How to run PL/SQL within UltraEdit? - sqlplus

How can I run PL/SQL or SQL from within UltraEdit?
Current I am able to compile the current file like this:
sqlplus database/database#pass #%F
The above compiles, but what is the command to run?
I do not see a show option here:

sqlplus apps/apps#dev #%F
The above runs the contents of the file. The file should be saved as .sql.


Run lua file other than main in replit

I'm trying to run a lua file other than main on, and I'm not sure how to do that. I know in java you just type "java name_of_file" into the terminal but typing "lua name_of_file) doesn't work.
Here is a screenshot of what I'm trying to do:
Here is my code on replit, so you can try running it:
You are currently in console, use shell instead and use lua activity.lua to run the activity.lua file.

trying to run an .exe file in lua

recently i have been trying to run a script in lua that through os.execute() will execute a script in C# compiled into an executablethat is in the same directory as my script.
In my first attempt adding the entire directory until the executable worked:
however I need this script to work on other computers, which means I can't add the entirely path to the file.I tried countless methods to execute the .exe file inside the same directory without using the entire path and none of the methods worked
os.execute [[".\testcode.exe"]]
os.execute "testcode.exe"
I even tried to create an environment variable and run the entire directory from it xD
os.execute("set wTest=%cd%")
but nothing worked. I also tried to use io.popen() but didn't get results either (because the executable will close a computer process, it does not give any output :V)
does anyone know how I can do this?????

SQL Workbench/J: run SQL file

I have a sql file (say, abc.sql).
How can I run same on SQL Workbench/J through GUI.
SQL Workbench/J : Build 123, (2017-09-25)
There are different ways to do that:
Load the file into an editor (using "File -> Open"), then run the statements of the script from inside the editor (e.g. "Execute all"). Alternatively you can drag the file from your file manager into the editor to load it.
Use the WbInclude command to run the file without loading it.

Calling shell command to run C++ code from Ruby

I have a compiled c++ file that I would like to run from within a temporary directory in ruby:
folder = Dir.mktmpdir
puts folder"#{folder}/input.xml", 'w') { |file| file.write(builder.to_xml) }
system '.././program'
FileUtils.remove_entry folder
The above code properly creates all the desired file/folder, but does not run the system call, and does not produce an error. I have tried the all of the varieties listed here: Calling shell commands from Ruby but cannot seem to get it to function. If I comment out the file deletion line and manually go and execute the command listed above, the program functions properly. Also, if I instead save the file to the same location as the ./program, the ./program works. What is preventing me from running the command from a sub-folder?
maybe system finding a program has name .././program
try the backtick operator or %x function
puts `.././program`
puts %x{.././program}

How to run ./script/generate rx_config?

I'm a newbie and i'm working follow this link
But I stuck on the step run ./script/generate rx_config. I don't know how can I run it.
I tried to go to the path of folder script and typed generate rx_cofig on command line but it doesn't work.
C:\Data\Workspace\rx_model_attachments\script>generate rx_config
I got the error 'generate' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Anyone can tell me step by step of doing this. Big thanks!
Since you're on windows, you will need to preface all of the scripts in the scripts folder with ruby:
C:\Data\Workspace\rx_model_attachments\script>ruby script/generate rx_config
The usual hash-bang (#!) at the start of the script files to let the shell know which interpreter to run does not work on windows.
