ios enterprise developer account - ios

Yesterday we got the ios enterprise developer account. I successfully create Dev & inhouse/Adhoc certificates & App Ids (like generic*). I can create developer profile and Ad-hoc profiles. But when I am trying to create inHouse profiles, Apple developer portal always gives me message like
"No App IDs are available.
Click "Create App ID" to create an App ID. You need an App ID to configure a Provisioning Profile."
I did same steps work lot of time for different clients but I don't know why it is showing error now.
See below images for reference.
Please let me know where I am missing.

I fixed the problem. I was using wildcard app id (com.yourcompany.*) which is not allowed for In-House distribution. :-(. But Ad-hoc is accepting wildcard bundle id.
Application specific app id is required for InHouse. like com.yourcompany.myapp.

Just create an App ID as it is telling you to do. You can see the App IDs link on the left hand side of your screenshots.


App Store Connect Operation Error: Invalid provisioning profile... Please use provisioning profile associated with team ID "XX..XX"

I developed an app for a friend of mine. We published it to the App store from his laptop and his account. We also published the first update through his account as well.
Currently, we need to push a third update, but I am physically away from him and I have to do it from my account and laptop. He made me an "admin" on his developer account team.
Using my developer account, I created new certificates and new provisioning profiles (as his certificates and provisioning profiles expired). The app deploys normally when I test it on my iPhone device.
When I try to upload the app to the App Store, I receive the following error:
My team ID is (59..DU). My friend's team ID where we published the app and pushed the first update is (JB..22) (The one the error is showing).
I've been trying for almost two days. I tried everything I could, my problem is mainly the team associated with the provisioning profile. The code signing works fine (no errors) whether it's manual or automatic. I also signed out then signed in for my developer account on xcode. I also verified the bundle ID. Nothing seemed to work.
How can I upload the app using my friend's team ID (JB..22) from my developer account? Keeping in mind that I cannot use his credentials and I'm physically away from him to do this from his laptop.
I would appreciate any help in this matter.
Please verify if it's App Store Distribution profile or not.
If Yes, then try to login to Xcode with your Apple Id which has access to iTunes Connect or App Store Connect.
While validating the archive file please choose the same App Store Distribution profile.

Why I cannot push iOS app to App Store after being added to a team?

I have been added to the company account as an App Manager user.
After that I created a new bundle ID and enabled Push Notifications. Push Notifications are not in the code now, but we may use them later.
The next step was creating an app on iTunes and using this bundle ID.
After that I chose my name as the provisioning profile in XCode, crated archive and started uploading process. I was offered to choose a profile and I picked profile with my name.
Should I be seeing my name here (like Jim Doe) or I should see and pick a profile looking like My Client Company Team?
The upload breaks with error
ERROR ITMS-90159: "Invalid provisioning profile. This app contains an embedded provisioning profile that is not associated with your account. Please use a provisioning profile associated with Team ID XXX."
There is a change that I wrongly navigated my client to add me to his profile. If I skipped some step please let me know.
I am posting an answer for all those that have the same issue.
Apple completely separates Apple Developer portal from iTunesConnect. A client must invite you to both Apple Developer and iTunesConnect!
iTunesConnect will allow you to create apps and sort all details that will appear on the App Store. While Apple Developer is bound to development and XCode looks at its permissions when you try to pull team provisioning profiles.
In my case, once I have been added to client's Apple Developer, I was able to see his team and push build to iTunesConnect.

Apple developer account unable to get a provisioning profile set

I've been hired as a developer to work on an existing iOS app in the store.
I have a personal AppleID developer account, not an organisation one.
Having been added as an Admin in iTunes connect, I can SEE the app that I want to make a new release for, but I cannot generate any provisioning profiles for myself.
What I HAVE done:
created an iOS distribution certificate and downloaded and imported into Keychain access
tried to create an App provisioning profile - says no app IDs available
This is infuriatingly complicated. Can someone please spell out what I need to do to be able to make a release version of the app using the existing AppId, bundle identifier etc?
I don't want to release this as a brand new app+identifier.
Thank you
They suppose to give you a permission to their apple member center. Thats different than the itunesconnect permission. When they do that inside the member center you can switch accounts and you will be able to see the app id you wanted.

Team Member - Xcode Configuration Issues

A customer of mine has created a new App-Id with an explicit ID.
Then he added me as a developer to his organization in iTunesConnect.
He has a previous and old version of the app, on which I have to start my work. When I try to create a Provisioning File for my Personal Team (I've not paid the developer program) in Xcode regarding the explicit bundle id created by my customer, xCode raises the following error message:
An App ID with Identifier 'com.xxxx.yyyy' is not available. Please
enter a different string.
Any Suggestions?
Apple only allows an app ID to be created by one developer account. Because your client already has that application ID, you cannot create another one. If Apple allowed this, you would have app ID conflicts with multiple developers trying to submit apps that have the same app ID.
What you should do is create your developer certificate under the client's organization account, then have your client add your certificate to their provisioning profile. Then you can download and use this provisioning profile to test the app on devices. Or, if you are on XCode 7 or later, you should be able to create your own developement provisioning profile with your devices under that team account. The key is that you need to be doing everything under the client's Team account, not your personal account.
I would not recommend your client share his credentials or make you a team agent. That's granting you too much power / control as a developer and if I were you, I wouldn't want it. I would hate to have that access if someone else went in an did something like revoking their certificate, because I know they'd be suspecting me even if I didn't do it. Use the apple developer account roles the way they were intended and you should be fine.

Is it possible to generate Enterprise/In house Provisioning Profile of a wildcard AppID?

I am trying to generate a Enterprise provisioning profile from an wildcard AppID but I am required to set a explicit AppID to generate the provisioning profile.
One mobileprovision with a wildcard appID would be enough for our users to install our different applications and they are not forced to install a mobileprovision for each .ipa we develop.
I am pretty sure this was possible in the past (around 2014)
How could achieve this?
Edit (Some more information added)
I am able to create wildcard appIDs and with those appIDs I can generate development or ad-hoc provision profiles but not In House provision profiles.
When creating In House Development profiles from the website just explicit App Ids are shown.
When trying export In House apps with AppIDs that are not already defined in the web this message appears:
I this Apple Developer link It can be read in the 4th step "You can not distribute an enterprise app using a wildcard App ID"
I am using Xcode 6.1.1 and the In House account is pretty new
Same story here : on a "recent" iOS entreprise account (i.e. late 2014 or start 2015), the wildcard appID is not proposed when creating an in-house distribution profile.
Just tested with an older account: the wildcard appID is listed when I want to create a new in-house distribution profile.
Yes, you can certainly create an enterprise in house provisioning profile that uses the wildcard app id. We do it today, and I just tried creating a new one and it let me. You cannot use wildcard app IDs if your app needs to do iCloud, Game Center, In-App Purchases, etc., but for standard apps you should be fine. If you cannot, there may be another issue. Post more details about how you are required to set and explicit app ID and maybe we can be more help.
Do you have an existing iOS Wildcard AppID when you go to the App IDs section on the developer site?
