Object reference not set to an instance of an object in MVC5 - asp.net-mvc

I have an MVC5 app, and in the HomeController, I have an ActionResult defined like this:
public ActionResult BlogRSS()
var model = new BlogModel();
string strFeed = "http://webmysite.com/feed";
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(strFeed))
SyndicationFeed rssData = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);
model.BlogFeed = rssData;
return View(model);
Then, for this ActionResult, I created a partial view named BlogRSS, which looks like this:
#model MyApp.Models.BlogModel
if (Model.BlogFeed != null)
#foreach (var post in Model.BlogFeed.Items.ToList().Take(3))
<li><a href='#post.Links.First().Uri' target='_blank'>#post.Title.Text</a></li>
And my model is defined simply like this:
public class BlogModel
public SyndicationFeed BlogFeed { get; set; }
So, the point is that I want to call that partial view in my _Layout.cshtml file, but when the website opens I get the error message specified in the title. I guess it is not calling my BlogRSS method at all. I'm calling it in the _Layout.cshtml like this:
<div class="col-md-4">
<br />
How can I solve the problem, and make sure that the corresponding ActionResult is also called before rendering the View?

The problem is that you're putting a call to a partial view which just renders the view without calling the controller and the model passed to that view is null.
There are couple ways how to fix this:
1) use Action instead of Partial
#Html.Action("BlogRSS", "Blog")
2) Define a base ViewModel which you will pass to the each view and put your feed into it.


Adding a dropdown list outside or RenderBody call

I have a .NET MVC project with Razor views and I would like to implement search functionality that consists of a dropdown list, a text box and a search button.
The problem is that I would like to implement this search snippet in my _Layout.cshtml file outside of the #RenderBody() call. This means that the search functionality would be accessible on every page (it would be located at the very top right corner).
I'm trying to find out what is a good way of implementing this. I can get it to work but it would involve adding same code (do get dropdown values) to all controllers and actions.
ViewBag.States = new SelectList(db.States, "Id", "Name");
Is there a better way to implement this? It feels very repetitive to do it this way.
You can have a child action method which returns the partial view needed for your header and call this action method in your layout.
Create a view model for the properties needed.
public class AllPageVm
public int SelectedItem { set; get; }
public List<SelectListItem> Items { set; get; }
Now create an action method in any of your controller. Mark this action method with ChildActionOnly decorator.
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult HeaderSearch()
var vm = new AllPageVm()
Items = db.States
.Select(a => new SelectListItem() {Value = a.Id.ToString(),
Text = a.Name})
return PartialView(vm);
Now in the HeaderSearch.cshtml partial view, you can render whatever markup you want for your search header. Here is a simple example to render the dropdown. You may update this part to include whatever markup you want (Ex : a form tag which has textbox, dropdown and the button etc)
#model AllPageVm
<label>Select one state</label>
#Html.DropDownListFor(a => a.SelectedItem, Model.Items, "Select")
Now in your layout, you can call this child action method
<div class="container body-content">
#Html.Action("HeaderSearch", "Home")
<p>© #DateTime.Now.Year - My ASP.NET Application</p>
Make sure you are calling PartialView method from the HeaderSearch child action method instead of View method. If you call View method, it will recursively call the same method and you will get a StackOverflow exception

ASP.NET MVC - URL Action Path

I am writing an app using ASP.NET MVC. I'm in a view that is located at:/orders/{orderId}. That view renders just fine. Inside of it though, I have a button inside of a form that looks like this:
<form action="/orders/{orderId}/flag" method="post">
<button type="submit" class="btn">Flag</button>
In my controller, I have the following:
public class OrdersController : Controller
public ActionResult Details(string id)
var model = Orders.FindById(id);
return View(model);
public ActionResult Flag(string id)
var model = Orders.FindById(id);
return RedirectToAction(
My question is, how do I use the ASP.NET MVC helpers to generate the path to my flag action? The action in my form is just a template at the moment which won't work. How do I address this scenario in my razor view?
#Url.Action("Flag", "Orders", new { id = [orderid here] })
I recommend using T4MVC, the you can do:
#Url.Action(MVC.Orders.Flag([orderid here])

