Converting special characters in TStringList - delphi

I am using Delphi 7 and have a routine which takes a csv file with a series of records and imports them. This is done by loading it into a TStringList with MyStringList.LoadFromFile(csvfile) and then getting each line with line = MyStringList[i].
This has always worked fine but I have now discovered that special characters are not picked up correctly. For example, Rue François Coppée comes out as Rue François Coppée - the accented French characters are the problem.
Is there a simple way to solve this?

Your file is encoded as UTF-8. For instance consider the ç. As you can see from the link, this is encoded in UTF-8 as 0xC3 0xA7. And in Windows-1252, 0xC3 encodes à and 0xA7 encodes §.
Whether or not you can handle this easily using your ANSI Delphi depends on the prevailing code page under which your program runs.
If you are using Windows 1252 then you will be fine. You just need to decode the UTF-8 encoded text with a call to UTF8Decode.
If you are using a different locale then life gets more difficult. Those characters may not be present in your locale's character set and in that case you cannot represent them in a Delphi string variable which is encoded using the prevailing ANSI charset. If this is the case then you need to use Unicode.
If you care about handling international text then you need to either:
Upgrade to a modern Delphi which has Unicode support, or
Stick to Delphi 7 and use WideString and the TNT Unicode components.

Probably it's not in UTF8 encoding. Try to convert it:
Text := UTF8Encode(Text);


ANSI application and Vietnam Codepage

I ve changed the codepage of my system to Russian as explained on this site
PC is rebooted
Then, I created a file in a dir with a name containing special russian character
Then, I ve listed all files in this dir and tried to show the file with typical Delphi 7 code using:
SearchRec: TSearchRec;
The code works well.
When I redo all 4 steps with Vietnamese instead of Russian, the filename shown with showmessage is not correct. Some ? appear instead (see the screenshot):
Please help
This is due to the way Delphi versions prior to 2009 implements their string type. It is not a problem of font, but a problem of character encoding.
All string variables, and also all Windows API calls are performed using ANSI encoding. With ANSI, you can use only one code page at a time. In order to mix code pages (i.e. mix russian and vietnamese encodings), you'll need to process the text and call UNICODE Windows API.
Here is what occurred in your case:
You create a file with russian characters by Windows, using UNICODE encoding;
When you read the file using vietnamese current code page, only the first 127 characters (i.e. ASCII seven chars, e.g. numbers, main punctuations and English letters), are able to be read from UNICODE into ANSI vietnamese: during the conversion, all uncorrect characters are converted as ? in your ANSI vietnamese string.
So you have several workarounds:
Upgrade to Delphi >= 2009, and your string will be UNICODE, so you will be able to mix character sets;
Use widestring for storing your text, and call directly the windows wide APIs - that is, you can't use the VCL units nor FindFirst/FindNext as defined in SysUtils, nor ShowMessage as defined in Dialogs.
Of course, the first one is the easiest!

Delphi 2006 translate from/into French/Dutch/German with a single ansi codepage

I need to make some translations from/into the French/Dutch/German languages using Delphi 2006 (without any third party units/components).
These 3 languages have the code page 1252. Our database is UTF-8 compliant, so at this moment I rely on the fact that all the values from the tables are UTF-8. Should I be confident on this assuming? This will work well, or I should worry about UTF-8 -> code page 1252 differences, if there are any? I didn't understand the difference between UTF-8 and code pages(for example I understood that the first 127 bytes are the same, and begging with the 128th byte are different).
Second, I need to make a search on some fields. Can I rely on ANSIUpperCase function from D2006? Or should I do a custom function, to treat each special character?
LE: data is stored in UTF-8 format.
Thanks in advance!
The database being UTF8-compliant doesn't mean the data is actually stored in UTF8. E.g. in Firebird (which is UTF8-compliant) you can declare tables using ANSI character sets.
You'll need to convert from UTF8 to ANSI 1252 and vice versa. E.g. with UTF8Encode and UTF8Decode routines.

Can anyone tell me how to convert UTF-8 value to UCS-2 value in Objective-c?

