your document provider. This interface should let users browse through and select documents and destinations from inside your document provider. This extension can also perform basic import and export operations without any additional support.
from the App Extension Programming Guide as mentioned above
So the Document Provider is kind of an Import Feature as seen from another app. If you would implement a Document Provider Target for your Application, other Apps can access designated data. For example you could attach Files from your App to an E-Mail (left screenshot) or Open a File in Pages (right Screenshot).
When working with Files, this could be a nice feature for your users.
Also I would recommend using either a Share or a Action Extension.
Share extensions give users a convenient way to share content with other entities, such as social sharing websites or upload services. For example, in an app that includes a Share button, users can choose a Share extension that represents a social sharing website and then use it to post a comment or other content.
That doesn't sound exactly like the thing you want to achieve, but at the moment even Apple uses the Share Extension for all kinds of things.
An Action extension helps users view or transform content originating in a host app. For example, an Action extension might help users edit an image in a document that they’re viewing in a text editor. Another type of Action extension might let users view a selected item in a different way, such as viewing an image in a different format or reading text in a different language.
You said you want to import a document from another app into your app. This sounds handy. Lets assume a user opens a Document "loremIpsum.txt" in the iCloudDrive Application and wants to share it to your new app.
Now, you have to write the code to handle imported files when opened by the Document Picker, you could reuse this code to easily add a Action Extension to the Share-/Action-Menu. I hope this will help you and solves more than one problem.
Best regards

SKMapsVersioningDelegate Manage update with local maps.json file

I'm writing an app that use skmaps , after this question/answer :
skobbler can i cache json data?
i have passed to a local maps.json file, instead a direct download each time the app starts. Now i'm trying to manage the update process of the map with SKMapsVersioningDelegate.
-My first question is, what does it mean update maps? This delegation methods in a standard implementation will simply overwrite a maps.json file with a new version if it become available during the use of the app or the delegation will'not update the json file in my app and it update only the packages of the map that i have already downloaded for offline use?
-If the delegation works on or replace the maps.json file , there's a way to simulate a map update? In my resource folder i have a json map file with a version set to 20140910. Anyway if i log my actual version :
SKVersionInformation *latestVersion = availableVersions[0];
NSLog(#"Actual version %#",latestVersion.version);
i retrive this version number 20141230. During this process SKMapsVersioningDelegate is never been called. SKVersionInformation where search information?
Please check the 2.5 map update demo.
It should not matter if the Maps.json file is stored locally or remote, it's the version file that decides if new maps are available.
The update SDK will detect that a new version file is available and will update it. Once this is done you will have to manually decide, for each onboard map package, if you want to redownload it or not.
The update API will not automatically update the local Maps.json, so you'll have to do this manually. This being said, for updating the onboard packages you don't need to reparse the Maps.json file but you only need to know their name (identifier) - i.e. for the state of California this would be: USCA. The package identifiers don't change from version to version

Online Addon Builder - How to display custom icon for the extension inside Firefox's Addon Manager

Online Addon Builder - How to display custom icon for the extension inside Firefox's Addon Manager?
I know that's a more general question and before I can even submit this someone is going to throw a link at me but I've been there trust me...
I've built my addon using the online addon builder but I'm not ready to submit it to AMO for review quite yet as I feel it needs more to be complete. I can't find specific information relevant to exactly what I want to do using to online addon builder. I've installed and configured the localized SDK that is utilized using a tool called cfx and of course theres tons of documentation!
The Question: What all notable values can be set using the package.json that determine how the addon is displayed inside Addon Manager? What notable material/configurations can't be set using package.json and how do I implement them?
I've removed all warning and errors from my code but I'm using a hardcoded path to a image whereas before I was passing it as an arguement within the PageMod object to a content script. Why? I'm not sure but I know one of you know how to configure the extension where I can specify chrome://ez-magnetz/data/icon16.png or somehing similar. Which is better than using a JUID in the path name that can change.
My widget has an icon but how do I specify a primary icon for the extension to be displayed in the AM? (package.json||chrome.manifest)
Using the latter of the two(chrome.manifest) how do I include that inside my addon so that its detected?(For the purpose of an Extension Icon using the online addon builder if possible)
Will someone please provide me with a chrome.manifest template for a basic addon?
Do I need the install.rdf and what has precedence over configuration is it like:
I noticed very similar settings amongst them.
I've been to XUL school I see that there is useful information it just seems outdated in the context of my addon.
I've read the basic info on the package.json and implemented simple prefs and of course the addon's description.
My understanding is that I've created a bootstrapped addon using
Mozilla's Online Addon Builder. Is that correct? The only thing I
wish to do now is to have a personal icon displayed for my extension
in the Addon Manager!
+ I'd like to know how I may have and option for users to donate on AMO!
Thanks for any help in advance
To add an icon, just follow these two steps:
upload the icon you want to use to the data directory of your add-on, eg 'data/icon.png'
Add the relative path to the png file as an extra JSON property in the add-on info dialog, for example this:
"icon": "data/icon.png"
See this screenshot for an example of what it should look like:
Aside: please only ask one question per post.

More than one collection not working anymore in Google Drive?

We use extensively (from an application) in the Document List API the fact than a file / document can be assigned to more than one collection, in order to work in a similar way that labels. Has this been deprecated? At least from the web user interface, only one folder can be assigned to one file.
Working fine here and multiple collections can be successfully assigned.
Right click a file, Choose "Organise" and check the box next to each collection you want the document to be a part of.
