If I use spring rake, it runs my project specs to matter what rake task is specified. It just completely ignores whatever is specified at the command line and runs the specs. Here's an example:
$ spring rake routes
/Users/rsilva/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p353/bin/ruby -I/Users/rsilva/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0- p353/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/rspec-core-3.1.2/lib:/Users/rsilva/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p353/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/rspec-support-3.1.0/lib /Users/rsilva/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p353/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/rspec-core-3.1.2/exe/rspec --pattern spec/\*\*\{,/\*/\*\*\}/\*_spec.rb
Run options: exclude {:expensive=>true, :migration=>true}
# then runs all the project specs
If I don't use spring, it works fine:
$ bundle exec rake routes
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
# then prints out all the routes
I'm using Spring outside of my Gemfile (I did gem install spring).
Here's the versions of spring and spring-commands-rspec I'm using:
$ gem list --local | grep -P 'spring'
spring (1.1.3)
spring-commands-rspec (1.0.2)
Here's my ~/.spring.rb:
$ cat ~/.spring.rb
require 'spring-commands-rspec'
How do I get spring rake to execute the task specified?
Looks like rake is just executing the default task regardless of arguments passed. This seems to be an issue with rake 10.4.0 and spring. Try upgrading rake to 10.4.1.
I really like that Spring is included in the Rails standard Gemfile now. I have a new project I started from scratch where I can just type:
rake <my rake task>
and it's run under Spring so that the whole environment doesn't have to load again.
However, I recently upgraded a project from v3.2 to v4.2.3, and I get an error. It only works if I do:
bundle exec rake
How can I get this upgraded project to run under spring again?
It seems you have system wide and application specific gem sets that conflict each other. Simply remove system wide gems and use Bundler special feature. Bundler binstubs helps to avoid prepend bundle exec every time:
gem uninstall rake
bundle install --binstubs
Assuming the binstubs for a project are in the local bin/ directory,
you can even go a step further to add the directory to shell $PATH so
that rspec can be invoked without the bin/ prefix:
export PATH="./bin:$PATH"
What is the difference between doing:
bundle exec rake
I see people doing both, I never do bundle before my commands, curious what the reason for it is?
bundle exec executes a command in the context of the bundle.
This command executes the command, making all gems specified in the Gemfile available to require in Ruby programs.
Very useful when you have many applications with different versions of gems used
in them.
Please see docs for more information: http://gembundler.com/man/bundle-exec.1.html
bundle exec runs the command after it in the environment of Bundler. So say you had rake 0.9 in you Gemfile, but rake 10 installed in RubyGems.bundle exec rake will run rake 0.9 instead of rake 10.
I am using Ruby Enterprise Edition for my project. When I check all my rake task by run the command rake -T , I got the following error message:
You have already activated rake, but your Gemfile requires rake 0.9.2. Using bundle exec may solve this.
The error message implies that I can use bundle exec to solve the problem, but I am not sure how? So, how to get rid of this error message?
------------------------------ more ---------------------------
I prefer to update my Gemfile instead of run bundle exec rake -T. But when I open my project Gemfile, I did not see rake 0.9.2 in my Gemfile, why the error message complains that I have it? Where could be the place I defined rake 0.9.2??
Run bundle exec rake -T, this ensures that the version of rake that is specified in your Gemfile is running, not another version.
Alternatively, update your Gemfile.
This is because your rake tool does not match the version written in the Gemfile.
You first need to run this command, to ensure rake 0.9.2 get installed:
bundle install
Then, you can run rake 0.9.2 with the following command:
bundle exec rake -T
The bundle thing is a nice tool to help you manage the dependency of your application. You can get more info from here.
I am deploying my rails app to a linux server and i have some of the rake tasks missing inlcuding rake gems:install and rake db
I am running rails 2.3.4 from GEM.
Why is this?
