SWRevealViewController hides tab bar controller - ios

I am using SWRevealViewController and tab bar view controller. A table view is hooked to the back of the tab bar. If I select any of the cells,the view transitions to the correct view but my tab bar buttons disappear. This is the hierarchy of the views:
SWRevealViewController - > SideTableViewController - > tab bar controller >tab 1
Not sure what is going on. Please help. Thanks!

I had a similar problem when using SWRevealViewController. What I believe is happening is that you are linking to one of the individual TabBar Views, instead of linking it to the TabBarViewController. But, without a picture of your storyboard, I can't be 100% sure


Why is the navigation bar not appearing in the Simulator?

In my application that I am building, I set up a navigation controller to control navigation through the app. I created a Root View Controller.
I linked that Root View Controller to another View Controller using a show segue. Now the View Controller displays the navigation bar with the Large Titles turned off in the storyboard.
Even though it is showing up in the storyboard when I click the plus button, the navigation bar is not showing up in the Simulator. Does anybody know why?
Here is the complete Storyboard (Navigation Controller on the left - Root View Controller in the middle - Add View Controller on the right).
If someone could help me with this that would be amazing. Thank you.
You can retrace the steps and see where it went wrong:
1: Create a new single page app. Remove the VC and add TableVC. Set as root VC.
2: Select TableVC, Editor -> Embed in navigation controller.
3: Add tab bar item to the added navigation bar of the TableVC.
4: Create another VC and control drag from tab bar item to the VC (a push segue).
Hi!Have you linked the Storyboard with ViewController like picture?That could be one reason.

Why Tab bar is going to hide when Push to another View in objective c

I am using TabBarController with four tabs in my applicatin. In the second Tab I'm using PageViewcontroller. PageViewController contains Five pages. Where the first Page view contains the button. On button click we can navigate to another view. When we navigate to another view, the tab is going to hide.
But I don't want to hide the Tab bar.
Anyone can please help to resolve this problem.
In order to make UITabBar visible in all the screens of your app you need to take UINavigationController for all the tabs, UINavigationController will be the viewControllers with relational segue and UINavigationController's root view controllers will be your initial controllers which you want to show on Tabs
Below is the screenshot of how you design it using your storyboard
And here is how it works
Deselect Hide bottom bar on push as below :
Or programatically :
yourViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = NO;

Swift unable to add tab bar to tab bar view controller? Grayed out?

Ok, my experience with tab bar controllers is limited but Ive never encountered this issue. I am able to create a tab bar controller but not add a tab bar or tab bar item tp it. I have followed this : https://makeapppie.com/2015/01/27/tab-bar-controllers-in-storyboards/ and others exactly and they just say to drag in the tab bar controller or embed another VC in it and boom - tab bar.
This is what has happened for me:
The tab bar is grayed out and Im not able to drag a tab bar onto the VC or anywhere. What am I doing wrong here? I need to migrate my standalone VCs into a tab bar controller.
make sure to your relationships between view controllers and view controller
this is my tabbarcontroller

iOS tab bar controller adding a navigation button at the top of the controller

So I have a UITabBarController and it has three buttons on the bottom in my iOS app. I want to add another set of buttons at the top but not quite sure on how to do this. I tried adding a UINavigationBar and a navigation button, and adding a view in to it, adding just the buttons, ect.... but to no avail. It won't let me add anything to the UITabBarController. Is there a way to do this?
Thank you very much.
the simplest way to that is to creat 3 buttons side by side and set their frame the way they divide the top of screen to 3 equals. it means u can create a tab bar with buttons manually.
but there's another way. i think this answer would help u
Positioning UITabBar at the top
To use the navigation bar you need a navigation controller. Now depending on your needs your tab bar controller should be inside a navigation controller or the other way around. If you want to be able to navigate away from the tab bar controller (have a screen without the tab bar) you should embed your tab bar controller into a navigation controller. If you only need the navigation bar for some tabs of the tab bar controller or you still want the tab bar to be visible all the time you should embed all (or just the ones than need a navigation bar) your root view controllers for each tab in navigation controllers. Finally if you do not need the navigation behaviour you could just put a regular view in the view controller that needs the bar at the top and some buttons in it and make them look the way you want.
You can embed a view controller in a navigation controller in a storyboard by selecting the view controller and the going to Edit->Embed in->Navigation controller.
Select the Any Tabbar ViewController then above the Menu -> Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller its select, if you get the Navigation Controller then if you add the Navigation Button at Top of the ViewController, example :

Navigation bar button unresponsive in child view controller of UITabBarController

I instantiate my UITabBarController by calling navigationController.viewControllers = #[[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"tabController"]];
My Tab bar controller has a child view that is embedded in a navigation controller. However the bar button (item) is unresponsive when I touch them (the buttons in the navigation bar). I have tried logging the action but it appears as if the button is not firing at all.
The only thing that I have done differently is the way i instantiated the tab bar controller. Am I missing something?
I connected the navigation bar button from the storyboard to an action so it is hooked up successfully. Please note there is also a navigation Controller pointing to the UITabbarController not shown below.
The unwanted behaviour maybe because this flow (navigation controller to tabbar controller) is ill advised in the Apple HIG. More information can be found here: Storyboard with NavigationController and TabController. The solution I found was to hide the navigation bar on the navigation controller that links to the navigation bar (can be done in interface builder), then make it reappear in the new navigation controller that the tab bar links to. Confusing I know, I can help anyone who ever has a similar issue.
Is there any specific reason you are doing this:
navigationController.viewControllers = #[[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"tabController"]];
You can simply drag an outlet from the UITableViewController to the UINavigationController using only the Storyboard.
I think you forgot to add the navigationItem. In the storyboard, add a navigation Item to your viewController and move your bar button items to the navigation bar that appears on the top.
