Grails: Find class property based on Date - grails

I have a Grails 2.4.3 application that uses Oracle as the database.
There's a class called User:
class User {
String userName = ""
String userPassword = ""
Date userAdded
In a controller i am using the following code to find all user names.
def names = User.where { }.projections { property 'userName' }.list()
Now i want to find User Names based on the date in which they were added to database.
For e.g., if a date range is provided as between 12/01/2014 to 12/12/2014, Now i want to get all the User Names added during that period.
Is there a easy way of doing it?

This should do it
Date start = // get the start date
Date end = // get the end date
def userNames = User.withCriteria {
ge('userAdded', start)
le('userAdded', end)
projections {


How can I get all the data of one column in grails?

I'm new in grails and I'm trying to find the solution but I don't found any question here...
That I want to do is, I have this labels in my domain:
String platform
String appVersion
String name
String id
How can I get only all the data that I have store in appVersion column?
You can try the following code with your domain name
def c = DomainName.createCriteria()
def requiredList = c.list {
projections { //projection does the trick
And if by chance you want to compare any value then:
def c = DomainName.createCriteria()
def requiredList = c.list {
eq('column_name', value_to_compare)
projections {

Get list of instances, Grails

I need to get list of instances. I did so to do this:
def availableCafee = Cafee.list()
But now, my task is complicated. It requires if certain field in instance doesn't have an empty string value, other fields of the instance must be found via some controller and the other instance by this string value. Domain class is below.
If apiInit is empty, the instance added to list how in example above, if apiInit isn't empty, it assumed other fields wasn't initialized, so getting other fields requires via controller, which I've done and the other instance.So external API work is emulate. How to change example above to do this?
class Cafee {
String cafeeName = ""
int totalReservationPlaces = 0
double placeCost = 0
String currencyType = ""
boolean isReservationAvailable = false
boolean reservationTimeLimit = false
boolean reservationDateLimit = false
int totalPlaces = 0
LocalTime startTimeLimit = new LocalTime()
LocalTime endTimeLimit = new LocalTime()
Date startDateLimit = new Date()
Date endDateLimit = new Date()
String region = ""
String city = ""
String apiInit = ""
I think what you are trying to say is that a nullable object is causing the object not to be saved.
The solution is quite simple:
static constraints = {
apiInit nullable: true
Have a read here: rejected-value-null
So ideally set all those objects that are could be nullable should be set
you can also set the defaultValue of an object in the mapping:
Please note if it is an already generated Database table any attempt now to set to nullable after it has been previously created will not work. you will either have to set this manually or drop it and let it regenerate..

java.lang.NullPointerException in command object

I want to parse a string to date just before validate a command object, here is my command object code
class ActivitiesCommand {
List schools
List departments
Date from
Date to
static constraints = {
schools nullable:false
departments nullable:false
from blank:false
to blank:false
def beforeValidate() {
def from = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd", from)
def to = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd", to)
but i am getting java.lang.NullPointerException when i try def from = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd", from) or def to = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd", to). What can i do in order to successfully parse the date before validate command object?
I read the command object docs. I got this sample from there. I tried if removing ? beforeValidate does not work, so i understand i need to provide a null safe but i do not know how to do it in my scenario
class Person {
String name
static constraints = { name size: 5..45 }
def beforeValidate() { name = name?.trim() }
Thanks for your time.
from and to is set to Date in the Command Object, so request parameter string with from and to names will be converted to a Date and then bound to these field.
If the expected date format matches then binding will be successful.
In your case, from and to in beforeValidate is treated as String instead. If they are String actually then you can make them nullable: false in constraints or do the check as below in beforeValidate:
from = from ? Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd", from) : new Date() - 1 //for example
Note the appropriate use of Date.parse()

Groovy Dynamic Object - How to properly reset properties?

Based on this question I created a Groovy class that will have dynamic properties.
class MyDynamic {
def propertyMissing( String name, value ) {
this.metaClass."$name" = value
So far all good, now I can set some non-existent property with success
MyDynamic dyna = new MyDynamic()
dyna.someProp = new Date()
My problem begins when I have another instance with the same name of property, but with another type
MyDynamic dyna2 = new MyDynamic()
dyna2.someProp = "0" //GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object '0' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'java.util.Date'
Actually I need this because I'm creating objects with the result of a query without knowing the table and the column. I get the name of the column with the ResultSetMetaData and add the property to the instance of the dynamic object. Later I will use this object to export all the properties and values. In different tables I have the same column name, but with different types.
So my question is: how can I reset this metaClass when I'm done with the instance to not conflict with other instance?
Why not a Expando, a Map or a simple container:
class Dynamic {
def properties = [:]
void setProperty( String name, value ) {
properties[name] = value
def getProperty(String property) { properties[property] }
d = new Dynamic() = "yeah"
assert == String = new Date()
assert == Date

How to exclude some columns with GORM with dynamic finders?

I have the following domain object:
class DbDeployment
static constraints = {
startDate(nullable: false)
endDate(nullable: true)
username(nullable: true)
fabric(nullable: false)
description(nullable: true)
status(nullable: true)
details(nullable: true)
static mapping = {
columns {
details type: 'text'
Date startDate = new Date()
Date endDate
String username
String fabric
String description
String status
String details // xml representation of the plan
I would like to be able to run a query like this:
DbDeployment.findAllByFabric("f1", params)
but I would like to ensure the column details (which is potentially huge) is not retrieved.
Is there a way to do this?
Option 1: Create an association for the large data field(s)
One suggestion from this answer is to break the large data property out into a separate domain, which will cause it to load lazily. Example:
class DbDeployment {
Date startDate = new Date()
Date endDate
DbDeploymentDetails details
class DbDeploymentDetails {
String details
static belongsTo = DbDeployment
Option 2: Using a new domain + mapping to the original table
An answer on a different question links to a Grails mailing list question which has a great answer from Burt Beckwith, but the SO answer doesn't give an example. For the sake of posterity I'll yoink his example from the mailing list and put it here.
It involves creating another domain class without the large field, and then using its static mapping closure to map to the other domain's table.
class DbDeployment {
Date startDate = new Date()
Date endDate
String details
class SimpleDbDeployment {
Date startDate = new Date()
Date endDate
// do not include String details
static mapping = {
table 'db_deployment'
Then you can just use the finders on SimpleDbDeployment:
SimpleDbDeployment.findAllByFabric('f1', params)
Burt, it'd be great if you would re-answer with your example from the mailing list; I'll cut it out of mine and upvote yours, since you deserve the credit.