How do I fix this? can I update somehow?
they are missing from rake -T list
rake apache2 # Build Apache 2 module
rake clean # Remove compiled files
rake clobber # Remove all generated files
rake default # Build everything
rake doc # Generate all documentation
rake doxygen # Generate Doxygen C++ API documentation if ...
rake doxygen:clobber # Remove generated Doxygen C++ API documenta...
rake doxygen:force # Force generation of Doxygen C++ API docume...
rake fakeroot # Create a fakeroot, useful for building nat...
rake nginx # Build Nginx helper server
rake package # Build all the packages
rake package:clean # Remove package products
rake package:debian # Create a Debian package
rake package:force # Force a rebuild of the package files
rake package:gem # Build the gem file passenger-2.2.4.gem
rake rdoc # Build the rdoc HTML Files
rake rdoc:clobber # Remove rdoc products
rake rdoc:force # Force a rebuild of the RDOC files
rake sloccount # Run 'sloccount' to see how much code Passe...
rake test # Run all unit tests and integration tests
rake test:cxx # Run unit tests for the Apache 2 and Nginx ...
rake test:integration # Run all integration tests
rake test:integration:apache2 # Run Apache 2 integration tests
rake test:integration:nginx # Run Nginx integration tests
rake test:oxt # Run unit tests for the OXT library
rake test:rcov # Run coverage tests for the Ruby libraries
rake test:restart # Run the 'restart' integration test infinit...
rake test:ruby # Run unit tests for the Ruby libraries
my rake file contains this:
# Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake,
# for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake.
require(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'config', 'boot'))
require 'rake'
require 'rake/testtask'
require 'rake/rdoctask'
require 'tasks/rails'
How do I add the gems and db rake tasks? and why are they missing?
What is the output of rake -T? This should list all avaiable tasks. In a RoR application, the Rakefile defines your tasks.
You can update gems using gem update.
Check your Capfile, if you are in fact running the gems:install from Capistrano. Apparently, the way to do this is to ensure you're in the right directory internally when running Capistrano.
namespace :gems do
desc "Install gems"
task :install, :roles => :app do
run "cd #{current_path} && #{sudo} rake RAILS_ENV=production gems:install"
You could also always specify the Rakefile to be sure using the -f [FILE] option in front of the rake command.
You could try updating your Rails install, or reinstalling rails altogether by passing the --force flag. Do you have any other projects for which this command works? Check the rake files from those projects. It looks like your rakefile is the same as mine though... Is this project originally based on an older version of rails? What Gem version are you running? You might need to do a gem update --system. All these are possibilities.
I suppose you could always recreate your project. Annoying but always seems to help worst case scenario.
At least that'll give you an idea of whether or not it's the project or something in some kind of dependencies issue.
If you are using a rails app, you also have rake tasks defined in lib/tasks/SOME_TASK.rake
if you define the SOME_TASK it will then show up when you run rake -T and be an available command.
I have ran gem install rails and am running 2.3.4
but i am missing some rake tasks like 'db' and 'gems'
if i run rake -T i get the following tasks. How can i get all the others ?
rake apache2 # Build Apache 2 module
rake clean # Remove compiled files
rake clobber # Remove all generated
rake default # Build everything
rake doc # Generate all documentation
rake doxygen # Generate Doxygen C++
API documentation if ...
rake doxygen:clobber # Remove
generated Doxygen C++ API documenta...
rake doxygen:force # Force generation
of Doxygen C++ API docume...
rake fakeroot # Create a fakeroot,
useful for building nat...
rake nginx # Build Nginx helper server
rake package # Build all the packages
rake package:clean # Remove package
rake package:debian # Create a Debian
rake package:force # Force a rebuild
of the package files
rake package:gem # Build the gem file
rake rdoc # Build the rdoc HTML Files
rake rdoc:clobber # Remove rdoc
rake rdoc:force # Force a rebuild of
the RDOC files
rake sloccount # Run 'sloccount' to
see how much code Passe...
rake test # Run all unit tests and
integration tests
rake test:cxx # Run unit tests for the
Apache 2 and Nginx ...
rake test:integration # Run all
integration tests
rake test:integration:apache2 # Run
Apache 2 integration tests
rake test:integration:nginx # Run
Nginx integration tests
rake test:oxt # Run unit tests for the
OXT library
rake test:rcov # Run coverage tests
for the Ruby libraries
rake test:restart # Run the 'restart'
integration test infinit...
rake test:ruby
If anyone knows why this has happened, how i can fix it or anything else that could help, please let me know
thanks alot
seems like the rake tasks for mod_rails.
To run the tests for rails go to rails folder.