Web page not getting 100% height in Twitter app on iOS 8 - twitter

OS: iOS 8.1.1
Browser: Safari
Phone: iPhone 5C
We have a web page which takes 100% height and width. We have locked down the viewport so that the user can not scroll the page vertically or horizontally. This page is shared on Twitter via Safari web browser. When we view the the web page in the twitter app the bottom part of the page gets cut off. We are not able to view the page in its entirety. Even if we change the orientation multiple times still the cut off part is not visible.
The height of the part which is getting cut off is equal to the height of the twitter app container’s header (the part which has cross button, page title/url and share link) and the status bar (the part which has network status icon, time, battery level etc)
Note: This behavior is observed in iOS 8 only.

This has also been driving me crazy for the past several hours. The solution is to not use px or percentage based heights/widths but rather use position:fixed on your html and body elements, then setting top, left, right, bottom to 0. So your code will looks like this:
html, body{
This forces the content to only be as wide and as tall as the viewport presented in twitters webview component without overflowing. Any code inside the body can now be 100% in either direction without fear of being hidden. This bug was affecting iOS9 as well. Confirmed the fix is working on iOS9.1 with latest Twitter app on ip6/6+, ip5, and ip4.

For anyone else coming across this, the fix I ended up using was
window.addEventListener("resize", function(){
function onResize(){
document.querySelector("html").style.height = window.innerHeight + "px"
this seems to work in the latest version of twitter's browser on safari.


Blank space appearing at bottom of all webpages in Google Chrome on iOS

I noticed recently that every webpage I visit on iOS Chrome has an enormous blank space at the bottom of the page. The space is roughly equal to a full screen height (i.e. 100vh) and is located below all visible elements on the page. Basically I can keep scrolling the page until it's completely blank. The scrollbar also shows that the pages are much longer than their content would require.
All the pages I looked at behave fine on Android, on OSX, and even on iOS when I use Firefox or Safari. The issue seems specific to iOS Chrome. I'm not sure when this issue started but I've updated Chrome and it persists.
Is anyone else experiencing this iOS Chrome bug? I haven't found any info about it.
I created a dummy test webpage and just kept stripping it down to see what was causing the issue. Eventually I was left with a page containing only <p> tags and very minimal CSS (no positioning properties) but the extra space at page bottom still showed up. By adding a background-color to the <body> I could see that this extra space was within the <body> but there wasn't any element forcing the body to extend.
After much trial and error I discovered that if I disable Chrome's Smooth Scrolling this issue is resolved and all pages behave normally.
Solution: Load chrome://flags and set Smooth Scrolling to disable.
Seems odd that this would be necessary. Anyone know what's going on?
This is likely a Chrome bug (iPad). I also spent a lot of time debugging all the css and my components. End up event google.com it self has that mysterious white space (which is about the height of the content itself.).
6 hours gone, but it's a relieve to know it's nothing got to do with my codes.
iPhone with chrome is fine on my end
To stop the page from scrolling, in both x, and y axis, we use the overflow: hidden; attribute in css.
So if we apply this to the body,
body {
overflow: hidden !important;
this should work in your scenario!
Please make sure you have added this meta tag and the same attributes
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
And check your body tag CSS, there should not be height: 100vh and check your pages again by clearing browser cache or in the private mode.

iOS - iFrame meta viewport issue

I have ran into an iOS ONLY specific bug which i cannot seem to wrap my head around. I am currently rendering an iframe on a website which is fetching content from another one of my websites. The content in the iframe is displayed within a responsive slider. The slider works by getting the full width of the window and times that by how many slides there is.
To make it responsive it will recalculate the widths on jQuery(window).resize. At this point i would like to add that i have tested this on all browsers on pc and its fine, ive tried it on all android browsers and guess what, they all work fine. As soon as i take it to IOS for testing is where the problem begins.
It works fine if you visit the dedicated website. However, When you view the content through the iframe, the javascript code thinks that the window is being resized which means its constantly resizing (getting bigger and bigger) making it dissapear of the screen making the window continually wider everytime.
<div class="iframe-container">
<iframe scrolling="no" src="*url removed*"></iframe>
.iframe-container iframe{width: 100%; min-height: 560px; border: none;}
Im thinking that its possible related to the content within the iframe ignoring the meta viewport tag or something?
Im unable to post a link to the issue due to client privacy reasons.
If anyone could shed some light on this, it would be much appreciated.
In case it's still relevant or for anyone brought here by search:
Find the element inside the iframe which makes the window get bigger and bigger. Add max-width: 100vw; to its styles.
This helped me to fix a similar issue which also occurred only on ios and only when the page was loaded in an iframe.

iOS safari allows scrolling of body through fixed div

http://output.jsbin.com/fopiwaluwo (full screen output - should be viewed on an iPad/iOS simulator.)
When scrolled to the bottom or top of the scrollable overlay the body also scrolls. I want to disable any scrolling on the body while scrolling on the overlay (white transparent area with copy).
This is a simplified example of the web app I wish to apply this to. I know that adding position: fixed to the body disables the scrolling however I can't use that in the real world example. JavaScript solutions welcome.
Just add:
<script type="text/javascript">document.ontouchmove=function(event){ event.preventDefault(); }</script>
And behold, body does not scroll, but the overlay does :-)
Update: seems to work on iPhones running iOS 10 only.
Does not work on iPad or iOS 9.

