Error 500 when updating my Google OAuth Client ID as owner - oauth

When creating a new Client ID for OAuth 2.0, I got a message "An error has occurred. Please retry later.". I tried several times this week without success. But I am user with the role owner and I created successfully a Client ID last month with the same user.
Besides, by checking the requests and responses sent with the Chrome Developer Tools, I can notice that I get a 500 error for
Is there something wrong at Google or it's me ?

Yes, the problem is in the Request you are sending and the Response is an Error response. So if you want to identify the exact error, I suggest if you are passing credentials, double check it once; it might have changed or upgraded.


Microsoft Face API - Error 401, iOS

I have used the Subscription ID in my App and am getting following error at runtime.
Error Domain=POFaceServiceClient error - http response is not success :
{"error":{"code":"Unspecified","message":"Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure you are subscribed to an API you are trying to call and provide the right key."}}
Code=401 "(null)"
I taken the ID from the Keys after creating a new service. I even regenerated them. Every time I run the program, same error is thrown.
Hope you guys have a fix.
I could fix it finally. :)
Over creating the API KEY, just make sure that you supply for westus server and the endpoint should be:
In my case, it works.

500 response from through Twilio

I've got a bot up and running, most of the time it is working ok, but Twilio throws some 500 and 502 errors on every inbound SMS.
An attempt to retrieve content from returned the HTTP status code 500.
An attempt to retrieve content from returned the HTTP status code 502.
The 502 requests continue fine and responses are sent, but the 500s do not - the user doesn't get a response.
How can i get logging from the service to see what's going on? No errors are showing on the azure side for my bot.
Thank you
Right now the Bot Framework isn't set up for you to be able to get to the logs inside our SMS connector; the 502's are benign, but the 500's aren't something I normally see. If you wish, you can contact me with your botid at and I'll take a look, or DM me on twitter (#jameslew).
#Philnash happy to fill you in more on the BotFramework and how developers can use it with Twilio; just let us know how to contact you.

Could not process incoming request - square connect SDK

Sorry, we could not process the incoming request. Please try again or contact support
I get this error when making a SDK payment request; I have double checked my application (client) id; I got the merchant ID by requesting the merchant profile; I have checked the ios bundle id and call back urls., cant seem to find a reason this wouldnt work (I am an approved partner).
square-commerce-v1://payment/create?data={"state":"Useful information","callback_url":"{{redacted}}","merchant_id":"{{redacted}}","amount_money":{"amount":100,"currency_code":"USD"},"options":{"clear_default_fees":true,"supported_tender_types":["CREDIT_CARD"]},"client_id":"{{redacted}}","sdk_version":"1"}
I believe this error is occurring because the provided value of the data parameter is not URL-escaped. If you URL-escape everything after data=, the request should succeed.

Paypal Rest Api Internal Server Error on Create Agreement

I am using Paypal REST api to create subscription plan and subscription agreement. I am able to create subscription plan and credit card but not able to create agreement. Whenever I request it gives internal server error.
I am using ruby gem paypal-sdk-rest
Credit card I am using is
And mode is Sandbox
the Response I am getting is
Response code = 500. Response message = Internal Server Error.
Response debug ID = ea61a34e9fa73
Thanks in Advance
It happens because of frequently used test Credit Card like the one you are using, if you are use different one for this it will help you to solve this issue...
Or may be below one cause of the error
Sandbox Personal Account being used was invalid. The sandbox personal account is causing all this error 500.
HTTP 500 is caused by an internal error. One of the possible root causes is what JIGNESH mentioned.
Can you please open a Github issue with the information you provided here? It is a better place to discuss this kind of issue.
Also, would you explain how you are using subscription? Ruby REST SDK does not yet support the feature, although it is coming soon. Did you add it yourself?

HybridAuth Twitter Failure 401

I was able to connect to Twitter the the HybridAuth library, and it stopped working. Posting to a Twitter account was also functional.
Resetting my Twitter app access tokens.
Creating an All new Twitter app.
Using the HybridAuth debug mode to troubleshoot.
"Authentification failed. The user has canceled the authentication or the provider refused the connection.
Original error message: Authentification failed! Twitter returned an error. 401 Unauthorized."
This seems to be attributed to the lack of the key and secret, but I set these in the Twitter config file.
$hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( $config );
$adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate( "Twitter" );
$hybridauth_session_data = $hybridauth->getSessionData();
// get the user profile
$user_profile = $adapter->getUserProfile();
The exception is being thrown by the authenticate method. Before it would ask me to allow access via the app and now it throws the error.
If you need more information, please let me know.
So HERE's what happened and what you should know:
Twitter keeps track of the current time
If an API request to authenticate comes from a server that claims it is a time that is outside of 15 minutes of Twitter time, it will fail with a 401 error.
HOW I fixed it:
I set my server time to the correct time by using the USNO Master Clock. It happened to be just over 15 minutes offset.
This is just another solution which was my case:
Set the "Callback URL" in the Twitter App(If you are testing in local, you can use an example URL).
They didn't specify this as a mandatory field and they allow overriding this URL with the one in the HybridAuth request.
in case somebody else cant edit their server time too, there is a workaround for that. The most basic and probably not the cleanest way is just going to Hybrid/thirdparty/OAuth/OAuth.php locating generate_timestamp() function and adding what ever the time discprenecy there is between your server and gtm+0 to the time(). like this:
private static function generate_timestamp() {
return time() + 7200;
in my case, my server is gtm-2, so I had to add 2 hours (in seconds) to the time() function in order to make it work.
