duplicate grep output when comparing two files - grep

I have literally been at this for 5 hours, I have busybox on my device, and I unfortunately do not have -X in grep to make my life easier.
I have two list both of them have mac addresses, essentially I am just wanting to achieve offline mac address lookup so I don't have to keep looking it up online
list.txt has vendor mac prefix of course this isn't the complete list but just for an example
scan will have list of different mac addresses unknown to which vendor they go to. Which will be full length mac addresses. when ever there is a match I want the line in scan to be output.
Pretty much it does that, but it outputs everything from the scan file, and then it will output matching one at the end, and causing duplicate. I tried sort -u, but it has no effect its as if there is two different output from two different methods, the reason why I say that is because it will instantly output scan file that has everything in it, and couple seconds later it will output the matching one.
From searching I came across this
while read line; do
grep -F 'list' 'scan'
done < list.txt
which displays the duplicate result when/if found, the output is pretty much echoing my scan file then displaying the matched pattern, this creating duplicate
This is frustrating me that I have not found a solution after click on all the links in google up to page 9.
Please someone help me.

I don't know if the Busybox sed supports this out of the box, but it should be easy to do in Awk or Perl instead then.
Create a sed script to print lines from file2 which are covered by a prefix in file1 by transforming each line in file1 into a sed command to print a match for that regular expression:
sed 's%.*%/&/p%' file1 | sed -n -f - file2
The same in Awk:
awk 'NR==FNR { a[++i]="^" $0; next }
{ for (j=1; j<=i; ++j) if ($0 ~ a[j]) print }' file1 file2

Ok guys I did a nested for loop (probably very in efficient) but I got it working printing the matching mac addresses using this
for scanlist in `cat scan | cut -d: -f1,2,3`
for listt in `cat list`
if [[ $scanlist == $listt ]]; then
grep $scanlist scan
if anyone can make this more elegant but it works for me for now. I think the problem I had was one list contained just 00:11:22 while my other list contained 00:11:22:33:44:55 that is why I cut it on my scanlist to make same length as my other list. So this only output the matches instead of doing duplicate output.


grep file with a large array

Hi i have a few archive of FW log and occasionally im required to compare them with a series of IP addresses (thousand of them) to get the date and time if the ip addresses matches. my current script is as follow:
#input the list of ip into array
mapfile -t -O 1 var < ip.txt while true
#check array is not null
if [[-n "${var[i]}"]] then
zcat /.../abc.log.gz | grep "${var[i]}"
It does work but its way too slow and i would think that grep-ping a line with multiple strings would be faster than zcat on every ip line. So my question is is there a way to generate a 'long grep search string' from the ip.txt? or is there a better way to do this
Sure. One thing is that using cat is usually slightly inefficient. I'd recommend using zgrep here instead. You could generate a regex as follows
IP=`paste -s -d ' ' ip.txt`
zgrep -E "(${IP// /|})" /.../abc.log.gz
The first line loads the IP addresses into IP as a single line. The second line builds up a regex that looks something like (| by replacing spaces with |'s. It then uses zgrep to search through abc.log.gz once, with that -Extended regex.
However, I recommend that you do not do this. Firstly, you should escape strings put into a regex. Even if you know that ip.txt really contains IP addresses (e.g. not controlled by a malicious user), you should still escape the periods. But rather than building up a search string and then escape it, just use the -Fixed strings and -file features of grep. Then you get the simple and fast one-liner:
zgrep -F -f ip.txt /.../abc.log.gz

How can I find files that match a two-line pattern using grep?

