Simple explanation of Erlang atom - erlang

I am learning Erlang and stuck trying to understand the concept of atoms. I know Python: What is a good explanation of these "atoms" in simple terms, or analogously with Python. So far, my understanding is that the type is like a string but without string operations?

Docs say that:
An atom is a literal, a constant with name.
Sometimes you have couple of options, that you would like to choose from. In C for example, you have enum:
enum Weekday { Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday };
In C, it is really an integer, but you can use it in code as one of options. Atoms in Erlang are very useful in pattern matching. Lets consider very simple server:
loop() ->
{request_type_1, Request} ->
{request_type_2, Request} ->
{stop, Reason} ->
{ok, Reason};
_ ->
{error, bad_request}
Your server receives messages, that are two element tuples and uses atoms to differentiate between different types of requests: request_type_1, request_type_2 and stop. It is called pattern matching.
Server also uses atoms as return values. ok atom means, that everything went ok. _ matches everything, so in case, that simple server receives something unexpected, it quits with tuple {error, Reason}, where the reason is also atom bad_request.
Boolean values true and false are also atoms. You can build logical functions using function clauses like this:
and(true, true) ->
and(_, _) ->
or(false, false) ->
or(_, _) ->
(It is a little bit oversimplified, because you can call it like this: or(atom1, atom2) and it will return true, but it is only for illustration.)
Module names in Erlang are also atoms, so you can bind module name to variable and call it, for example type this in Erlang shell:
Variable = io.
You should not use atoms as strings, because they are not garbage collected. If you start creating them dynamically, you can run out of memory. They should be only used, when there is fixed amount of options, that you type in code by hand. Of course, you can use the same atom as many times as you want, because it always points to the same point in memory (an atom table).
They are better than C enums, because the value is known at runtime. So while debugging C code, you would see 1 instead of Tuesday in debugger. Using atoms doesn't have that disadvantage, you will see tuesday in your both in your code and Erlang shell.

Also, they're often used to tag a tuple, for descriptiveness. For example:
{age, 42}
Rather than just

Atom is a literal constant. Has no value but can be used as a value. Examples are: true, false, undefined. If you want to use it as a string, you need to apply atom_to_list(atom) to get a string (list) to work with. Module names are also atoms.
Take a look at


How to invoke Erlang function with variable?

4> abs(1).
5> X = abs.
6> X(1).
** exception error: bad function abs
7> erlang:X(1).
Is there any particular reason why I have to use the module name when I invoke a function with a variable? This isn't going to work for me because, well, for one thing it is just way too much syntactic garbage and makes my eyes bleed. For another thing, I plan on invoking functions out of a list, something like (off the top of my head):
[X(1) || X <- [abs, f1, f2, f3...]].
Attempting to tack on various module names here is going to make the verbosity go through the roof, when the whole point of what I am doing is to reduce verbosity.
EDIT: Look here: The guy has made some pipe-forward function. He is invoking functions the same way I want to above, but his code doesn't work when I try to use it. But from what I know, the guy is an experienced Erlang programmer - I saw him give some keynote or whatever at a conference (well I saw it online).
Did this kind of thing used to work but not anymore? Surely there is a way I can do what I want - invoke these functions without all the verbosity and boilerplate.
EDIT: If I am reading the documentation right, it seems to imply that my example at the top should work (section 8.6)
I know abs is an atom, not a function. [...] Why does it work when the module name is used?
The documentation explains that (slightly reorganized):
each of ExprM and ExprF must be an atom or an expression that
evaluates to an atom. The function is said to be called by using the
fully qualified function name.
must be an atom or evaluate to a fun.
If ExprF is an atom the function is said to be called by using the implicitly qualified function name.
When using fully qualified function names, Erlang expects atoms or expression that evaluates to atoms. In other words, you have to bind X to an atom: X = atom. That's exactly what you provide.
But in the second form, Erlang expects either an atom or an expression that evaluates to a function. Notice that last word. In other words, if you do not use fully qualified function name, you have to bind X to a function: X = fun module:function/arity.
In the expression X=abs, abs is not a function but an atom. If you want thus to define a function,you can do so:
D = fun erlang:abs/1.
or so:
X = fun(X)->abs(X) end.
X = fun(Number) -> abs(Number) end.
After looking at the discussion more, it seems like you're wanting to apply multiple functions to some input.
There are two projects that I haven't used personally, but I've starred on Github that may be what you're looking for.
Both of these projects use parse transforms:
Pipeline is unique because it uses a special syntax:
Result = [fun1, mod2:fun2, fun3] (Arg1, Arg2).
Of course, it could also be possible to write your own function to do this using a list of {module, function} tuples and applying the function to the previous output until you get the result.

