how to increase text label size using rectangle in ios? - ios

i want to increase label size using rectangular bound like it show in this picture.
can any one tell me how to do this. thanks in advance.

subclassing textview fixed it.


UILabel that fills the whole horizontal empty space and goes around another view

I'm struggling with this problem for some time now and couldn't find any answers.
So, basically, as you can see from the image below the UILabel text gets the entire space. What I want is to go around the UIImageView and overflow only the white space. I tried hugging and priorities but nothing worked.
I would appreciate any help!
There is no magic or simple way to do this. You can't use a mere UILabel or any built-in interface object. You would have to draw the text yourself with TextKit and use an exclusion path in the NSTextContainer to make the line fragments wrap around the area where the image goes.

ios - resize the image in a particular shape of the frame

I am trying to resize the image in the particular shape of the image frame, Here i want to show the image to the exact frame inside the glass.Could anyone here give an idea of how we do that?
I had same requirement. to add tattoos on body.
I used this class for this
This might use to it.

Square Cash Label Animation

Does anyone know how Square Cash animates their label?
The label does two things, appears to resize to fit the numbers on screen like SizeToFit might, but I don't believe that you can animate based on SizeToFit.
Secondly, numbers that disappear seem to animate downwards and disappear. Numbers that are entered animate down from above. That doesn't seem too tricky, but the comma does it too when we go from 4 digits to 5 digits!
I coded something similar and yes, it is very tricky to make it perfect.
It may help you to know that I used collection views. Then you can customise cell/layout transitions.
Hope this helps.
It would be helpful if you posted a short video so we could see the animation you are talking about.
Based on your description, I'm guessing that they build the full number themselves by putting a single digit/symbol on a layer (or view) and then animating each character separately.
If you have a separate tile for each symbol it is pretty easy to change the size of the previous tiles to make room for a new tile, and animate a new number tile down at the same time. You could do the animation with UIView animation or with a set of coordinated CABasicAnimations.
I know the answer is late but may be help to some other,
I developed demo screen similar to square cash you can check here

iPhone App Brush effects (Based on GLPaint) [duplicate]

I am working on a drawing application based on GLPaint code. Do somebody know how to get an effect like this ? I have tried with different values for the width and the Height for the brush, but still it remains same .
Do i need to consider glBlendFunc() ? or Is it achievable thorough changing the width and the heigh of the brush.
Thanks in advance.
The easiest way to achieve that type of effect is to reducing the alpha from 1.0 to 0.7.
In PaintingView Change Brush Height and Width as shown in following image...And One more thing is that change brush image according to your requirements for more color custom effect..
Hope, this will help you..

Is Interface Builder Really Pixel Accurate?

I often find I need to programmatically nudge GUI elements around programmatically after I lay them out in IB. Can someone please give me the low down on the pixel accuracy of IB?
Adobe Illustrator? Pixel accurate. IB? Hmmm ...
it should be as pixel accurate as laying the objects out in code. If you find yourself needing to nudge the items. It may be because the content placed in them is making them a different size.
In the Size Inspector check out the Auto Sizing options. Perhaps you are expecting them to be center aligned when they are actually left aligned.