I created a test file with the following:
I'm now trying to find this with grep and the following command, but it take forever to run.
How can I search quickly for files that contain adjacent lines like these?
tr -d '\n' | grep '<cert></cert>' test.test
So, from the comments, you're trying to get the filenames that contain an empty <cert>..</cert> element. You're using several tools wrong. As #iiSeymour pointed out, tr only reads from standard input-- so if you want to use it to select from lots of filenames, you'll need to use a loop. grep prints out matching lines, not filenames; though you could use grep -l to see the filenames instead.
But you're only joining lines because grep works one line at a time; so let's use a better tool. Here's how to search with awk:
awk '/<cert>/ { started=1; }
/<\/cert>/ { if (started) { print FILENAME; nextfile;} }
!/<cert>/ { started = 0; }' file1 file2 *.txt
It checks each line and keeps track of whether the previous line matched <cert>. (!/pattern/ sets the flag back to zero on lines not matching /pattern/.) Call it with all your files (or with a wildcard like *.txt).
And a friendly suggestion: Next time, try each command separately (you've been stuck on this for hours and you still don't know what grep does?). And have a quick look at the manual for the tools you want to use. Unix tools are usually too complex for simple trial and error.

How can I grep a file for multiple unique values?

I have some firewall logs and I want to find multiple unique values. I need to find every unique combination of source IP and destination port, which are in this format in /var/log/iptables.
So, if source IP makes multiple appearances on multiple ports, I want to see that but, just once for each SRC/DPT combo.
This awk solution might help. The first awk command combines each pair of successive SRC and DPT lines into a single line. The output from this command is then piped to the second awk command, which provides uniquefied output, retaining original order
awk '/^SRC|^DPT/{ORS=$0 ~ /^SRC/?" ":"\n"; print}' file.* | awk '!a[$0]++'
If multiple SRC, DPT entries exist per line, the following should work
grep -oE 'SRC=[[:digit:].]+[[:space:]]+DPT=[[:digit:].]+' file.txt | awk '!a[$0]++'
You can try "grep AND", see examples from the link:

grep from beginning of found word to end of word

I am trying to grep the output of a command that outputs unknown text and a directory per line. Below is an example of what I mean:
.MHuj.5.. /var/log/messages
The text and directory may be different from time to time or system to system. All I want to do though is be able to grep the directory out and send it to a variable.
I have looked around but cannot figure out how to grep to the end of a word. I know I can start the search phrase looking for a "/", but I don't know how to tell grep to stop at the end of the word, or if it will consider the next "/" a new word or not. The directories listed could change, so I can't assume the same amount of directories will be listed each time. In some cases, there will be multiple lines listed and each will have a directory list in it's output. Thanks for any help you can provide!
If your directory paths does not have spaces then you can do:
$ echo '.MHuj.5.. /var/log/messages' | awk '{print $NF}'
It's not clear from a single example whether we can generalize that e.g. the first occurrence of a slash marks the beginning of the data you want to extract. If that holds, try
grep -o '/.*' file
To fetch everything after the last space, try
grep -o '[^ ]*$' file
For more advanced pattern matching and extraction, maybe look at sed, or Awk or Perl or Python.
Your line can be described as:
That's assuming whitespace is your delimiter between the random text and the directory. It simply separates the whitespace from the non-whitespace and captures the second part.
Or you might want to look into the word boundary character class: \b.
I know you said to use grep, but I can't help to mention that this is trivially done using awk:
awk '{ print $NF }' input.txt
This is assuming that a whitespace is the delimiter and that the path does not contain any whitespaces.

Recursively grep results and pipe back

I need to find some matching conditions from a file and recursively find the next conditions in previously matched files , i have something like this
The files where you need to find above terms in following files, the challenge is if 123 is found in say 10 files , the 22 should be searched in these 10 files only and so on...
Example of files are like f1,f2,f3,f4.....f1200
so it is like i need to grep -w "123" f* | grep -w "123" | .....
its not possible to list them manually so any easier way?
You can solve this using awk script, i ve encountered a similar problem and this will work fine
awk '{ if(!NR){printf("grep -w %d f*|",$1)} else {printf("grep -w %d f*",$1)} }' input.txt | sh
What it Does?
it reads input.txt line by line
until it is at last record , it prints grep -w %d | (note there is a
pipe here)
which is then sent to shell for execution and results are piped back
to back
and when you reach the end the pipe is avoided
Perhaps taking a meta-programming viewpoint would help. Have grep output a series of grep commands. Or write a little PERL program. Maybe Ruby, if the mood suits.
You can use grep -lw to write the list of file names that matched (note that it will stop after finding the first match).
You capture the list of file names and use that for the next iteration in a loop.