What's the purpose of this gen_server.erl code?

unregister_name({local,Name}) ->
_ = (catch unregister(Name));
unregister_name({global,Name}) ->
_ = global:unregister_name(Name);
unregister_name({via, Mod, Name}) ->
_ = Mod:unregister_name(Name);
unregister_name(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
This is from gen_server.erl. If _ always matches and the match always evaluates to the right hand side expression, what are the _ = expression() lines doing here?
Typically _ = ... matches are used to quiet dialyzer warnings about unmatched function return values when its -Wunmatched_returns option is used. As the documentation explains:
Include warnings for function calls which ignore a structured return value or
do not match against one of many possible return value(s).
By explicitly matching the return value against the _ "don't care" variable, you can use this useful dialyzer option without having to see warnings for return values you don't care about.
In Erlang, last expression of function is its return value, so someone might be tempted to check, what global:unregister_name/1 or Mod:unregister_name(Name) return and try to pattern match on that.
The _ = expression() doesn't do anything in particular, but hints, that this return value should be ignored (for example, because they are not documented and might be subject to change). However in the last expression, Pid is returned explicitly. This means, that you can pattern match like this:
case unregister_name(Something) of
Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> foo();
_ -> bar()
To sum up: those lines aren't doing anything there, but when someone else is reading the source code, they show original programmer intent.
Unfortunately, this particular function is not exported and in the original module never used in pattern match, so I don't have an example to back this up :)
And I'll note that I've since come across this:
The Power of Ten – Rules for Developing Safety Critical Code
Gerard J. Holzmann
NASA/JPL Laboratory for Reliable Software Pasadena, CA
Rule: The return value of non-void functions must be checked by each calling function, and the validity of parameters must be checked
inside each function.
Rationale: This is possibly the most frequently
violated rule, and therefore somewhat more suspect as a general rule.
In its strictest form, this rule means that even the return value of
printf statements and file close statements must be checked. One can
make a case, though, that if the response to an error would rightfully
be no different than the response to success, there is little point in
explicitly checking a return value. This is often the case with calls
to printf and close. In cases like these, it can be acceptable to
explicitly cast the function return value to (void) – thereby
indicating that the programmer explicitly and not accidentally decides
to ignore a return value. In more dubious cases, a comment should be
present to explain why a return value is irrelevant. In most cases,
though, the return value of a function should not be ignored,
especially if error return values must be propagated up the function
call chain. Standard libraries famously violate this rule with
potentially grave consequences. See, for instance, what happens if you
accidentally execute strlen(0), or strcat(s1, s2, -1) with the
standard C string library – it is not pretty. By keeping the general
rule, we make sure that exceptions must be justified, with mechanical
checkers flagging violations. Often, it will be easier to comply with
the rule than to explain why noncompliance might be acceptable.