Strange black area on IPhone

I have a strange problem. The website is using a template and on IPhone it is showing a strange black vertical bar on the right side.
I installed safari and activated the user agent. When I set the agent to the ipad, I am seeing the problem, but client told me its on his IPhone.
Strangely when I look with dev tools, it seems to be outside the html. What could be causing this? I have already tried to set html and body to 100% width and overflow-x to hidden, but it did not help.
I have included a screenshot:
I have never seen anything like this before. What could it be? thanks verymuch!
Here a live example:
example offline, sry
Somewhere, at some point, you have an element with some extra padding, border or margin that is blowing things out. I couldn't track it down, but an easy way to kill it off these days is with this in your style sheet (which is commonly used as part of a standard reset):
*, *:before, *:after {-moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;}
That seems to fix the issue, although on your next project, I recommend not setting fixed widths, but rather use width: 100% etc, as users on screens narrower than 300px will still have issues.
ok, so its a render issue on iphones and window phones. I cant replicate the issue on google chrome and samsung galaxy. Due to the below...
<section id="main-top">
<div id="bg">
inside the .container. You will have to re-assign your background. But the problem is with the nav and background and the positioning of these divs.
Your nav is full width but the container isn't, you have the section and div ending within the container but starts outside of it.

List of known "Safari on iPad" differences over "Desktop Safari"

In recently testing a web application on Windows/Mac desktop browsers - and then on an iPad I noticed various differences in Safari that I wasn't expecting. Even though the version # is the same.
I'd like to compose a list of those differences (for myself and others) to have as a developer reference.
e.g. in Safari on the iPad
iPad Safari takes full control of Select list/option styling
iPad opens the onscreen keyboard when an input element receives focus, thus inline floating calendar widgets (and the like) may not work as expected (or need to be altered)
iPad Safari doesn't support position:fixed like desktop Safari < iOS 5
iPad Safari (similar to iPhone/iPodTouch Safari) automatically hyperlinks 10 digit numbers to offer phone #/contact options
iPad Safari prompt('long message...','default'); shows only 1 line of the message (though it does provide scrolling of the message
I've heard from others that certain JavaScript doesn't work, etc. etc. but I have yet to fully test it thus I'd be grateful for any discoveries that you may have encountered.
A few more for you:
No Flash
Lousy iFrame support (so facebook like etc. needs a custom implementation for iPad)
Weird caching limitations
HTML textAreas doesn't get a scroll bar (you have to double-finger swipe - which of course, is amazingly intuitive)
In general. Treat it like a scaled up iPhone, not a scaled down Desktop.
I thought this might be useful: Apple's guide to preparing web content for the iPad
Just been caught out by the position:fixed issue my self
Safari on iPad has the same issue with button width/padding as on the iPhone
iPhone <button> padding unchangeable? describes this problem and a solution for removing padding on a button with text, but this does not help you if you want a button to be narrower than the padding itself (e.g. for a button that only has a small icon on it). To do that, I had to surround the button with an outer element with a defined width and overflow: hidden like so:
<span style="border: solid 1px blue; display: block; width: 16px; overflow: hidden">
<button style="-webkit-appearance: none; border-width: 0"> </button>
(the blue border is to show where the button is, it's not critical to the hack)
jQuery's offset() doesn't work: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/6446
It also looks like iPad Safari has issues with elements with overflow:auto; that therefore should show scrollbars (test page with div's and iframe's).
iPad Safari seems to have trouble handling background images in rare cases, showing weird lines of lower lying content.
There's not a lot about this in Google (yet).
iPad browser doesnt support file uploading(even if it supports it will useless as iPad does not have a standard File Browser). The file field appears with a Choose File button grayed out.
Beside doesn't support scrollbar in TextAea, it seems that we can using javascript to make text in TextArea selected automatically too.
This code will only move cursor to the end of text in TextArea.
<textarea id="text-embed-code" autocapitalize="off" multiline="">
There is a fox running after chrome.
<button onclick="testSelectText(event);">select text</button>
function testSelectText(e) {
var box = document.getElementById("text-embed-code");
return false;
There appears to be a bug in iPad Safari where a CSS element with both a background image and a background color is rendered with a slight border in the color of the background color. It should fill with the background image all the way to the edge of the rendered element.
I just had the same bug on my site, when trying to view it on an Ipad. The HTML structure is like:
<div class="main"> <!-- background-color: white -->
<div class="left"></div> <!-- background-image: url(some_transparent_png) -->
<div class="content">...</div>
<div class="right"></div> <!-- background-image: url(some_transparent_png) -->
The left layer uses a background-image, whereas the main layer uses just a background-color. The Ipad view shows a slight border at the edge of the left and right layer.
When i add
-webkit-background-size: 100% 100%;
to the left and right layer, the border disappears.
You can now control the styling of select lists on iOS by resetting it with -webkit-appearance: none;
This rule fixes animation flickering in Safari on iOS devices:
body {-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,0,0);}
There appears to be a bug in iPad Safari where a CSS element with both a background image and a background color is rendered with a slight border in the color of the background color. It should fill with the background image all the way to the edge of the rendered element.
24 bit transparent PNGS ABOVE A CERTAIN FILE SIZE don't render on the iPad2.
I can however get 8 bit ones of the same dimensions to render.
I haven't found out what this maximum file size is in order to get them to render.
I'm currently working on a small responsive web-app which makes heavy use of the iframe youtube api. Apparently the ipad version of safari doesn't support a few html5 methods which I use heavily in this project.
One of them is window.postMessage, which is a way of interacting with scripts on other pages, for example the a script that is used "within" that iframe. Autoplaying videos also doesn't work.
Frame problems. iPad Safari will both hide scrollbars and expand frames to the size of their content.
Changing the frame tag to include scrolling="yes" and noresize="noresize" appears to do nothing.
Some sites look fine on everything, even a Dreamcast browser, but not on iPad. The issue can be fixed using tables and iframes instead of normal framesetting (cols and rows, etc).
I also discovered that contenteditable is not supported in mobile safari, thus using a plain textarea is a better bet. Apple Developer Docs
position: fixed;
Does not work in iOS 4 but does work on iOS 5.
