hidden files with .icloud extension in ubiquity container - ios

I am building app which syncs documents over the iCloud.
When I create document (lets say its name is myfile1.doc) in one device and expect to appear in another one I get nothing - it looks like it doesn't sync. To my surprise when I read the content of Documents folder in ubiquity container I can see the representation of the file is added as a hidden file with .icloud extension (in this case .myfile1.doc.icloud).
I tried to find more about this .icloud files but so far no results.
Anyone know what are they representing? Is it the metadata item that indicates that file was added to iCloud and I should manually download it?

I think hidden files are handled by metadataQuery to indicate that the new file was added to iCloud and is waiting to be sync'ed. NSMetadataQuery recognizes them as representation of new files not yet downloaded to ubiquity container.

These files are not documented and you should ignore them. If you want to know what's in them, open one in a hex editor and have a look. Your code should not check for them or access them in any way.


Document Renaming with UIDocumentBrowserViewController

I am using the "new way" of storing documents (iOS 11+) using UIDocumentBrowserViewController. No need for iCloud API, Entitlements etc. -- just works (under control of the separate Document Browser process).
However, I haven't figured out how to rename (i.e. move) a document programmatically this way, at least within iCloud. The standard "url.setResourceValues()" does work just fine on the local filesystem, but renders in 513/not permitted in iCloud. Also all the former ways of doing it (using full set of iCloud capabilities & entitlements, using complex FileCoordinator orchestration etc.) don't work either when the created document actually is controlled through the document browser.
I couldn't find any reasonable documentation or example on how to use the UIDocumentBrowser to also move a document under it's (and somewhat my) control. There is the UIDocumentBrowserImportModeMove mode that might do what I need, however I have no clue how to programmatically initiate that on a given UIDocument.
Has anyone already made experiences to do it this way?
Thanks, habitoti
There is no API to move a document that was returned to you by the document browser after the user picked it. You should file a bug with Apple to get one.
If this is inside your iCloud container, you can use the iCloud entitlements and -[NSFileManager URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:] to get sandbox access to your container and do whatever you want inside with NSFileManager; but that won't work in iCloud outside of your container or in other file providers (Dropbox...).

Moving a package file of UIDocument class to iCloud

I'm writing an app which saves and loads documents both locally and on iCloud. Locally is working fine, but I'm having a problem with iCloud.
The documents are saved as a package - the UIDocument reads and writes an NSFileWrapper which contains an image file, a thumbnail file, and an info plist. When I save the document to iCloud and then look at the files under 'Manage Storage', I see the individual files instead of the packages; and more importantly when I search for files using NSMetadataQuery it returns an NSMetadataItem for each of the individual files instead of the packages. As a result, my app doesn't realise there are any packages to load and iCloud is pretty useless.
I thought that if I set up the document type and exported the UTI correctly that the packages would be treated properly. Was that right? If so, what's the checklist for setting up a document type as a package?
I had fixed this issue by adding an object (add com.apple.package) in conforms to UTIs array (in plist file)

IOS remove downloaded file in app

I developed an Ipad app which download different kind of files, but after a week or some days the downloaded files are removed and the app that open the file can find it anymore.
Could anybody help me, Where should I save downloaded files in my app to avoid that the file came automatically deleted?. IOS usually remove downloaded files after certain time?.
I already read this apple documentation
I know that maybe is not something complicated but I can't figure out why the file is removed If anybody can help me I'll appreciate that.
Put data cache files in the /Library/Caches
directory. Examples of files you should put in this directory include
(but are not limited to) database cache files and downloadable
content, such as that used by magazine, newspaper, and map apps. Your
app should be able to gracefully handle situations where cached data
is deleted by the system to free up disk space.
Most probably you are using caches/temp directory which the system can clear contents of in case of low space. To avoid deletion use Documents Directory.
If you are already storing in documents directory, then the file can appear missing if you are storing its hardcoded path , which can change during app update. Try storing relative path and log the contents of your documents directory to see what files exist.
save the files in your local sqlite db, data core or if you can serialize them with the standard user defaults

iOS storing files rules - Storing audio files on iOS app

I need to be sure I am doing the right thing:
In my app the user can download audio files from the server. I don't want those big file to be backed up as he can re download them when ever he needs to.
My app is addressed for iOS 4.0 and above.
So as I understand I need to store the files is the documents directory and set a flag for the directory to not back up ?
Am I correct ?
Instead of putting them into the "Documents" directory (which gets backed up to the cloud), why not put your audio files into a "Cache" directory (specifically "/Library/Cache", which does not get backed up)?
Here's another question here on Stackoverflow that may help give a further answer to your question.
You can also prevent files to backed up:

Is it normal for iCloud's iOS "Manage Storage" settings to show the CONTENTS of file packages instead of the package names?

My app uses custom file packages (UTI conforms to com.apple.package) to store individual "notebooks", each package (directory) containing various individual files. I would expect the "Manage Storage" section of iCloud settings on my iPad to show the names of the packages, NOT the contents of these packages. It makes more sense for the user to be able to delete an entire "notebook" instead of the component files inside.
So is this normal, or did I do something wrong when I uploaded the package to iCloud? I've created and exported the UTI for my custom file type (and it seems to work, since the email app recognizes my new files and associates them with my app). Do I somehow have to tell iCloud about my UTI definition?
Finally, if this behavior is "normal", is there a way to force it to work like I want it to?
Thank you!
I think I discovered the answer by accident. I recently deleting all the iCloud data for my app from the iCloud settings -> Manage Storage page (by tapping "Edit" and then "Delete All"). After reloading my data back up to iCloud, it worked as I expected - I now see just the package filename, instead of all the contents of the package.
I suspect this is because I originally uploaded my data to iCloud before I properly defined the UTI. After I finished getting the UTI correct, I had my app delete the data and reload it, but this apparently wasn't as thorough as deleting the entire iCloud container via the "Manage Storage" page. My best guess is that when I FULLY deleted everything and reloaded it from scratch, the proper UTI export data went with it this time.
Anyway, it now works! I hope this can help someone else in a similar situation.