Erlang matchspecs with tuple comparison

I want to use erlang datetime values in the standard format {{Y,M,D},{H,Min,Sec}} in a MNESIA table for logging purposes and be able to select log entries by comparing with constant start and end time tuples.
It seems that the matchspec guard compiler somehow confuses tuple values with guard sub-expressions. Evaluating ets:match_spec_compile(MatchSpec) fails for
MatchSpec = [
but succeeds when I compare $2 with any non-tuple value.
Is there a restriction that match guards cannot compare tuple values?
I believe the answer is to use double braces when using tuples (see Variables and Literals section of So to use a tuple in a matchspec expression, surround that tuple with braces, as in,
So, if I understand your example correctly, you would have
22> M=[{{'_','$1','$2'},[{'==','$2',{{1,2}}}],['$_']}].
23> ets:match_spec_run([{1,1,{1,2}}],ets:match_spec_compile(M)).
24> ets:match_spec_run([{1,1,{2,2}}],ets:match_spec_compile(M)).
EDIT: (sorry to edit your answer but this was the easiest way to get my comment in a readable form)
Yes, this is how it must be done. An easier way to get the match-spec is to use the (pseudo) function ets:fun2ms/1 which takes a literal fun as an argument and returns the match-spec. So
10> ets:fun2ms(fun ({A,B,C}=X) when C == {1,2} -> X end).
The shell recognises ets:fun2ms/1. For more information see ETS documentation. Mnesia uses the same match-specs as ETS.

Erlang function already defined with guard clauses

Writing a recursive function, I want one fn that executes when the list has elements and another when it is empty:
transfer(Master, [H|Tail]) ->
Master ! {transfer, H},
transfer(Master, Tail).
transfer(_Master, []) ->
The problem I'm getting is src/redis/redis_worker.erl:13: function transfer/2 already defined. I understand it is upset about two functions with the same name and arity, but these two should be different.
The problem is that clauses of a function need to be separated by a semicolon instead of a period.
transfer(Master, [H|Tail]) ->
Master ! {transfer, H},
transfer(Master, Tail); % use semicolon here, not period
transfer(_Master, []) ->
When you use a period to terminate the clause, the compiler considers that function's definition to be complete, so it sees your code as two separate functions instead of different clauses of the same function.
See the Erlang reference for Function Declaration Syntax for more details.
You need to use a semicolon instead of a colon to separate the two function clauses.

String splitting problems in Erlang

I've been playing around with the splitting of atoms and have a problem with strings. The input data will always be an atom that consists of some letters and then some numbers, for instance ms444, r64 or min1. Since the function lists:splitwith/2 takes a list the atom is first converted into a list:
24> lists:splitwith(fun (C) -> is_atom(C) end, [m,s,4,4,4]).
25> lists:splitwith(fun (C) -> is_atom(C) end, atom_to_list(ms444)).
26> atom_to_list(ms444).
I want to separate the letters from the numbers and I've succeeded in doing that when using a list, but since I start out with an atom I get a "string" as result to put into my splitwith function...
Is it interpreting each item in the list as a string or what is going on?
You might want to have a look at the string module documentation:
The following function might interest you:
tokens(String, SeparatorList) -> Tokens
Since strings in Erlang are just a list() of integer() the test in the fun will be made if the item is an atom() when it is in fact an integer(). If the test is changed to look for letters it works:
29> lists:splitwith(fun (C) -> (C >= $a) and (C =< $Z) end, atom_to_list(ms444)).
An atom in erlang is a named constant and not a variable (or not like a variable is in an imperative language).
You should really not create atoms in dynamic fashion (that is, don't convert things to atoms at runtime)
They are used more in pattern matching and send recive code.
Pid ! {matchthis, X}
{foobar,Y} -> doY(Y);
{matchthis,X} -> doX(X);
Other -> doother(Other)
A variable, like X could be set to an atom. For example X=if 1==1 -> ok; true -> fail end. I could suffer from poor imagination but I can't think of a way why you would like to parse atom. You should be in charge of what atoms you write and not use list_to_atom(CharIntegerList).
Can you perhaps give a more overview of what you like to accomplish?
A "string" in Erlang is not a primitive type: it is just a list() of integers(). So if you want to "separate" the letters from the digits, you'll have to do comparison with the integer representation of the characters.
