SOLVED (following answer)
I am using Starscream library to create a safe websocket wss in the test server we have a self-signed certificate and I find it impossible to make the connection.
var socket = WebSocket(url: NSURL(scheme: "wss", host: "", path: "/")!)
2014-12-16 10:38:10.260 pruebasignin[2135:363455] CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)
websocket is disconnected: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -9807.)
and when I try to connect to a server certificate valid also fails to connect
var socket = WebSocket(url: NSURL(scheme: "wss", host: "", path: "/")!)
websocket is disconnected: Invalid HTTP upgrade
Starscream now supports a flag so you can use self-signed certificates:
(Edited for posterity; links to the README that was published as of April 2016)
I solved the problem by allowing self-signed certificates Starscream modifying the library.
To this must be added the arcivo WebSocket.swift the following code:
if url.scheme == "wss" || url.scheme == "https" {
inputStream!.setProperty(NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL, forKey: NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelKey)
outputStream!.setProperty(NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL, forKey: NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelKey)
/* My code */
var settings = Dictionary<NSObject, NSObject>()
settings[kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain] = NSNumber(bool:false)
settings[kCFStreamSSLPeerName] = kCFNull
CFReadStreamSetProperty(self.inputStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings, settings)
CFWriteStreamSetProperty(self.outputStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings, settings)
/* End my code*/
I am trying to send telemetry messages to Azure IoT Hub using the npm mqtt library, instead of using Azure Nodejs SDK/Library.
I am using X509 certificate authentication. The device connection is working fine when I use azure Nodejs SDK/Library and I am able to send telemetry messages.
When trying to use the MQTT library, it is saying unauthorized.
const mqtt = require("mqtt");
const fs = require('fs');
let options = {
cert: fs.readFileSync("device-cert.pem", "utf-8").toString(),
key: fs.readFileSync("device-cert.key", "utf-8").toString(),
passphrase: '1234',
clientId: "device-003",
username: "",
let client = mqtt.connect(
client.on("connect", function () {
client.on("error", (err) => {
Error :
Connection refused: Not authorized
The clientid and the deviceId in the username were wrong. That's why I got this error
I have created an RSA certification using a generated private/public key using this library-
thanks to this library I now have a certificate in a PEM string format.
now I want to create an ssl socket that can use this certificate to connect to a remote server that requires an ssl connection.
so for example this is a pseudo code in node.js:
let options = {
key : this.certs.key,
cert: this.certs.cert,
port: this.port,
host :,
rejectUnauthorized: false,
console.debug("Start Connect");
this.client = tls.connect(options, () => {
console.debug( + " connected")
where the key and the cert are both a PEM string
I tried BlueSSLService lib, but they only support connecting with cert files, no strings.
I was able to connect to a public wss using tls like this:
let port = 443
let url = URL(string: "wss://")!
connection = NWConnection(host:!, nil), port: NWEndpoint.Port(rawValue: UInt16(port))!, using: .tls)
Now I'm trying to connect to a wss websocket in a private network and I'm getting some errors. This is my code:
let port = 8443
let url = URL(string: "wss://ip_address:8443/gs-guide-websocket/websocket")!
connection = NWConnection(host:!, nil), port: NWEndpoint.Port(rawValue: UInt16(port))!, using: .tls)
And these are the errors:
[BoringSSL] boringssl_context_alert_callback_handler(3747) [C1.1:1][0x7fe945708390] Alert level: fatal, description: certificate unknown
[BoringSSL] boringssl_context_error_print(3699) boringssl ctx 0x600001ec9500: 140639868076392:error:1000007d:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/[BoringSSL] boringssl_context_get_error_code(3519) [C1.1:1][0x7fe945708390] SSL_AD_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN
Client failed with error: -9808: Optional(bad certificate format)
Do I need to add special options to connect here?
Also, I saw that the wss works because I'm able to connect with SocketRocket, but I want to connect with NWConnection
Solution was to install the certificate that I had on the server and then enable full trust to that certificate in Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings
I have a problem connecting with my server hosted on cloud9 for testing purposes. Here is how my server looks like:
var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').createServer(app);
var io = require('').listen(http);
io.on('connection', function(socket){
console.log('a client has been conected');
socket.on('update', function(){
console.log('receved an update :)');
http.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, process.env.IP || "", function(){
var addr = http.address();
console.log("Chat server listening at", addr.address + ":" + addr.port);
and here is my iOS client:
func initalSocketManager(){
self.socket = SocketIOClient(socketURL: "")
self.socket.on("connection") {data, ack in
print("socket connected")
For any reason I'm not able to connect to my socket server. When I run my iOS app the server logs the following info:
info - unhandled url
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Your server code is a non-ssl HTTP listener on port 3000. Your iOS client code is trying to connect over SSL (port 443). They will never find each other.
Change your iOS code to
Having node https setup
const server = require('https').createServer(
key: fs.readFileSync('ssl/some.key'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('ssl/some.crt')
}, handler);
iOS app performs good with xcode debug, but misses connectivity when app distributed via .ipa file.
Node https setup must include intermediate CA certificate (provided by Certificate Authority):
const server = require('https').createServer(
// this line is required.
ca: fs.readFileSync('ssl/intermediate.crt'),
key: fs.readFileSync('ssl/some.key'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('ssl/some.crt')
}, handler);