I am trying to convert UTF-8 string into UCS-2 string.
I need to get string like "\uFF0D\uFF0D\u6211\u7684\u4E0A\u7F51\u4E3B\u9875".
I have googled for about a month by now, but still there is no reference about converting UTF-8 to UCS-2.
Please someone help me.
Thx in advance.
EDIT: okay, maybe my explanation was not good enough. Here is what I am trying to do.
I live in Korea, and I am trying to send a sms message using CTMessageCenter. I tried to send chinese simplified character through my app. And I get ???? Instead of proper characters. So I tried UTF-8, UTF-16, BE and LE as well. But they all return ??. Finally I found out that SMS uses UCS-2 and EUC-KR encoding in Korea. Weird, isn't it?
Anyway I tried to send string like \u4E3B\u9875 and it worked.
So I need to convert string into UCS-2 encoding first and get the string literal from those strings.
The older UCS-2 (2-byte Universal Character Set) is a similar
character encoding that was superseded by UTF-16 in version 2.0 of the
Unicode standard in July 1996.2 It produces a fixed-length format
by simply using the code point as the 16-bit code unit and produces
exactly the same result as UTF-16 for 96.9% of all the code points in
the range 0-0xFFFF, including all characters that had been assigned a
value at that time.
Since the UCS-2 standard is limited to 65,535 characters, and the data
processing industry needs over 94,000 characters, the UCS-2 standard
is in the process of being superseded by the Unicode UTF-16 standard.
However, because UTF-16 is a superset of the existing UCS-2 standard,
you can develop your applications using the systems existing UCS-2
support as long as your applications treat the UCS-2 as if it were
UCS-2 is obsolete terminology which refers to a Unicode
implementation up to Unicode 1.1, before surrogate code points and
UTF-16 were added to Version 2.0 of the standard. This term should now
be avoided.
UCS-2 does not define a distinct data format, because UTF-16 and UCS-2
are identical for purposes of data exchange. Both are 16-bit, and have
exactly the same code unit representation.
So, using the "UTF8toUnicode" transformation in most language libraries will produce UTF-16, which is essentially UCS-2. And simply extracting the 16-bit characters from an Objective-C string will accomplish the same thing.
In other words, the solution has been staring you in the face all along.
UCS-2 is not a valid Unicode encoding. UTF-8 is.
It is therefore impossible to convert UTF-8 into UCS-2 — and indeed, also the reverse.
UCS-2 is dead, ancient history. Let it rot in peace.

ReadLn working with WideString (utf-8 files)

