MyFaces 2.1.16 and WebSphere 7 [duplicate] - jsf-2

This question already has answers here:
Can JSF 2.0 be used with Websphere application server version 7.x
(8 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm working with the following:
IBM WebSphere
Apache MyFaces 2.1.16
Java 1.6
Servlet Container 2.5
Just trying to get a simple Application going and getting errors.
I read here JSF2.0 and WAS7 about WAS7 configuration for MyFaces (It's for JSF2.0), but that did not help so far.
I'm trying to figure out now if WAS7 even supports JSF2.1 .
MyFaces says that Servelt Container of 2.5 is ok MyFaces2.1, but on some other page here it was posted that JSF needs 3.0 (which is not available with WAS7).
So, which one is correct?
Should I be able to run JSF2.1 with WAS7 ?

No, WAS 7 doesn't support JSF 2.1, not even WAS 8, not sure regarding WAS 8.5
However, you can define custom JSF implementation, look at this answer : Can JSF 2.0 be used with Websphere application server version 7.x


Migrate Struts application from JBoss server 4.3 to 7.1

I have a Struts web application which I want to migrate from JBoss server 4.3 to JBoss 7.1.
Can anyone tell me what things do I need to consider while migrating application to newer version like connection pooling, EJB compatibility, etc., which is dependent on JBoss server?
Since jboss 7 changed their class loading scheme you at first place consider to configure the class path to include only required libraries not loaded by the server. Everything else should be fixed separately because Struts framework doesn't have a reference to relayed problems.

Does Grails 2.3.x Support JDK 8

It seems like this questions should be easy but the installation requirements for Grails ( haven't been updated in 2 years. Does anyone know for sure is Grails 2.3 will run on JDK 8?
As noticed by heikkim this ticket which is now closed suggests that support for Java 8 will start on Grails 2.4: (title: Java 8 support)
Tried an app (built on v2.3.7) on JDK 8 and hit a road block with database-migration plugin while compiling the app. If that particular plugin is commented out then everything looks good during compilation.
Running the app (with a sample controller) throws an error related to withFormat method from grails-plugin-mimetypes. Looking into it.
Raised an improvement defect for grails-database-migration plugin. I think this may not be required as well but making grails JDK8 compatible might need changes in grails-core. However, I have not checked with latest milestone build for Grails 2.4 which might already be taking care of those compatibility issues.

Connecting from JBoss 4.2 to JBoss 7.1

We would like to create a completely new service using JBoss 7.1 with modern technologies
such as JPA, Java EE 6, etc....
Alas, we have a legacy system running on a JBoss 4.2.2 that is definitely NOT portable to JBoss 7. The old system will have to access the new system, i.e. call methods via RMI.
Unfortunately, that is not possible out of the box:
JBoss 7 does not support the old JNP protocol anymore that was usually used in JBoss 4 for JNDI lookups.
We cannot just add the new JARs needed for the new protocol to, say, default/lib, because this will cause version conflicts (logging, e.g.) and simply does not work.
I see two possible solutions, which are both complicated and error-prone:
We add a new Deployment to JBoss 4 that is packaged with all
necessary libraries to access JBoss 7 using and try to use JBoss'
class loader magic in jboss-app.xml to make it work.
We retrofit the old JNP server which can be found in jnpserver.jar
as a new JBoss 7 module.
In both cases we would have to bind a Bridge/Adapter object to the JNDI context via JNP that forwards all requests.
Does anyone have experiences in bridging the gap (rather a snake pit in fact) between JBoss 4 to JBoss 7 or a better idea?
Thanks in advance.
Make your life easier and use web services between them as this will also avoid and classloader / serialization hell

How to replace JSF 1.2 with JSF 2.0

I have an application, full application that made on JSF 1.2. Now we are adding module in it. Can i replace JSF 1.2 with JSF 2.0 ? Means only new module use JSF 2.0 and the remaining application become unaffected by the change? Means is JSF 2.0 is fully compatible with JSF 1.2. Like i open the project in netbeans and add JSF 2.0 jar in the project and remove the JSF 1.2 jar? Can i do that ? or i should have use JSF 1.2 for new module because application is made on JSF 1.2 ?
There's a pretty good thread for that where they explain basic settings to more advanced settings to migrate from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0

How to get EL 2.2 working on WAS 7 (with Myfaces and Primefaces)?

I'm migrating a JSF 1.2 project, running in WAS7, to JSF2 with Myfaces 2.1.7 and Primefaces.
Until now, everything was more or less working, putting myfaces-bundle-2.1.7.jar and primefaces 3.3.RC1.jar in the WEB-INF/lib and changing to classloading order.
Now, I'm trying to get EL2.2 working :
Are the corresponding classes part of the Myfaces Impl classes (in myfaces-bundle-2.1.7.jar, but with which specific configuration ?), or did I miss some specific library to add to the /WEB-INF/lib ?
Thanks for reading me ;)
EL 2.2 is not part of JSF 2.0. It's part of Servlet 3.0 which in turn is part of Java EE 6. But WebSphere 7 is a Java EE 5 container, not a Java EE 6 one. JSF 2.0 is part of Java EE 6 but backwards compatible with Servlet 2.5 / Java EE 5, that's probably where your confusion is coming from.
As said, WebSphere 7 is a Servlet 2.5 container and thus doesn't ship with EL 2.2, but with EL 2.1. Your best bet is to install an EL 2.1 implementation which supports the same enhancements (invoking methods with arguments) as in EL 2.2. There's only one: JBoss EL. To install it, just drop jboss-el.jar in webapp's /WEB-INF/lib and add the following context parameter to your web.xml to tell MyFaces to use it instead.