ViewBag missing

I give data to the ViewBag in the IAuthorizationFilter.OnAuthorization process, and it puts for the _Layout.cshtml-in, but when I use a partial view in normal view the data in the ViewBag is null.
This is normal behavior, or I am doing something wrong?
public class MyAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
void IAuthorizationFilter.OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.Name = this.name;
filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.Menus = user.GetMenu(this.role);
The _Layout.cshtml:
<section id="login">
Hello, <span class="username">#ViewBag.Name</span>!
#Html.MenuLink(ViewBag.Menus as List<Entity.Models.MENU>, (string)ViewBag.Name)
The view:
#model Web.ViewModels.RegistrationEntryViewModel
#Html.Partial("_RegistrationEntry", Model)
The action:
public ActionResult NewRegistrationEntry()
//The viewbag is already null here
Please stop using ViewBag like that. It is not designed for this. And reason ViewBag is null in controller (I suspect) that these are different ViewBag objects in filter and in controller.
If you need to do repetitive actions in your view, there are better ways to do that. For your menu I would create an action that reads menu information, puts that in a ViewModel (not in a ViewBag) and outputs a partial view. Then in your Layout I'd render that partial action. (Also add some caching on this partial view)

ASP.NET MVC Database Driven Menu in shared view

I need some guidance on inserting a menu in the _layout.cshtml file. I have hit two problems:
1) Even when I create an additional model to include two data models, I am unable to pass both the models to the layout file
public class IndexModel
public tblMenu tblMenu { get; set; }
public tblSite tblSite { get; set; }
I need info from the Menu table and the site table on the same page.
2) When I create a partial view to pass the menu data I continually get exceptions telling me that I can't use the model in this way.
My Partialview:
#model mvcSPS.Models.IndexModel
My Controller:
public ActionResult _menu()
return PartialView(db.IndexModels.ToList());
My _layout.cshtml
<ul id="navigation">
#foreach (var item in Model)
I have trawled the net and to be quite frank.. I am having a really difficult transition from ASP classic (yes I know) to ASP.net and MVC.
Your gentle guidance would be much appreciated.
change your #Html.Partial in your _layout.cshtml to call the controller function and render the result of the Action method.
#foreach (var item in Model)
Html.RenderAction("_menu", "Home");
note: you shouldn't need a prepending '#' since it's in the context of the foreach loop
EDIT: Based on my comment suggestion below
public ActionResult Menu() {
return PartialView("_menu", db.IndexModels.ToList());
#{Html.RenderAction("Menu", "Home");} //be sure to fully-qualify the controller since it's layout, otherwise it'll look to the current controller based on route values collection
#foreach(var item in Model) {
Html.Partial("_menuItem", item)
#foreach(var item in Model) {
Html.Partial("_menuItem", item.Children)

Passing only one object of a ViewModel to controller

I have a Home ViewModel class which contains others class:
public class HomeVM
public ProductSearchRequest ProductSearchRequest { get; set; }
//Other class
//Other class
//Other class
My home/Index view has #model HomeVM, and there I have a search text input:
#using (Html.BeginForm("Search", "Product"))
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.ProductSearchRequest.SearchText)
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
But in my Product/Search I need to receive only ProductSearchRequest because there is other pages that uses other ViewModel but contains ProductSearchRequest.
I'm trying this:
public ActionResult Search(ProductSearchRequest request)
var response = new ProductSearchResponse
SearchText = request.SearchText,
Products = GetProductsByName(request.SearchText)
return View(response);
but it doesn't work.. request.SearchText is always null..
How can I do this?
This is just a stab in the dark, but your action, try calling the parameter 'ProductSearchRequest'
Or how about putting your whole form in a view for that action I.e. 'Search' that takes the 'ProductSearchRequest' as model?
The problem you are having is because TextBoxFor() will create an html input using a naming convention that is expected to be bound to the same type of model HomeVM as the original action.
You can try using the simple TextBox() helper method like this:
#Html.TextBox("SearchText", Model.ProductSearchRequest.SearchText)
To avoid using a string value, you can make a separate form partial that takes the ProductSearchRequest object as the model, and call:
Now you can use the TextBoxFor() method like this in the partial:
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.SearchRequest)