I use delphi 7.
I need to read a utf-8 file line by line, each line contain a word and its weight (a number)
So I need to read every next line, then divide a line by a separator (tab char) and save this in memory.
1) is there a library to work with utf-8 files in Delphi (3-rd party maybe)
2) will functions operate ok with widestring? I use PosEx. So, if they won't, can you also give a link to 3-rd party library to work with widestrings?
If it is really UTF-8 that you are dealing with, then you should not need anything special as far as reading and processing them. You should be able to treat them as pchar or even as a normal Delphi 7 string. If you try to show the contents in some kind of message box, then you may need to do some conversions. For example, I don't believe the Delphi 7 message box method would display UTF-8 strings correctly if the string contained any byte values over 127 (0x7f). For something like that, you would need to convert to UTF-16 and call the Windows API MessageBoxW or something similar. Otherwise, though, UTF-8 strings can be treated in many situations the same as single byte ANSI strings.
I don't think UTF-8 is typically referred to as "widestring". I might be wrong, but I think that typically means UTF-16.
If your file is encoded as UTF-8, and the characters you're looking for are ASCII, then there's no need to use WideString at all. ASCII is a subset of UTF-8, and any ASCII character is guaranteed not to interfere with the special encoding used for other characters in UTF-8. The number characters 0 through 9 and the tab character are all ASCII.
The JCL comes with various functions and classes for dealing with Unicode, if you find you really need to use them.
If most of your input is UTF-8, it might be worthwhile to change your codepage on startup from the "default" to utf8 (codepage 65001). This will make all ansistring->widestring conversions effectively become a lossless utf-8->utf-16.
With D7, you will need a set of so called "unicode" components, components that base themselves on the winapi -W functions. Delphi's own components only do this with the watershed D2009 release that switches the default string type to UTF-16.
If you want to heavily invest in Unicode support, upgrading might be a smart thing to do
WideString is an UTF-16 implementation (a COM BSTR compatible one), it can't store UTF-8 strings, if you assign an 8 bit string it will be converted to UTF-16. But unless you use explicitly the proper conversion function, Delphi will interpret the 8 bit string using the current codepage.
An UTF-8 string can be stored in a Delphi AnsiString (the default string type in Delphi 7), but string manipulation functions are designed for ANSI codepages, not UTF-8. The difference is that UTF-8 is a multi byte character set. But the first 127 ANSI characters, more than one byte is needed to encode a given "character", while many ANSI codepages (especially those for European languages) only require one byte, encoding only 255 "characters" (while UTF-8 can encode the whole Unicode set).
If you're just looking for the tab character AFAIK you could use simply an AnsiString, but you have to ensure that any byte above $80 you may need to look for is not part of a multibyte sequence. If you have more complex processing needs, it may be easier to find libraries working on UTF-16 strings than UTF-8. As Rob Kennedy said, JCL is a good starting point as a free library implementing UTF string manipulation.
You could simply read the file as-is into a normal TStringList via its LoadFrom...() methods, then loop through the list as needed. If loading the entire file into memory at one time is not an option, then you can open the file using a TFileStream and then use the TStreamReader.ReadLine() method to read the stream line-by-line.
If you need to decode a given UTF-8 sequence to UTF-16 for processing, then I would suggest using the Win32 API MultiByteToWideChar() function directly, only because the RTL's UTF8Decode() function has a broken UTF-8 implementation in older Delphi versions (not sure about D7, but it definately does in D6).
The nice thing about either loading approach is that they are both encoding-aware in D2009 and later, which means that if you ever upgrade, you can make a couple of very small code changes to tell the RTL that the data is UTF-8, and it will decode it to UTF-16 for you automatically, and then the rest of your processing code can remain the same (assuming you are not doing anything that is Ansi-specific).

delphi 2009 unicode + ansi problem

I'm porting an isapi (pageproducers) application from delphi 7 to delphi 2009, the pages are based on html files in UTF8.
Everything goes well except when Onhtmltag is fired and I replace a transparent tag with any value with special characters like accented characters (áé...) Those characters are replaced in the output with an � character.
What's wrong?
As part of your debugging procedure, you should go find out exactly what byte value(s) the browser receives for the question-mark character.
As you should know, Delphi 2009's string type is Unicode, whereas all previous version were ANSI. Delphi 7 introduced the Utf8String type, but Delphi 2009 made that type special. If you're not using that type for holding strings that are encoded as UTF-8, then you should start doing so. Values held in Utf8String variables will be converted to UnicodeString values automatically when you assign one to the other.
If you're storing your UTF-8-encoded strings in ordinary AnsiString variables, then they will be converted to Unicode using the default system code page if you assign them to a UnicodeString. That's not what you want.
If you're assigning UTF-8-encoded literals to variables of type string, stop that. That type expects its values to be encoded as UTF-16, just like WideString always has.
If you are loading your files into a TStrings descendant with LoadFromFile, then you need to start using that method's second parameter, which tells it what encoding to use. UTF-8-encoded files should use TEncoding.UTF8. The default is TEncoding.Unicode, which is little-endian UTF-16.
This is probably a character encoding issue.
The Delphi IDE usually uses Windows-1252 or UTF-16 to encode source code.
HTML often uses UTF-8.
You probably need some transliteration between those encodings.
For that you need to find out what encodings are used exactly (like Rob mentions).
Or revert to HTML escaping accented characters (like Ralph mentions)
Can you post a small app that shows the problem? (you can email me, about anything that has jeroen in the username and in the domain name will arrive in my mailbox).
Thank you for your help, after some test the problem was very very simple (or stupid also)
response.contenttype := 'text/html charset=UTF-8'
No need to translate manually between unicodestring utf8string ansistring widestring. Delphi 2009 string usage is near to perfect.
