UITextView text support for another language -iOS7 app crash - ios

My app is getting crash on iOS7
In my app, I have language option. One is English and other is Kannada.
When user selects Kannada, all text turns into Kannada. I have one textview in which I have added static text in Kannada.
When user navigates to that view, the app crashes on iOS7 , while on iOS8 it's working fine.
I am not getting any log for crash. I can only see EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code = 1, ...) . I have tried it by keeping "Enable Zombies" option, still not getting any log in console.
P.S. - I have static text in textview. I am not adding text dynamically. I am just hiding/un-hiding textviews. I can see and read the text in Kannada in my textview in storyboard.

It may be a strange behavior in iOS 7, and it seems to be a bug in the way NSLayoutManager layouts the text for Kannada language. As other answers pointed out, UITextView is build around TextKit since iOS7, and thus uses NSLayoutManager internally to layout text.


Label line break not working properly in xcode

I have a label which shows the pink area on the screen. However, the word "gender " is not shown in the top line even if it has enough space. Why is it not showing up in the first line itself? What I need
label.text = #"Do you believe in gender equality";
The UILabel is working as intended by preventing an orphaned word so it’s more readable. This was introduced in iOS 11. Apple must disable it for iMessage because they probably intend this behaviour for long articles of text, not text messages.
I've seen fixes including
call sizeToFit on the label after the text has been set
setting UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: "NSAllowsDefaultLineBreakStrategy") // Using this private tricky shortcut may leads appstore rejection.
But none of these are working on iOS 13, simulator (Not tested on devices).
One tricky solution is - append some spaces or two tabs("\t\t") to the text and set programatically.
Use following code:
label.lineBreakStrategy = []

UIPopoverController wrong UITextField height in iOS 8

In my app I use a UIPopoverController with an embedded UINaviagtionController to show a single line UITextField to enter a number. This kind of input was working up to iOS 7.1. Since iOS 8.0 the size of the UITextField is wrong. I tried out to change the AutoresizingMask, Frame, EdgesForExtendedLayout, ... but nothing is working.
As you can see in the screenshots bellow, there is a strange behaviour.
A sample project for Xamarin.iOS is available: http://www.danflash.com/files/dev/PopoverTest.zip
I have found the issue. I had to set contentViewController.EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None; within the method:
public static PopoverInputController GetPopoverController(...)
It seems that Apple did some more changes to the UI regarding the layout stuff as expected.

UITextView with voiceover

Here is my very simple code for creating a UITextView.
UITextView *textView = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
textView.editable = NO;
textView.text = #"Using iOS 3.0 and later, VoiceOver is available to help users with visual impairments use their iOS-based devices. The UI Accessibility programming interface, introduced in iOS 3.0, helps developers make their applications accessible to VoiceOver users. Briefly, VoiceOver describes an application’s user interface and helps users navigate through the application’s views and controls, using speech and sound. Users familiar with VoiceOver in Mac OS X can leverage their experience to help them quickly come up to speed using VoiceOver on their devices.";
[self.view addSubview:textView];
Given that I could not possibly do anything wrong here I am just wondering if this is an expected behaviour or a bug perhaps somebody also faced:
With voiceover enabled I expect the entire text view to be “highlighted” on tap, then its accessibilityLabel to be read to a user and after they double tap, the entire text view’s text to be read.
But what is happening is that a small portion of the text view is highlighted (usually 2 lines), accessibilityLabel is not read, but the first “highlighted" line and the first letter (!) of the second line are read instead and only after a user double taps the entire text is read.
Especially reading the first letter in the second highlighted line confuses me. Plus shouldn’t accessibilityLabel be always read in the beginning?
This looks like a big to me but Apple has always paid so much attention to accessibility, so I’m having doubts if I should report it, may be the meant it to be this way.
Another question: is there a way to achieve the following behaviour (without subleasing UITextView) when voiceover is enabled: user taps UITextView -> accessibilityLabel and the entire text are read?
In case someone else has this problem here is the answer:
textView.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitStaticText;
Combining the other two answers from this post has the desired effect. i.e.
textView.isAccessibilityElement = true
textView.accessibilityTraits = .staticText
Also if you are setting the attributedText property on the UITextView make sure you DO NOT set the accessibilityLabel (on the UITextView). Doing so will cause VoiceOver (Xcode 12.5, iOS 14.4.2) to read the text twice.
textView.isAccessibilityElement = true
This Works

kasra not displayed on iOS

When I write arabic text containing the letter kasra (unicode character 0x650, phonetic equivalent i) to a button, the kasra is not displayed. Thus, the word mumkin appears as mumkn. If I inspect the NSString in Xcode, the kasra is present, but the kasra is not displayed in the iPhone simulator or on a real iPad. The other two short vowels (fatha and damma) are displayed correctly.
The arabic letter kasra (unicode character 0x650) is missing from all of the built-in IOS7 fonts that i have tried.
The solution was to build a different font into my app- I used AGA-Rasheeq-Bold.
This may be a bug. I just tried it in the storyboard editor and it does not seem to work. I created a string in the MAC Notes application, copied and pasted. It displays correctly in the left hand properties panel, but not in the button itself. Could you provide the exact Unicode string? You may need to open a bug report with Apple.
I can confirm that it works correctly in a Label field, but not a Button (IOS 6.1 and Xcode 4.6.3)
Try attributed text. This seems to work around the issue.

UITextView: Link detection working within Simulator, not on device

I've got two UITextViews containing data that should be recongised by the data detection, however whilst one works fine on both device and simulator there's one that only works under Simulator. I've attempted trashing the build from my device, cleaning the product down, removing derived data and nothing seems to resolve the inconsistency.
Link detection was enabled within Interface Builder, the data is passed in with a NSString stringWithFormat: formatted string and set with UITextView setText:. Set the same way for both, so there's no difference there, but it just doesn't seem to work correctly for one of them.
EDIT: On the device if I tap on one of the items that should detect as a link, it'll then turn blue and do link detection. I'm not setting any custom fonts or colours that could have an impact.
It appears that the trick is to setScrollable:NO. Seems to fix the problem, although if you need scrolling, I'm not sure what the answer will be...
Apparently this issue is caused by how iOS is currently handling the UITextView links. It is creating an NSAttributedString that turns sections of the text blue ( when the view contains a link ). So I've figured out that this bug only occurs when a link is the first text in the AttributedString, i.e. the first text in the text view. So it's easily fixed by prepending an whitespace to your text before setting it. Or overriding setText to " " + text;
Hope this helps guys
