Setting the icon for my App? - ios

![I'm trying to submit my app to Appstore but I'm facing a problem with setting up the icon for my app, I've tried all the variation of sizes for the icon size, but still it's giving me errors , I have taken a snapshot for those errors please help :]

Take 1024x1024 icon and generate other icons form

The images you use should be exactly in the specified dimensions. Even when you can put them "inside the box" of the UI, they must be correctly sized. Please check your files in the Editor, if they are really the right size.
And then, also try with clean build the project.

Remove the icons (Icon-*) from Images.xcassets, you don't need them there. You just need to drag your icons from Finder into their respective boxes inside AppIcon. And make sure you have the correct size for each icon.


App Store rejects because of app icon size

Appstore rejects app upload and shows this error:
Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key
'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon20x20'
Can anyone share what the issue is? I had implemented appicon using this.
Use website to make app icons it will automatically generate app icons of all sizes required.
This is my first post on StackOverflow so bear with me.
I created this automator workflow, it generates all icon sizes needed for the App Store currently⟨sept 2022)
1- Open in automator and save.
2- Create a squared image 1024x1024 or larger using preview.
3- right click on the image, select "To Icon"
follow the prompts.
The script consists of blocks of 4 for each icon size:
1-Get value
If you need a particular size, just copy paste that quadruple and change the pixel size and the name accordingly.
Feel free to manipulate and share the code however you like.
In the future from Xcode 14 and out you only need to provide one 1024x1024 icon in your assets catalog.

Add Image to an Apple Watch Button

I want to do is add an image to one of my buttons. I uploaded an image to my Assets folder and whenever I add it as a background it comes out blank. I even tried adding a group with a background and it still doesn't work. I don't know why its not working. When I set a color to the button it shows but a background image won't show up. It seems so simple but when I run it the background is black. Please help.
The Images worked after I moved the images to the Assets folder of the WatchKit App instead of the WatchKit App Extension. Also, I changed the names to make sure they were correct.
For my case, first time I try new a Image set, set it's name, and then drag the image file in. But doesn't work.
Then some example video came into my mind and I directly drag the image file into Assets.xcassets, then set the file to Apple Watch only, and then drag the file to 2x. And everything is OK.
Looks like a bug somehow, but anyway it works.

How to reslice an image in Xcode?

I am often a bit silly when I try to slice resizable images, and end up in this situation:
As you can see, I've done a 9-slice on the top image, and a 3-slice on the bottom. And yet, Xcode doesn't let me back out of this. My option seems to be deleting and then re-adding the image. But is there a way do re-specify slicing within Xcode?
While in slicing view, select the image you are want to reset (click on its title) and open the attributes inspector in the right sidebar (⌥⌘4). Under "Slicing" you can change slicing parameters, and even disable it.

App loading Image

sometimes when I start my App it shows me a black screen until its loaded.
Where is the place to add an Image or whatever to show that in instead of that nasty black screen?
Thanks in advance,
The black screen simply means that there is no launch image set for your app. The newest and in my opinion easiest way to add these is to use an Asset catalog.
If you created your app in a recent version of xCode, an asset catalog named Images.xcassets is automatically created for you.
Navigate to the same by clicking on it and then simply drag and drop your image into the same.
Here's a screenshot:
I would also strongly recommend that you maintain all graphics used in your app via this Asset catalog. The big advantage with using this process is you don't have to worry about the usual naming conventions you would need if you included graphics outside of an asset catalog - for e.g. You no longer have to name retina images as #2x
Something really simple in fact. Go to Xcode, Tap the project on the top, on the drop down menu on the top left select the target, then click General and select images at where it says Launch Images

How do I separate the app icon from the launch image in an iOS app

Thanks for the time to look. I have a weird problem. my Launch image (AKA Splash screen) seems to automatically be tied to my App icon. so I cant change one with out changing the other. In other words, when I add a new app icon, it changes the launch image to match.
I am guessing this has something to do with the .plist file, but I cant figure out where to fix it.
Thanks for the time!
You can specify them differant in plist file. See here
Check Apple's link for default name of different files. You just need to rename with default name and add the image files in your project.
