How to sort by an associated column in this active record query - ruby-on-rails

I need a few queries sorted by an associated model. I have a list of Customers that I get and I need to make sure the customer list is sorted by the last Message they received. Here are the current queries:
#open_customers =
#your_customers = current_user.customers.includes(:last_message)
#sidebar_customers = current_company.customers.open_or_claimed.
where("user_id = ? OR user_id IS NULL",
order(aasm_state: :asc).includes([:last_received_message, :user])
these are three separate queries.
#open_customers needs to be sorted by the created_at of last_received_message
#your_customers needs to be sorted by the created_at of last_message
#sidebar_customers needs to be sorted by the created_at of last_received_message

You might try checking out Section 14: scopes here:
Also this website has a course called Rails 4 Outlaws that does a great job teaching scopes:


How to delete all logs except last 100 for each user in single table?

I have a single logs table which contains entries for users. I want to (prune) delete all but the last 100 for each user. I'd like to do this in the most efficient way (one statement using ActiveRecord if possible).
I know I can use the following:
.order(created_at: :desc) to get the records sorted
.offset(100) to get all records except the ones I want to keep
.ids to pluck the record ids
select(:user_id).distinct to get a list of all users in the table
The table has id, user_id, created_at columns (and others not pertinent to this question).
Each user should have at least the last 100 log entries remaining the logs table.
Not really sure how to do this using ruby syntax with my Log model. If it can't be done efficiently using ruby then I'll resort to using the SQL equivalent.
Any help much appreciated.
In SQL, you could do this:
ORDER BY created_at DESC)
AS rownr
FROM logs
) AS a
WHERE rownr > 100
) AS b
If the table is large, this will be slow.

Retrive records which are not referenced in other table, ActiveRecord query

There are 2 tables : User and Teacher. Teacher.user_id is from User. So, how do I find in a single query, all the users who are not in teachers.
I meant something along the lines :
You can use where.not query from ActiveRecord try something like below:
User.where.not(id: Teacher.pluck(:user_id).reject {|x| x.nil?})
Note: used reject method, in case you have nil values in some records.
The other users seem to have neglected the rails 3 tag (since removed based on the approved answer. My answer left for posterity) : Please try this
User.where("id NOT IN (?)",Teacher.pluck(:user_id).join(","))
This will become SELECT * FROM users WHERE id NOT IN (....) (two queries one to get the user_id from teachers and another to get the user(s) not in that list) and may fail based on the size of teacher table.
Other option is an arel table:
users = User.arel_table
User.where(users[:id].not_in("user_id IS NOT NULL")))
This should produce a single query similar to
WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT user_id FROM teachers WHERE user_id IS NOT NULL)
(one query better performance) * syntax was not fully tested
Another single query option might be
User.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN teachers ON teachers.user_id =").
where("teachers.user_id IS NULL")
I think you should be able to do something like this
User.where.not(id: Teacher.ids)

PostgreSQL in Rails: sorting object by two date attributes in descending order

I have an index of active job positions. Currently, they're sorted by the most recent i.e. created_at. However, recently i've added in a renewal feature that updates a renewal_date attribute without updating the created_at.
What I want to achieve is to sort the list in descending order using both renewal_date and created_at.
jobs = Job.where(active: true).reorder("renewal_date DESC NULLS LAST", "created_at DESC")
With this code, the renewed job will always be at the top regardless of how many new jobs are created. How do I sort it so it checks for the date for both attributes and sorts it according to most recent?
Your code will order first by renewal_date with nulls at the end, and then will look at the created_at if two records have the same renewal_date.
I assume that what you want to do is something like "max(renewal_date, created_at)", which will take the "last modification date", or another custom way to compare the two fields.
If then, you can find your answer here : merge and order two columns in the same model
Job.where(active: true).reorder('GREATEST(renewal_date, created_at) DESC')
Let try a standard SQL, so it can work with all types of database:
Job.where(active: true).order('CASE WHEN renewal_date IS NULL THEN created_at ELSE renewal_date END DESC')

Clean and concise way to find active records that have the same id as another set of active records

I have a table called shoppers and another table called Users. I have a shopper_id which is the foreign key in the Shoppers table and refers to the primary key id in the Users table.
I ran a query called #shoppers = shoppers.where("some condition")
This allowed me to get a set of shoppers who satisfy the condition. Next I would like to select those Users who have the same id as the shopper_id as the individual objects in #shoppers.
I know I could do this by writing a loop, but I am wondering if ruby on rails allows me to write a Users.where condition that can help me obtain the subset of user objects with the same id as shopper_id arranged in ascending order by the name field in the Users table.
Any ideas?
Try this.
#shoppers = Shopper.where("some condition")
#users = User.where(id: #shoppers.collect(&:shopper_id)).order('name asc')

Rails Activerecord last 5 records based on field value

I want to fetch the last 5 records where transfer = something. Currently I'm using: Model.limit(5).order('id desc') but that shows the last 5 of Call.all. How can I express this by adding a where clause or specifying a particular value as part of the query?
Model.where(:transfer => 'something').order('id desc').limit(5)
But it might make more sense to order by created_at or updated_at instead of id.
